How pathetic is it that Trump's fakeness even carries over into how many people follow his Twitter?
How pathetic is it that Trump's fakeness even carries over into how many people follow his Twitter?
Please remember to archive sources with a reputation for crap journalism and clickbait.
Permaban this bot already ffs.
Is this a bot? If so, neat
My brain just happens to be very good.
kys kike
don't give shit publications ad revenue or clicks
archive your links first bitch
Obama had more. Blumpf BTFO
>literally too stupid to realize that this bot is only designed to send you to a website to collect your IPs
Enjoy being profiled and leaving yourself open to malware.
is a botnet?
holy fuck drumpf is finished, madame president soon
kys kike
the original article is much more intrusive and collects everything they can on you to sell
That's not even a bot dude, he's just dedicated.
How pathetic are you butthurt leftist fucking shills in the belief that you can ever change our opinions with your bullshit.
It shitposts in every thread with URLs and likely collects thousands of clicks every hour. No server can operate for free. You are the product. Or a political group is behind it to monitor who posts on Sup Forums. Or nefarious people are behind it to infect you at opportune times.
If you don't trust clicking a MSM news website, but you trust clicking a bot website owned by who knows who for who knows what purpose, then you're hopeless.
>defending a bot
I guess the fact that he uses the term "malware" is enough to diagnose OP as a brainlet
Trump gained most of his followers when he wasn't the President and was a celebrity. Go compare his fake twitter follower percentage with other celebrities and Trump's is good compared to them.
>he doesn't understand what malware is
Oh boy.
He's doing god's work faggot
>No server can operate for free. You are the product
see post Everyone archives links here, retard. Enjoy your terminal brain damage.
He gained 5 million in 3 days.
Explain that.
not surprising
Herlery Clangten's is only 10% lower than our President.
Nice reddit spacing
>oh boy
I would tell you to go back, but I'm having too much fun derailing your poo-tier thread
At least we now know one of the shills who owns or works for the bot.
You're pretty desperate to get people to click your page links, aren't you?
newsweek pls
He's the most powerful man in the world
we are making fun of you because its so easy
whether you change your mind is up to you, if the facts scare you, turn off your internet
my sides
nope isn't the only archive service
I often see anons link
The point is to top giving ad revenue to shit articles like the ones you post.
You are literal cancer
KYS already, faggots!
>defending giving your IPs and profiles to a bot when the point of this website is to be anonymous
You guys need to go back to Ledit.
Yes, good goy! is also a malware site - plus it's illegal to look at - so you should just watch CNN instead
>Whoa dude newsweek would never do anything like that.
>Also please be aware that there is only ONE archive service, not multiple.
>Enjoy ur botnet imma stay anonymous xD
Checked, but it doesn't make you and your bait any less shitty. You keep blabbing on about muh eyepees even though you're shitting it up on NSA's number 1 honeypot.
lol thats a problem with Twitter not Trump you retard
>He gained 5 million in 3 days.
That's not even true. Now please .com/r/Killyourself/
The bot auto-archives to its associated website you dense motherfucker.
Uhhh, yeah. It is.
kill yourself
>reddit spacing
Every fucking time
facts were so scary we didnt go out and vote.
what do you and isis have in common?
fuck you, spammer. based archive autist is welcome here
Please stop embarrassing your country. They get enough shit as it is.
>The bot auto-archives to its associated website you dense motherfucker.
Anyone here speak brainlet?
>thinks we don't see the post where you can't spell basic words while trying to insult someone
Typical leaf.
it's so obvious isn't it. OP is also doing this.
I find it interesting that B.O. has 2 verified twatters
> Typical leaf.
Welcome to Sup Forums, but your overuse of spacing and stale memes are giving you away.
Try lurking a bit more, but you'll get the hang of it champ :)
Now please kill yourself, I won't ask again
Cernovich dropping bombs as usual....
I've never seen so many as in the last couple of weeks
So does Trump
Didn't you hear from OP? is a ViRuS
They have to go back
It is. is on the same subnet as, which, you guessed it, are both domains that this Norwegian bot spams here.
%50??? Hey! That's like the actual burgerlection
Whoa, two archive services on the same subnet can someone say "smoking gun"?
Do you ever go outside?
Typical maple dick trying to remove the spotlight from himself by "exposing" another user. Lurk more dude, bro, shway, bro, tubular. Fuck off
Kys nigger
>Typical maple dick trying to remove the spotlight from himself by "exposing" another user. Lurk more dude, bro, shway, bro, tubular. Fuck off
Typical underage burger using fb-tier insults to try and look cool
You seem to be a bit flustered by my presence. Maybe try a time-out before your next insulin shot?
Fuck you. He's more welcome here than you, and he's a real person.
Fucking tourist
Thanks for having my back QEII
When even Buzzfeed is saying an anti-Trump claim is untrue, it's untrue.
Now get yourself and your reddit spacing the fuck off this site.
Truest post thus far
>being profiled
Not anymore than your ISP knowing you browse Sup Forums and view ads in fucking http, you schmuck.
>losing an argument so hard he shifts the goalposts
>muh clickbait
>losing an argument so hard he shifts the goalposts
My point is consistent and my 2nd post further enforces my first.
Do you even know what that term means?
This thing isn't accurate. I have 88 bots following that I know follow me and it only reports that I have 3.