Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins, or vague accusations about the mainstream media being allegedly owned by communists? Well this Jewish Marxist has debunked the myth:
"Cultural Marxism" is a hoax
Other urls found in this thread:
That's cool but my post number proves that Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School are real and a real threat to Western Civilization.
How were they a "threat", especially since they were all very pro-culture?
KEK has already forsaken you. Give up. You sophistry will not save you here.
Who cares about Kek?
im actually curious about the whole jews created communism. anybody got any good redpills on that?
So what if a lot of communists were Jews? How does that make Marxism and its goals any less legitimate?
communism is just a sham to pit people against each other and get them to surrender all their rights to the government.
Please. What evidence do you have for this?
a thing called history. its still going on.
Oh look, it's this thread again. Remember to sage, kids.
you don't need evidence. just look at communism as an ideology and ask yourself what it is promoting, and what it is demonizing.
Think about it critically. You should be doing this for everything anyway. But communism is literally a philosophy that teaches people that they have a right to another person's labor. It says that (((the people))) should take control of the means of production. "The People" can't do jack shit. It's code for government. They literally use double-speak to lie to people and convince idiots to give up their individual rights. ((People)) don't have rights. Individuals do.
Look very carefully at the dichotomy between Left and Right. Leftism is literally pro-govt. If a lefty tells you otherwise, they either have shitty judgement or they're trying to control you. Because it is a blatant lie.
>those digits
OP blown the fuck out
I study Marxism, actually, so I know what its methods and goals are.
enlighten me on the virtues of communism.
And this exactly post again, get out shill
Cultural Marxism is controlled opposition.
It is the distraction employed to divert attention from the reality of Aryan Genocide.
>pic related
is a great example of how this works.
then explain how I'm wrong.
Well, you have to understand how Marxists understand history, as a struggle between classes. Then you have to understand the methodology we use: materialist dialectics. We understand ideas and culture have a material basis, rooted in the relations of production. We believe said class struggle can be negated through the communist project, and that the proletariat must be in control of said project.
>But communism is literally a philosophy that teaches people that they have a right to another person's labor
Yanks are so uneducated lol
Fuck right off back to /reddit/tumblr/instagram.
Frankfurt School is defunct, but spawned shitty contemporary shit behind it.
Cultural Marxism is just a buzzword that is referring to Postmodernism, or Poststructuralist bullshit to be specific. But both terms are clinical sounding and thus appear meaningless.
How about this: see the video I linked? Tweet it to /yourguy/ Henry Makow.
The Frankfurt School wasn't postmodernist
I never said it was, I just said it lead to shitty contemporary thought like Postmodernism.
How about you fuck right back off to /reddit/tumblr/instagram where you belong, you piece of human trash.
Marxism is the theory that society is made up of two classes, the working class and the ruling class. The ruling class gained its power by oppressing the workers. The very nature of the relationship between the ruling class and workers is exploitative and it's the goal of all workers to unite and eventually overthrow the oppressive ruling class
Cultural Marxism simply takes this idea and superimposes race and culture on it. Whites gained their power by exploiting nonwhites. The very nature of the relationship between whites and nonwhites is exploitative and its the goal of nonwhites to unite and eventually overthrow the oppressive whites.
You can argue about who started cultural marxism but it does exist, and the term refers to more than just "stuff right wingers don't like"
Cultural marxism is being taught in every major university and is even starting to seep into the rest of the culture
Because that's where limp-wristed faggots, shitskins, and blue haired hambeasts, like you, belong.
Now piss off.
>What is Critical Theory?
Postmodernists ran amok with it.
>You can argue about who started cultural marxism but it does exist,
It doesn't. The Frankfurt School had ZERO "anti-white" agenda and were actually defenders of culture.
Why are you afraid of answering my question user?
not a christfag nor a jew but materialism is not genisis. putting that aside. how does a commuist system protect against corruption?
Why are you ignoring my response?
because people are typically phillologists
I also don't get it, actually Adorno and Horkheimer got me into reactionary thought in my teens. I read somewhere that Horkheimer hated Stalinism so much that he hated everything left of conservative.
Cultural Marxism may have been about creating a backdoor for a Marxist takeover. It WAS an attempt to construct a murky, ill-defined to the increasingly de-legitimized communist system. ALL cultural Marxists were communists---revisionists, unorthodox, theorists, but still communists.
By my reading, NONE of them seem to have had a clear sense of exactly what they wanted to see happen. They just knew they hated capitalist mass culture, and the resulting economic, political, and social consequences. That does not mean they were benevolent. They preferred communism to capitalism, but beginning to sense the intractability of the contradictions and problems in practice of communism, they were flailing around trying to accidentally discover a 3rd option.
They never found a 3rd option, and really only succeeded in morphing communist ideas with progressive ideas, and helped create New Left thought paradigms, which may actually prove MORE destructive to culture in the long term than communism, or even capitalism could ever be.
If it isn't real who's paying you to post this every day?
may NOT have been*
I mean to say it wasn't simply a backdoor for communism.
>how does a commuist system protect against corruption?
We don't know what a future DoP will look like.
Yes, Horkheimer went full reactionary later in life.
Why can't you answer my simple question? You made the claim user :)
>a leaf
>he hasn't read the culture of critique
MacDonald isn't credible since his entire set of works is based on flimsy EvoPsych which legit biologists don't take seriously.
I told you. Frankfurt School pioneered the concept of Critical Theory, which was then taken by Postmodernists and turned into the gigantic relativistic clusterfuck of smashing social structures and their "grand narratives".
I don't necessarily blame the Frankfurt School, even though Marcuse was a faggot, but they laid the groundwork whether intentional or not.
Postmodernism is so retarded and cancerous I'd be happy if we went back to Modernists.
why do you deny it exists?
Frankfurt school are neo-marxists, post modernism is neo-marxism
All the power plays and Foucault tripe is the very definition of cultural marxism
Feminism is cultural marxism
call it what you will wether it's soft Marxism, post modernism identity politics or neo-marxism
it's not a conspiracy silly user it's a fact playing out in the humanities departments across the western world and beyond
>they want to abolish whiteness
>they want to abolish the patriarchy
How the fuck do you abolish abstractions?
It's like abolishing sadness or a war on terror. it doesn't make sense and it's a never ending war on an invisible enemy that doesnt exist
CoC isn't even an Evo Psych book retard
Foucault wasn't familiar with the works of the Franks until very late in his life, long after he wrote his most important books.
>it doesn't exist because Frankfurt didn't invent it
That's not even addressing my point. Cultural marxism absolutely exists now regardless of how it started
>white privilege
>all whites are racist
>black people can't be racist
>social inequality means we're being oppressed
all cultural marxism. All being taught in every college. All being used even against the professors who teach it
it doesn't matter about his individual beliefs (and I find it hard to believe a french philosopher didn't know about other contemporary philosophers)
it's how they have been co opted
>>they want to abolish whiteness
>>they want to abolish the patriarchy
Funny because Adorno, Benjamin, etc. didn't write ANYTHING concerning these things.
What you're calling "cultural Marxism" is nothing more than the mentality of postmodernity and late capitalism. If you want to blame anyone for tumblr, "check your privilege", and such, blame Milton Friedman.
>this Jewish Marxist explains why Marxism is good and also Jews are based
holy shit it doesn't matter what any of those people said, it's about how the ideas are co pted and interrupted by their adherants and hpw it is understood and thought.
it's the same story everytime
Foucault was against identity politics, who gives a shit every critical C studies grad student quotes in every peer reviewed paper non stop as evidence for their queer studies paper
The culture industry is especially worth reading for the right. Cultural marxism is a thing but not in the way the conspiracy theorists put it. Paul gottfried understands it better. It's more of turn in late new left theory tiwards culture and away from materialism.
hah LEAF
sorry guys not all leafs are like this
Why do so many people from different countries repost this same thread and get BTFO? I remember last time it was a US flag. Probably a proxy shill. I remember the guy stopped replying to me when I told him that critical theory, which is essential to the neo-marxist postmodernist philosophy was created by the Frankfurt school.
>The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
I'm an American on vacation in Canada, yes.
Jews don't believe in the devil.
yeah stop posting this shitty video you dumb shill it literally explains nothing
Checked, kekd, fpbp, Heil Hitler desu senpai
Fuck off jew
Its the same guy over and over he makes a few blanket statements then gives one word answers either agreeing or telling them there wrong then they pick apart irrelevant semantics about posts that cleary btfo and dont actually respond to any focal points of the argument they/he would ratther just disregard an entire point by saying well x didnt write that or x didn't believe that.
Repeat ad infinitum
The devil believes in the Jews.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The "Frankfurt School" Changed America
read up
>inb4 lefty leaf attacks the source cuz muh zerohedge
>Okay cultural marxism does exist but it's Milton Friedman's fault
0/10 You know this has nothing to do with him
BTW OP posted this thread like 50 times and keeps posting them no matter how often he gets proven wrong. Reminds me of a certain Hitler quote.
"The Devil" is a later Christian invention. ha-satan in Hebrew simply means "the adversary".
Well it certainly isn't Adorno or Benjamin's fault.
If you think the Talmudists of today and their current beliefs are the same as the original beliefs of the Hebrews, then you might just be a bigger dunce than I first thought
Marx was just a Kike hating kike. The problem are Marxists. Same with Frankfurters; they ain't the problem. Those who used their writings to legitimate pedophilia, degenerate life styles and "the new age" have to hang. This includes OP of course.
You're completely correct. It's a hole in all of these Truther intellectuals' thinking, and even academics like J. Peterson get it mostly wrong, mischaracterizing everything.
The Frankfurt school was a mostly incoherent mess of gibbering profs with no real connection to reality. They couldn't influence anything anywhere close to directly let alone develop some stable plan to rule society with. This is a total myth. They couldn't even agree with each other on most issues.
They weren't an SJW prototype. Their works are not filled with "whitey bad". Sure they were concerned about fascism and were hypocritical about authoritarianism. But there wasn't some Frankfurt plan of action to create trigglypuffs and AIDS Skrillexes.
People literally think that Adorno wrote the Beatles songs ffs. They think they were in charge of Hollywood. They weren't. Their books don't say what Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux claim.
To be clear, I like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux WAAAAY more than I like Adorno and Horkheimer, because Jones and Molyneux are coherent at least 50% of the time whereas the Frankfurt School is boring academese with barely 10% relation to reality. But these guys weren't some sort of cacking super villains with a master plan
no it's not en.rightpedia.info
Jews didn't create communism, but Marx was a Jew and Marxism co-opted the communistic ideal along with most of the 19th-century workers' movements.
Marcuse had way more impact on the New Left in the 1960s than Adorno did, I have no idea why the fuck people keep bringing him up.
I disagree with stamping all their works as "rambling nonsense" but you are correct that the conspiracy theories around the Franks go from humorous:
>"they were trying to wipe out white people!"
To batshit insane:
>"they were all devil-worshipping illuminati!"
Adorno was very much against the New Left and even went so far to denounce them as "red fascists". G-d knows what he would have said about tumblr.
Have you even been paying attention to what's been going on in the last few years ?
Yes and it has nothing to do with Critical Theory.
The real irritating thing is they're half right on this, but they keep doubling down on people like Adorno and not Poststructuralism which had a very direct impact on the kind of shit they're bitching about.
I will say: as much as "cultural Marxism" is bullshit, and the video I linked is very spoopy, the Jewess is correct that if the conspiracy nuts wanted to blame anyone of the Franks for the Deconstruction/SJW phenomenon, they'd be better off blaming Benjamin and his kabbalah fetish.
Well, if it's about choosing one of thousand genders like they're products on a walmart shelf, buying Che Guevara merchandise in your nearest Starbucks and sucking lots of big black dickā¢ , cultural libertarianism would be a more fitting term
Radical standpoint epistemology comes out of 70s academia, privelege theory comes from Dubois but latter is picked up again in the 70s by Peggy Macintosh and co.
Micro aggressions again 70s academia. That list could go on but these are somethings drawn on commonly in tumblr discourse.
It comes from a eclectic mix of liberal sociology and western marxism. Post modernism or at least post structuralism comes a bit later or around the same time to the U.S. academy and makes it even more incoherent. The further it becomes abstract and detached from material analysis the more incoherent it gets.
And that "70s academia" you're talking about is post-structuralism, NOT Frankfurt.
>holy shit it doesn't matter what any of those people said, it's about how the ideas are co pted and interrupted by their adherants and hpw it is understood and thought.
>it's the same story everytime
>Foucault was against identity politics, who gives a shit every critical C studies grad student quotes in every peer reviewed paper non stop as evidence for their queer studies paper
Yeah all that just proves that it isn't really the Frankfurt School or Postmodernists or Foucault actually DOING anything themselves.
This kind of Cultural Marxist/SJW thinking springs up from alienated people in the 21st century.
It's like saying that Jesus and Saint Augustine are responsible for colonialism. Because those captains on those ships would cite something from the bible as a rationale.
But how many of these SJWs do you think actually read Adorno or Foucault or Derrida? Fucking maybe 5% of them. How many actually understand anything coherent about them? Fucking NONE of them, because there's nothing coherent to understand.
Derrida rambled on for hundreds of pages of EXTREMELY dense terminology, most of it invented, about factoids of Plato and Rousseau's texts. And Jordan Peterson somehow thinks that led to students wanting to scream about safe spaces and racism.
There's no fucking connection.
When pressed, the more intellectual SJWs will MISATTRIBUTE their ideals to Foucault.
When pressed, the more intellectual anti-SJWs will MISATTRIBUTE their opposition to Foucault.
It's fucking nonsense. These academics didn't have any real influence! Their words were too arcane and their theories didn't really deal with reality. It's only the ghost of their persona or whatever that is haranged into trying to mean something by these people who don't even understand them.
All this nonsense about "cultural Marxism" being the same as the Frankfurt School being the same as the Structuralists being the same as Postmodernism being the same as SJWism being the same as...
>Jew owned media outlet Buzzfeed
>the jew who created it and co-founded Huffpoop
This is just one example out of thousands.
It's almost like there's a concerted effort by some Jews in the media business to push communism and by default cultural marxism. PS your a faggot
Always use archive.is on sources renowned for shilling and clickbait. Thank you.
oops - second link =