How come millennials are so bad at managing their money?
Is this why they're not buying homes or starting families?
How come millennials are so bad at managing their money?
Is this why they're not buying homes or starting families?
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No one taught them how.
>so they should teach themselves
Will never happen.
There's nothing to teach. It's literally just don't spend money.
rent, loans etc
baby boomers make more in interest on their savings than millennials make working. How can such a system be justified?
It's because boomerfags ruined our country with shitskins and horrible job prospects.
But why would any oldfags care about that? They got theirs and all.
No, they were so focused getting through school and college they forgot to save. I am currently finishing highschool and have many grown millenial friends who waste away their money on drugs, expensive clothes, and fancy restaurants. I have worked the past 4 Summers saving 100% of the money I've earned, because my parents were smart enough to show me the values of saving.
Why do people blame boomers for everything instead of taking responsibility for their own failures?
They spend all their money on drugs, alcohol, and apartments they can not afford. Then they expect to eat out every night. I would know because I'm 21.
I don't have any savings. All paper money i get i convert into real wealth, be it precious metals, food stock, etc. Most of the time i have the equivalent to 800$ in cash as a reserv but no tradicional savings.
I just bought a house, now the family thing....I'm on Sup Forums, we know where that's headed
Because we have no jobs. Any decent job these days requires at least a Master's Degree compared to previous generations where only a High-school Diploma was required.
they're avoiding it
sad but true
outsourced their kids futures based on some pipe dream bullshit they read in a first year econ class at college about people just magically retraining themselves with their unlimited funds and free time to take robotics classes or some shit after they lose their job to a chinese bird nest farmer-turned-assembly line robot
Our school system never teaches us to save. In fact I have had professors encourage me to take out loans and credit cards because "it's always better to have money now and you can pay it off when your dead." Idiotic logic
Wrong, you just don't want to work hard
Because there's nowhere for me to work hard. Why else would I waste 5-6 years getting an advanced degree if I could just get a factory job and start a family in my early 20's?
Go be a welder, get a boilers license, become a school/hospital custodian, make bank
And all they have been taught is to SPEND money.
Dude it's like totally like a human right? To have an iPhone? And I totally like, need to buy a new One? Every month? Uurgh, I can barely function without my premium Starbucks ripofficcino every single morning? And can't forget the netflix subscription guys. #sobroke
Though it's probably an attitude problem more than anything else. Obviously you get people who make barely anything because they have few hours of work available and have high rent, for instance, which fucks up savings plans, but my goodness, the amount of money people waste on trivial shit which they seem to think is an absolute must-have is astounding.
boomers are working at later parts in their life, makes it hard for new positions to open up. everything is connections based now. Also housing prices are at a recent high. Why would somebody pay that much?
how can you expect these fuckwits to know the true value of money whey they get a new $1000 iphone every year?
Social Engineering & pointless Degrees.
New KB:
Because they buy $20 avocado toast from the faggy little café around the corner every morning and vacation in Italy every year, while working as an intern for Buzzfeed. No one lives within their means because they need Instagram likes.
Lol this
I have a bachelors. I work as a financial advisor I'm 30 and I have 400k in savings, Roth and 401k. So I mean it's possible. I have no intention of getting an advanced degree. In fact, my bachelors has nothing to do with my current job as it was in biology.
Do you see any milenials doing so on TV or in movies? No, it's funner to live in the streets from paycheque to paycheque. People never grow old right? We just wanna be like the people on tv and be young forever!
Fuck off you larping retard stop posting your bullshit threads in other ones
Have you TRIED avocado toast? It's ok.
I just earned a Master's Degree, but have a (75+ year old) family business in an unrelated field I'm about to inherit because of my father's recent death.
What do?
yes, millions of people and literally none of us work hard.
I dated some young teacher that talked about going back to school so she could get her master's
I asked why and she said that there were some really nice districts where she wanted to teach, but to be competitive schools wanted teachers that had a master's in education
she was an elementary school teacher
dumb as rocks retards.
Learn about DCF valuation and other quantitative and relative valuation measures.
Then contact an investment banking company or division of a national bank and get your company valued by them.
Compare and contrast with your own valuation so you don't get fucked up the arsehole. Sell your dad's hard work. Profit.
We have no reason to save money and never will.
Even feminist sugarbabies don't know how to save money, which is hilarious cuz they won't be able to fuck older men for huge sums of money beyond a certain age lol
Obviously you don't Know anything about personal finances.
Let's say someone was 20 and saved $500 a month for 40 years (retirement age).
This comes out to $6,000 a year and $240,000 at the end of that 40 year time period. Now say you assume you're going to die when you're 90 and you take that $240,000 and divide that to give you a monthly income. That's $666.66 a month. Take inflation, medical issues, loss of job, etc into consideration over those 40 years and you're fucked.
user, there is more to savings than just saving.
>Why do people blame boomers for everything instead of taking responsibility for their own failures?
Because the baby boomers grew up in a time that was fiscally palatial in comparison. House prices were next to nothing. You could afford to actually own your own home outright before you even hit your late 20s/early 30s.
These days thanks for baby boomers fucking the world up we have a fucking army of asians living in our country that buy up all the property ruthlessly and set the prices sky high.
Idiot baby boomers cannot seemingly understand that we are struggling with issues that were entirely different to the ones they had to face. ISSUES THAT THEY HAVE PUT ON US. They actually think that is an excuse from young kids. Not only have they fucked it all up but they are actually trying to put blame on the later generations that they've ruined it for.
Fuck these stupid old idiot cunts.
you're dumb as rocks if you dont save money.
more money = can buy higher quality items and make way better financial decisions in general.
At least you admit it.
This. Millennials I know can't even turn flour into food. They eat out like 5 times a week.
Yes. You're making less than your parents generation. Yes, it's their fault for selling out your future. No, that's not an excuse to be irresponsible. Their parents made less and they still managed to get buy. Learn to fix your shit and spend within your means. Brew your own beer (it's easy as fuck) and clean your goddamn room. Get a savings buffer for the hard times and learn skills in the slow times.
kek. most people in my generation are so self engrossed and narcissistic, they forget that they actually have obligations to society. instead they just fuck off all the time and waste thier money on petty bullshit.
>based leafs dont exis..
>Brew your own beer (it's easy as fuck)
Your post was going alright until you just became the goofiest leaf on this board right now.
I'm 18 and have never worked a day in my life, but I have £5000 in the bank, and I have an additional £2200 in my current account which I'm going to use to buy a rifle I like once I get my licence sent to my house.
>he doesnt brew his own alcohol.
you arent a man, you're just a glorified woman.
Sell the business if you don't feel up to it.
Money does not just sit there for 40 years. You invest it and it accumulates way faster.
>1 post by this ID
I'm 27 (is that a millennial) and own a home and a 2014 truck, and that's because I don't have shitty kids. Families are for squares bros. Stay solo. Stay dangerous.
>he gauges worth as a man by vicarious thrills
Tell me more about you not being a woman, oh stoic Lord of Man.
that bitch is old
look at her wrinkly hands. also the one on the left looks like an ugly banshee.
I gauge men by their ability to do basic tasks.
Too retarded to brew beer? You might as well be a woman that cant do anything except lay there, take muh dick, and pop out a baby you faggot.
Memes like this are stupid and their only use is to sport stupid people, because stupid people share them on facebook.
>Sell the business
>yessss goy, sell the business and give ME control hehe
fuck off kike
Does this include compound interest?
A fucking...
wait, that's actually correct.
Isn't this a ban in pol?
>Does this include compound interest?
obviously not.
Yes goyiimmm give us your money we will take good care of it hehe
>I gauge men by their ability to do basic tasks.
Haha this panicked mental gymnastics.
I'd also bet cash that you're wearing clothes right now that you yourself did not fashion. There's a litany of things you personally use or entertain in daily life that you lack the skillset to recreate.
You LARP so hard you fucking insecure fraud. What a joke you are.
>unrelated field
poor dad
If someone can save $6000 a year. In just 30 years it can accumulate to over $600k. In 10 more years, it will double to 1.2M.
Fuck off, abo.
You literally proved his point by saying that. You cant just hold onto money it needs to be diversified and invested properly. We know that but many many milenials act like niggers and just impulsively consume.
Are you even old enough to be a millennial? You sound like you're 11.
>f-fuck off
Stop being a LARP apologist. These try hard cornballs need to learn.
Go away, why are you messaging me?!?!?!??!?!?
get off our board you fucking goyim
I'm a millennial and I have 118k just sitting in my checking account.
>no argument
dumb stupid abbo BTFO.
The majority of millennials are stupid fucks, but they were raised by even stupider fucks: the baby boomers. They've created a system that is entirely unsustainable. Do you really think the world can afford another generation of consumers that consume on the level of that generation? Taxes, social security and other gibs, brown immigration all adds up to a pyramid scheme that fucks over their already helpless children who were given participation trophies their whole lives. Millennials now have the greatest human communication ability ever created and they use it to hoard little ego points on their social media platform. Nevermind the fact that you can literally watch a YouTube video of someone performing each step of a skilled trade and replicate that. They're just going to sit around in their Facebook and Tumblr bubbles while the land their ancestors built is torn down and replaced with another mosque or taco truck.
What's wrong with homebrew? I know a lot of idiots don't filter and end up with cloudy garbage, but if you're not a lazy retard you can make it very clear.
why Millennial women are saving half as much as men on av women are stupid thats why
>How come millenials are so bad at managing money?
Have you seen the gross debt from the first world countries managed by the boomers children yet?
I literally just set money aside every month out of my pay check. It isn't hard.
Why is it not in investments? Do you enjoy losing money to inflation?
Why filter? If you chill the wort right you will avoid haze.
The problem with saving is that inflation chips away at it and makes your hard-earned savings worth less and less over time. Then take into account you have to go into Jewish debt-slavery (take out a loan) in order to buy a house and its no wonder so many people don't bother.
Well those who aren't blowing it all on drugs.
How come millennials are so bad at managing their money?
Financially illiteracy combined with the need for instant gratification.
My millennial coworkers refuse to even contribute the minimum amount to their 401ks and get the employer match. I asked one of them if he had any plans to start a family, buy a house, or ever retire and his response was "haha like as long as I can afford rent and jiu jitsu lessons I'm pretty good bro"
>I'm a millennial and I have 118k just sitting in my checking account.
That's pretty stupid. Get that shat into some kind of investment. I'm only 24 and I've already made $15k just from parking my savings into some index funds.
This is why we should continue passing policy that increases the income gap. Giving money to other classes just results in mindless consumption. Money given to the upper class is largely put into the bank which is by definition reinvested into new businesses and industries.
>what is college loans
Most of them save their money. These articles are mostly bs.
I have an MBA and make decent cash but it's hard not to spend. Luckily I am living with my parents for the next year or so. Hoping to have about 50k saved up by this time next year.
Cause they dont make money most of the time and buy IPHONES + NIKES
>sees argument
>suddenly realises that he is indeed being an insecure try hard LARPer right now
>goes into total denial and convinces himself that he didn't see any argument to begin with
You are a fucking cornball cunt for real.
Why do you need a rifle though?
I have ummm 86k in various investments. Waiting for a market crash to buy more. Diversifying into crypto now. I have 110k equity in my house, and around 25k in my kids college accounts.
I'm to autistic to spend my money
They're the new blacks, living in the moment.
Hey man if you can do it more power to you it was just goofy advice to throw in there.
If you're drinking so much that you need a homebrew setup then perhaps stop drinking so much to begin with.
>Diversifying into crypto now.
oh no
Because millennials are stupid. This isn't complicated. Millennial culture has always been anti-intellectual. These degenerates actually think audio-books count as reading, and hardly any of them even do that.
And I'm a millennial. I've been around these fucking whiny energy vampires all my life. Gen-Z will be an improvement.
>implying millennials have money to waste
>>sees argument
good try abonigger
Who's asking? FBI?
I just don't buy this excuse anymore. Plenty of my friends have been getting decent tier work with no degree/useless degrees as bank tellers/web masters/IT
People are not looking hard enough.
Thank you for having your shit together, and not being a parasitic asshole like the rest of them.
I feel terrible for you peasants on this board. I turn 30 in June and I'm worth more than all of you in this thread combined. Determinism is truly sad, I'm sorry for you all.
I'm a brainlet so I didn't bother with college, and I only work like 20 hours max a week at min wage so I just buy things I enjoy not like I'm gonna be buying a house anytime soon and can't afford rent.
I bought a bmw to get chicks.
Didn't need it but damn it works.