what politics does chad believe/subscribe/support to?
What politics does chad believe/subscribe/support to?
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He just repeats back whatever views the Stacys he fucks have.
I went to an all boys prep school and met a lot of chads. There were no lefty chads period, except maybe some niggers they brought in to play apehoop and handegg. Most of them are somewhere between centrist and moderately far right.
chads are apolitical. politics are for beta males that have no outlet for their sexual frustration.
most chads are normie af. i.e., roughly 1980s or 90s-brand masculinity.
Basically yes.
Good thing we are going to save western civilization... so Chad can fuck all the women... r.. right guys? It's totally worth it right?
i'm not chad i get women
i also wave my ms in front of them like candy
This, vast majority of Chads I knew had no clue about politics other than being vaguely left-wing. Chads don't give a fuck about politics as it's a pretty nerdy and autistic hobby.
This. Chad's got more important things to think about, like smashing pussy and working out and the big game
Dying from a heart attack in your mid 20's because you abuse steroids shortly after going on several egotistical rants about how your life is just starting and everyone else is a fucking loser.
Funny considering how many Sup Forumsacks claim to be Chads.
I do agree with you though; following politics is extremely nerdy and autistic.
It was a joke, obviously the memes are not reality.
Chads are left wing in England? That's odd, the football Chads at my school would literally laugh about the holocaust in class and talk about how fucked up gay people are.
UK chads are left wing? I live in a blue state, and our chads are always more right of center even though they don't care much
you think i'm gonna have a sense of humor about my almost non existent women attracting abilities?
Chad doesn't politics. How many buff politicians are there? None since Arnold Schwarzenegger
It's just one big long opposite day in merry old England, they drive on the wrong side of the ride and their chads are fucking lefties.
Whatever helps them score.
Wants to bang a vegan chick? He's the most eco friendly guy ever. Wants the church chorus girl choking ok his dick? He can recite the bible by memory. Wants to creampie a rabid feminist? He's the first guy at the march.
Probably semi-conservative or hard-core liberal. With muscles like that, you either learned the value of hard work or abused steroids.
I can confirm this pretty hard. If you look at our over all group of friends that grew up in the same neighborhood and are now for the most part done with college but try and keep in touch we really don't span the spectrum of political beliefs.
1 hardcore faggot liberal
A bunch of "muh weed" libertarians(4-5)
A bunch of neocon/muh Israel/(4-5)
2 natsoc
We all were either football/hockey players and almost the definition of a "chad"
I don't know it's going to be possible to get most of them to want to learn the truth about a lot of it. The cultural conditioning is real.
Chad is right wing bc he is retarded, new things and progress scare him and the only way he can process his feelings towards new things is with anger
Entry level neo-conservatism or one of those 'I don't care' moderates.
Basically, they are physical savants.
Seems like the pattern in this thread is Chads follow the basic bitch view of the area
> Texas
> many neocons/libertarians
Introverted stoner master race reporting in.
Like really all I did in High school was drugs... lots and lots of drugs.
Jeff pls go
1 What benefits him the most
2 his family the most
3 his friends the most
4society the most
Lot of us cross post on /pol from the Misc and BB.com
Some of the crews are extremely redpilled. Some are complete faggots.
I was a meh football player but captain of the hockey team in high school.
Go to hockey practice high AF
> sick flow bro
> Dat hair mang
Go to football practice
> cut your hair you fucking faggot communist
>"Seth who? Huh, thats cool bro."
>"Why are you still natty, bro? You should get on it. The stacies love it."
And what happened to you?
the only legit chad I know of (6'3, college football player, ripped, handsome) has a gary johnson sticker on his car.
I can see chads going for libertarianism because it's socially acceptable, but isn't fully pozzed. I think if they were honest they'd all be on the Trump train.
While you were getting elbow deep in some teen pussy I was reading Erowid and entering the astral plane via a DMX/Salvia combo.
While you were getting good grades at school I was skipping and taking large quantities of opiates and practicing tantric yoga, on older fat women.
Probably libertarianism because he'd have legalized roids.
chads in north america are not left wing at all
I got negged by reality hard. I worked security at an all black night club and after a couple years went from being a "based black man" ally to a fucking full blown nigger hater. The other natsoc is actually a ER nurse in a super chocalote city.
>Chads don't give a fuck about politics
Nearly everyone in the military cares about politics on some level and there are a lot of chads in the military (especially the infantry).
Jokes on you, pikhal and Tikal were 2 of my favorite books senior year. I was that way in highschool, college and the freedom that came with it was a shit show that ended in a mountain of mdma and bad decisions lol. It actually helped inadvertently redpill me and keep the cultural Marxist indoctrination to a minimum. I learned some really, really hard lessons but paid my dues and fixed my moral compass.
I wonder if this has to do more with an opiate versus amphatamine preference lol I spent college and the year after clubbing until 10 am and the crowd is a young one for sure.
In Brazil, they're normally centre right, but don't really care about politics. Their knowledge is limited to whatever the MSM is talking about at the moment.
This guy will have lived a life with 100 times the fulfillment of yours in the span of a year.
I think lifting natty is pointless unless you can get a physique like that by doing so.
trump around guys, clinton round women
Come join followers of kek
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Chase don't need to change their opinions, whatever they say is fine
might makes right
depends. city fag hipster chads are left. country alpha chads are right wing