A friendly reminder that the stormfags and sjw's are just different colored turds in the same toilet
A friendly reminder that the stormfags and sjw's are just different colored turds in the same toilet
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Dont think marx said that.
That's like saying "I don't think Hindus believe in reincarnation"
Most SJWs probably aren't literal Marxists or don't know enough about him or political theory to meaningfully claim to be so, and Spencer isn't wrong about what he's saying.
You can acknowledge that a shitty philosopher made a few legitimate points without accepting their entire body of their literature you dumbass.
I know that there's more people that have comprehension and thinking abilities on the right than on the left, but they both have stupid fucks.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............. perhaps.................. the answer............... the true answer................... the REAL answer............. lies somewhere............. in the middle...............?
And thats a shit tier point he made.
I wish Richard Dickenhorse would come to Sup Forums and debate his positions instead of paying some 23 yr old fuckup $15/hr to post threads on his behalf.
He said nothing wrong here.
>A friendly reminder that the stormfags and sjw's are just different colored turds in the same toilet
While they both aren't great, one of them isn't a detriment to everything virtuous and good, so I'm gonna have to call you out for being a faggot OP. OP is a faggot guise.
"LMFAO guys, trust me, massive state control with our guys will work, but with other guys XD"
I love how angry he makes autists like you.
Fuck I bet you think hes sexy given how many pictures you have of him.
bump for Mr. Dickenhorse to come debate his positions
>help me, I'm illiterate xD
I'm dropping sweet OC and inviting Richard Spencer to a friendly debate regarding his views pertaining to Zionism and the Jewish Question. Not angry, m8...hungry. Very, very hungry. I must feed on his defeat. FEEEEEED MEEEE
That's not at all what he was saying.
At least the fucking "stormfags" are willing to defend their race and culture.
SJW's want it destroyed.
he said it, but he didn't know what he was looking at, and neither does spencer.
most people are just not intelligent enough to recognize that proles and other "negative externalities" are the side-effects of state power, not market power. that's exactly why the founders argued so intensely about how to create a government that would be as hands-off as possible. "bourgeoisie capitalism" actually means "socialism" once you actually prod one of these people to analyze what they're talking about and identify the causes.
Join the alt center.
>tfw to intelligence for both the left and right
Richard Spencer come feed meeeeeeee
>name fag so senpai notices you
>multiple pictures of the same guy probably a whole folder
yeah I messed up you arent angry just autistic sorry my bad
>People still think highly of richlard spazner
They're both left
>tfw the leader of the Alt-Right is too intimidated by an autistic namefag to debate his positions in the public arena that is 4chins
no, the "middle road" is socialism. mises proved it on paper and then multiple european nations proved it in practice by shooting themselves, slow motion, in the face, for the entire duration of the subsequent century.
Same could go for Trump you fag.
Richerd, you're fat and your haircut is gay.
Friendly reminder that niggers aren't human and OP is a faggot. Go fuck yourself OP. You fucking sissy. You little sissy bitch
>look, Richard Spencer is saying this one thing that Marx said is correct
>haha checkmate racists, this is irrefutable proof that Spencer is a Marxist and there's no difference between Nazism and Marxism
You sure got us
At least indeed. Everything else about them is fucking retarded.
This is a National Socialist board. Fuck off pig
Marx was right on a lot of things at the time including his critique on the Jews.
But regardless, German socialism>Marxism/Bolshevism
Strasser did nothing wrong.
WTF, I love richard spencer now.
Third position already claims the "tafe too smart for left sand right" faggot
Richard Spencer is a Globalist.
His wife is a Communist.
It's time to stop glorifying the person and to start glorifying what they teach. Or, by what they teach, convict them.
I think it's more that they are intellectually and psychologically untested. They rest on perceived truths, rather than going full redpill.
The only thing Marx did right was getting killed by his own disciples
I was somewhat pro-spencer before because you know at least he was doing something, but this is just too much. We need to replace this guy somehow.
Muses was right about centralised socialist states that have fully planned economies. Communes/guilds/syndicates are exempt of that same criticism.
>but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes
Made my night
>We need to replace this guy somehow
You would exchange one piece of dog shit for another? Lead by example.
If you all share the same philosophy and are united by your goal, who needs to lead you? Just organize and go into the streets, not as a group or led by another, but as the People who are driven by the Truth.
hes not wrong. globalist neoliberal capitalism and world wide communism are starting to seem like two sides of the same jewish coin.
That's right fellow white people, don't you love socialism like based hitler? No need to think you're a leftist, it's hitler after all, niggers suck am i right? Just vote for socialist policies to preserve the white race and the right wing will rise agian!
You now realize NatSoc and Communism are both shit and Nationalist-Capitalism is the way. Same battles of WWII.
No shit?
Ethnic classic liberalism is the true Anglo system
>Not gonna lie, former Spencer supporter here.
You probably spent more time shitposting about Spencer than reading his articles or watching his speeches.
Monarchism is the way.
(((richard spencer))) dude dont use that guy as a reference for the alt-right, the alt-right hates his guts
if that's true he should have no problem coming to Sup Forums and discussing Zionism and the Jewish Question
>Equating Trump with Spencer
You parents must have give you a double dose of vaccinations because you're a complete retard.
Spencer is an alt-kike, not a supporter of the NSDAP, or what you faggots would call a "neo-nazi". Spencer is a faggot that does not represent us.
>supporting a faggot
Stop it. He's obsessed with Depeche Mode and has man tits.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually happening.
Nice tabs.
I am certain the most alien life in this universe is less inorganic than this fag's popularity.
richard spencer is known to be a hard leftist on anything outside race. that fag doesnt represent many people.
he just pointing out that neoliberal global capitalism has essentially created a bunch of mindless drones who all watch the same tv, spout the same opinions, eat the same foods, and basically just live in a gigantic global shopping mall where no cultures or values even exist. when the borders are open we all just become slaves to a small (((elite))) group
But he's correct for fucks sake. All your Millenial slobs working low pay jobs, who lack morals and family ties are your neo-proletariat who is disoriented and wants to live like animals with empty heads and fucking random people on hook ups. You pander to your naive Reagan/Thatcher liberalism and this immobilizes your brain
All socialism is shit. whether theyre fascist,communist,"democratic socialism" or whatever its all cancer.
So much concentrated cancer in this post.
Another "libertarian pretends every time capitalism fucks up it's the state's fault" episode. As if the free market and Jewish finance capitalism weren't the driving forces behind the increasing power of government. Money controls America. The free market will always try and kill itself to attain regulations. Capitalism itself may be a dialectic monstrosity, however the individual actors can gain more power and capital by taking advantage of regulation.
> this commie larping faggot
Stormfags and WN's aren't real conservatives, they're just white SJW's who want more gibs for their racial group
Spencer has flat out said that he doesn't care whether a future society is capitalist or socialist as long as it's an ethnostate.
Sure, and the fascists and national socialists shared that observation.
Well, he isnt wrong.
You enjoy being a mindless wagecuck slave?
German socialism is good socialism. Notsocs are fake socialists as hitler abandoned the party platform. Socialist nationalists are who you are after.
Dickenhorse has also said that Ethno-Nationalism is for the weak and that it's dead.
Do you even know what he actually stands for or nah?
>He's obsessed with Depeche Mode
as if their is anything wrong with that
And you base this on fuck all
Hail victory!
>You enjoy being a mindless wagecuck slave?
What's your alternative? Full blown marxism? Are you against free markets?
good video =] subscribed
no socialism is good socialism. Stop being economically illiterate because some kike sold you some feel good memes about muh provide for fellow whites
One leader over a regulated state that shares a third of the influence and profit in industry among managers and workers, perhaps?
Holy shit! Spencer is a socio-fag. Knew he was retarded but damn!
And? I'm alt-right but understand SJWS are based as fuck
>t. taco nigger
It's degenerate music for fags.
Not my channel but thanks for supporting.
BS is right there in his name
the right has anti free market tendencies, that's nothing new or inherently marxist. Fascism was because it recognized capitalism relation to liberal democratic values that lead to atomized individualism, base materialism, breaking down communal attachments and attachments to nation, it's a profoundly disruptive thing.
That's about the extent marx and the right agree. As marx said similarly "all that is solid melts into air" on the matter.The solution is conceived differently, so is the exact nature of the source. This true even of today's right for example de benoist and other new rightists.
Spencer is more respectable than holocaust remembrance MONTH trump
He's pols leader
if anything hes a turncoat commie shill.
>American intellectual
I'd point to the cancerous fat mess that is your country as a failure of capitalism but your dumb ass will just move into "not real capitalism" gear like you're a fucking communist.
Oh, you like capitalism, OP? Selling out your traditions, soil and people for a few shekels or a loan from Goldstein?
Spencer is a retard, but capitalism is as indefensible as communism.
That guy is a gov. stooge. No one even likes that faggot.
By dismantling the predominant capitalist system, increasing workers rights, and increasing state power?
Capitalists are setting nafta up to be a border less capitalism utopia with every shitskinned faggot pouring in.
How is global capitalism different from international communism?
It's all a border less mixed race world in the end
Hitler was a fucking socialist. I'd rather be a commie then a socialist. Face it, Socialism doesn't work Sup Forums, Venezuela is in a mess right now. All you newfags need to leave
There's nothing wrong with individualism unless you want to control the goy.
This is what I'm talking about when I say feel good memes. This completely plays on emotions instead of logic.
As if not controlling a financial market has anything to do with "traditions, soil or people"
>stop being economically illiterate
>I've read misses and know about all forms of socialism and how the calculation problem applies to them if at all
>muh basic economics
Typical gabitalist elitist retard.
>Spencer has flat out said that he doesn't care whether a future society is capitalist or socialist as long as it's an ethnostate.
Oh geez, an ethnostate that's not capitalist? But what about MUH RIGHTS to sell out my race to Jews and other foreigners?
Marx wouldn't talk of it in terms of culture, like many right wingers of a anti free market tendency would. He would look at liberal democratic values as the crux of the issue but rather the social relations. sorell vs marx is good way to see the difference there.
>yeah Z are bad but X is just as bad
Classic leftist ploy. Give a small bit of ground to concede that your failed group is retarded and scorch earth it so you can attack the opposition.
either youre a shill or you went to public schools
He wasn't much of a socialist. He kind of abandoned the party line. Smhardlibe socialism and the natsoc ideology left the party with the strasser brothers.
Oh wow.
Shut the fuck up, leaf. Day of the rake draws ever closer. Go eat some timbits and think about your life.
All I know is that he does not represent our interest and fails to deliver our message. In that alone I don't like him.