So since the US is getting fucked by Libtard women I'm deciding to move someplace similar to the US without jews, Muslims, or spicks. I'm thinking about moving to a slavian country since there's nothing bad there except slavs. Should I move to Russia or just say fuck it and take the 24 hour plane ride to Japan?
Getting the fuck out
None of those places will want or welcome you. You will quickly learn the USA is the best place on earth, hopefully going broke in that learning process and end up sucking dick for rides from truck stop to truck stop
Why tf would I want to stay here when antifa fucktards are ruining everything this country stood for
1. Lake Balaton Hungary (white folk everywhere)
2. Open Pizzaria
3. Profit
Sorry you got bullied by hippy girls and hijabis op
>someplace similar to the US without jews, Muslims, or spicks
They don't exist.
Nah, Try Poland. Big country, lots of traditional folks (catholic instead of orthodox), and least shithole of the balkan and slavic countries you could choose. Plus, it's like living in northern half of USA.
Or you could go and get ostracized by all the Japanese for being a fucking weeb otaku piece of shit. ( and an outsider due to your non-japanese-ness)
the white nigger. enjoy user.
Take a DNA test, discover you're significantly Turkish, stop caring about immigration and just chill where you are
That's what happened to me
>No Muslims
There is nowhere that will want you.
Unless you speak Japanese, you will not be able to live in Japan unless you are US military. You will always be gaijin and looked down upon.
Slavic countries are not welcoming of foreigners. They don't care if you have white skin. Their languages are also very difficult to learn and you cannot get work without speaking the language.
My advice is to stay here. You can only keep running for so long before you have nowhere else to go. The USA needs as many people with right wing ideals now more than ever.
there is a reason why slavs are leaving their countries en masse to western countries including usa
quality of life, availability of tech (imagine having to undergo a surgical operation in a country where the facilities haven't been updated since the 70's), and purchase power (good luck finding that high paying job you dream of)
t. polish that emigrated to france a few decades ago
OP, I'm moving to Bulgaria next year. It's a beautiful place with beautiful women, traditional values and deeply rooted culture. I'd strongly recommend it, as well as Hungary and Croatia. I wouldn't reccomend Russia.
>without jews, Muslims spics or Russian equivalent (Churkas, Central Asians and low-class Russians)
Russia has 10 million Muslims who have their own constitutions and parliaments. I love how much Pol sucks Putin's dick but is totally unaware how much Russia has embraced multiculturalism. Go to Moscow, it's full of 'stans
Slavic languages are stupidly easy to learn. The conjugation system is retarded but after that тeбe бyдeт oчeнь лeгкo гoвopить нa pyccкoм
Yeah I was looking into Bulgaria too and also Poland seems like a good choice but the language is a very difficult one to speak
You have to go back. :^)
Australia is full. Don't even consider it. I would take 10 Muslims, chinks, and pajeets over a single yank. Fuck off
I fell in love with Bulgaria on my eurotrip. If you have a bit of money saved up, it would be paradise. I'm working here another year and then moving there. I've had enough of Canada in more ways than one.
Why are you still in Serbia? I visited on my Eurotrip, and you are practically Albania tier. Your EU neighbors in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are much better off. You should move to one of them.
Topkek, they are stupidly hard to learn especially polish or serbian/croatian
We are fucking poor. Just come here when you are retired.
>everything this country stood for
A whole lot of kikery
M8 the reason these countries have no shitskins is because they're just as poor as where the shitskins came from. Good luck finding a job that pays over $30
a day as a professional.
Why the hell not? Considering moving there after I get my degree. Seems like a nice place with western values and a rich history. Are we really that bad?
I won't move to USA/canada , i know 6 languages ans have high iq and height.
Pol told me im not white and that im a subhuman. :^(
There's like 10 different states that are 99% white Christians...
you... do know that right?
I strongly considered Portugal as well, it's a very nice country. I just liked Bulgaria a little bit more. Portugal would be 4th on my list, after Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia.
Only Slavs think their languages are hard to learn. In the states no one who studies them thinks they are difficult.
The grammar is hard but after that the words are mind numbingly simple - every word is so logically constructed you can guess their meaning after a few months of studying. I was reading Пpecтyплeниe и Haкaзaниe after six months of study
> Over 30$ as professional
You retarded australian, good luck getting a wage that pays more than 1-2$ a day, aka more than 450$ a month.
t. Howard Chang
As a side note I'm looking into Austria and it looks like there not getting hit as hard as their western neighbors
Yes because you're another escapist looking for a life reset after having failed to find happiness in a country that for the most part has its shit in order. You people are worse than refugees. Also this country is slowly Americanising which is a worse threat than Islam because at least with Islam everyone recognises it as foreign. Americanisation sneaks up on you.
>my degree
nigger your education system is worthless
You think that south slavic languages are same as easterj slavic or western slavic.
They aren't. Often native speakers cant figure out other group speaking, and I know many bright people who have hard time picking up russian, ukrainian or polish as Serbian.
Not that they dont understand it, but its god damn harder over german or english
Vienna is very expensive, and there were a ton of Muslims when I went. Maybe outside Vienna would be good.
You should be proud to bear the ideals of our anti communist flag. How about you go back to Gallipoli you Britfag
Your monthly wage I earn in a single day. My plan is to work it out here awhile then retire early in a poor country.
No. Fuck u. Our country used to be proud of unionism and workers rights and now it's getting confused with communism so the rich can take advantage of us further. If you want to work for stupid wages with no holidays or healthcare that's your choice.
I'm kinda hooked on Bulgaria, anything I should know before I leave
And in the states English is considered the hardest language on earth (you can easily find many articles attesting to the fact)
In fact every culture thinks their language is the hardest because we are dumb monkeys incapable of looking at anything objectively. All non constructed languages are equally complicated thanks to the human factor. Turkish is a great example of a language with a beautifully simple grammar but retardedly complicated ways of expressing things.
I'm sorry if "my native language is super duper hard and that makes me special" is literally all you have going for you and now you desperately cling to that delusion but literally no real polyglot would agree with you
Lol, why? 70% of your population are essentially bogans which are like 5 americans merged into 1 person.
I don't know all that much on it myself, considering I only spent a week and a half there. But learn a bit of the language, get a nice place in Sofia or Plovdiv or somewhere on the coast. And just live life shitskin free man. Beautiful women, good food, and culture everywhere.
Austria is Germany behind 5 years in the making.
You two including the leaf must be LARPers, muslims or escaping the local authorities from commiting some hideous crime.
My mother was talking there was a factory in Boston full of Portuguese Azoreans and supervisor one Portuguese from Mainland North and spoke Portuguese all the time. There's something wrong with my country if export entire communities into Western Hemisphere.
Yes. You won't find a decent paying job there. Expect to earn maybe $30-$50 a day if you're lucky. You'll live there a few years than realise you have no savings. You might find a girl that wants your cock for the chance of getting back to the USA though. Eastern European women have their own brand of shallow sluts and you'll figure it out in time.
I'm married to a Russian btw I would still take an eastern girl over western. She's great. I told her she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to but she really looks after me the way a wife should.
> Tell him objectively about the statements of your polyglot friends
> He goes full burger
You utter imbecile. Russian can't be easily picked up by a Croatian, groups languages have some similarities in roots of the words but are different languages.
Equating all slavic languages as SLAV languages is like equating American with Old Norse.
Or Latin with Italian.
This is not Amuurican where you pick up a language after 1 week living in Scotland as American.
Bogans are more like your rednecks and trailer trash mixed into a single person. I would gladly give them deported too
Slavic languages are stupidly difficult to learn too. I don't know where everyone is getting this in their head they can learn it. The grammar of Russian is nonsensical the only thing is that cryllic is much easier to read than English.
Aware me where to find 30$ job a daymr Aussie.
50$x 30days==1500$
Average balkam wage
Americanism is sneaking up on you because Americanism, at it's very core, is just another variant of Anglo-ism. And we both come from the same stock.
You notice it because Aussies have developed enough of a distinctive cultural identity that even some values from the mother country will be seen as alien,never mind another anglosphere nation that is also different in many ways to Great Britain.
> russia
> japan
cannot get anymore e-larper than this fat commie faggot
No, that's the average Serbian wage. Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bosnia are objectively worse than Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Greece, Slovenia.
Haha fuck that's worse than Russia then. My Mrs was earning 40 a day in Russia as a qualified accountant. I earn close to 50 an hour in my job here in Australia but I have a good job. It astounds me this yank thinks he can find happiness moving to the Balkans. Life is going to suck balls.
>Objectively measuring the difficulty
>Of a language is possible
I've clearly struck a nerve. Your "super objective polyglot friends" clearly have never studied linguistics.
Btw I'm a Roach (so technically retarded by Sup Forums standards) from Tekirdag living in the US who speaks English, Turkish, Russian, and German, and Russian was far and away the easiest one
My Mrs speaks Russian, german and English and she reckons Russian is the hardest.
Life in a country like Bulgaria, Hungary or Croatia would be a literal paradise assuming you have some money saved up. Like at least 10 grand.
Even if you don't, it will still be better than North America, but it would help a lot.
I don't know about Australia, but trust me, half the countries in the Balkans are a LOT better than Canada and America. In every single way. We are filled with niggers, muslims, feminists, we have no culture, everything about us is shit.
Also they are students of philology and know more langs than I do.
I studied french,english,latin, italian, german and spanish.
you realize ANTIFA is literally everywhere, right? It's only recently that they came to the US
In fact you could probably write a fairly lengthy study about how antifa and the "alternative right" are really just european political movements that have made their way stateside due to the contant cultural exchange of the internet.
You don't seem to be articulating a point regarding the relative difficulty of the language. Russian is a Slavic language, you claimed slavic languages were especially hard, I used Russian as an example of an easy Slavic language, you move the goal post.
I'm pretty sure that if you studied any ancient precursor to English you'd have an easier time learning English, so your point is still lost on me
Your English is also starting to break down btw. Guess English is really tough huh?
>Muslims, or spicks
The west is gonna need both of these breeding and interbreeding like maniacs to keep up with the economic gains of the east.
What have you got to offer? That depends on where you can go and what you can earn. So OP, what do you do?
I'm not discouraging Anglos to come here in Balkans but you have to understand.
You are seen as lazy pigs, hypocritical bastards and oppressors.
People in Balkans are nice because od courtesy, shocking I know.
But I's say 60-70% of people don't like American foreigners except for dollars, let alone living in here
Dont get surprised when a bunch of 13 year olds stab you in a park alley because of not giving them shekels and being american.
13 year olds cant go to jail btw.
Japan is 12 hours not 24. Also in Japan, you would be the foreigner.
Youre a faggot that has seen the highlights of a country and not lived there. And I'm doubtful this American user has money saved. Yes these countries are great if you have money. Everywhere is great when you have money. Guaranteed this American user has no real savings he's just an escapist that failed in life
Again, Serbia is not the entire Balkans. Speak for Serbia, not the Balkans.
Fuck right off. I was born in Canada and have lived here my whole life. It was nice 20 years ago. It's a shithole now.
Must be because it is 5am here and I slept 3 hours?
My point was simple. You can not assume that slavic languages are easy by using one language as an example.
They are so different that it is not doing them justice at all.
I, as a Serb, can barely understand shit from a Russian or Ukrainian.
You as, "American", can understand anyone in anglosphere.
Basing your opinion that ALL slavic languages are easy because one, such as Russian, is baseless assumption because of the simple fact. Aside from having slavic roots, they are nothing alike.
You lazy nigger, we're making good progress on winning the culture war over here.
Moderate lefts are going center, far lefts are going even further left and alienating alot of normies. Youtube celebrities are making Nazi and redpill videos. It's all bleedin' comin' together mate.
gl whiteboi. We'll be there eventually ;^)
I'm sorry Leaf but Croats and Bulgars aren't any different.
We can't tolerate each others asses, let alone a western traditional LARPERs.
Western tradition=/= Balkan tradition
You are the definition of a moron. Kys now.
Slavs and Turks hate Africans. Turks and Arabs fucking castrated your kind there. Arabs secretly trade African slaves.
Not an American and can barely understand Scottish or Australians - I said I'm from Tekirdag
We don't want you here. You'll be one of the many who come to Japan expecting it to be paradise, only to be surprised when the store clerks get pissed off and roll their eyes at you when you're not able to perfectly understand their speech, and the train station attendants yell at you for not following the strict rules to the letter, then yell louder when you don't understand Japanese.
That's peaceful and friendly Japan. Imagine rough old Russia.
brah, i'm 1/3 black most people think i'm indian/mexican. i plan on moving to europe anyways when i move out
no country wants a traitor like you
if youre not willing to stand by and fix your country then you dont have a place here on earth except israel
>best country
The only way to fix the US is sedition. Is that really that you're advocating?
>Not knowing international Jewry all began in slavic countries
ahahahahahahahhaa you really think you can get away from jewry like that?
what the fuck? yeah, using democracy to fight against an oppressive force is definitely seditious right
you use the means given to you by the founding fathers to take back what is yours
in order to do that however, you have to work on educating the populace about the enemy of the republic: the communist faggot feminist coalition
I can't wait to become a citizen, sound like paradise.
Please close the borders just after though, i don't want more european cucks like me coming in and change the genepool so much jews can infiltrate.
You 3 guys are in the places with higher net average wages in the world and you all are coming here kek. what's wrong with USA? Are you suffering civil war - kek? Seriously, come here as retired person with your big savings from there.
Read the Federalist Papers. Oppressive force is what the USA was designed for. Also it's a republic you burger dipshit. Only the party nomenklatura have democracy and they don't have to answer to you or even acknowledge your existence.
Go the fuck back to bleddit you worthless prayer-bead-fondling fantasist.
to try to fix it you cunt. dont just leave the rest of us holding the bag.
desu... its boring here no culture. i like to see nice buildings and white women love me...even more so in europe. I went to stockholm back in 2014 with some of my friends, just so you all know....
not even lying, i had a lay every night and so did my niggas
Russian isn't easy, v picku mater
Objects have gender and cases, adjectives have gender and cases and there's a shit ton of grammar rules. Niggers claiming they know Russian in actuality know just some vocabulary.
I'm sorry, but you are delusional.Show me proof of this, because I don't see it.
Don't listen to any of these delusional weebs, follow your dreams user
Fuck off, we're full
>no Muslims
Pick one and only one.
Several of my friends, as well as myself, have gone much further right in the last 2 years. Pewdiepie is dressing like a Nazi, Laci Green is now "redpilled", many leftists including friends of mine are openly talking about murdering Trump supporters and are losing support and the moral high ground because of it, many other pieces of evidence. I don't have time to link everything.
That's literally all just grammar rules, and those rules are remarkably consistent. The only shit part of Russian is perfective/imperfective pairs and even those are dead formulaic.
Couple that with the fact it's easy to guess the meaning of a Russian word from a few months of studying and you will be speaking it in no time
>Laci Green
Is this that disgusting feminist? She ain't red pilled bro.
>moral high ground
This could be true
>She ain't red pilled bro.
But importantly, she is claiming she is redpilled and openly denouncing SJW culture.
>what is pandering to an audience
Gullible normies lap it up, and in turn will become slightly less SJW as a result, and more open to criticizing leftist propaganda. This is true even if she's just a greedy liar.
>People becoming more right wing is a problem
Move to India; Himachal Maybe.
>Developing Economy, No Discrimination, No violence, Unlike the meme, Parts of India are exceedingly clean and safe, particularly the mountainous regions. White are treated like kings.
>White are treated like kings.
do we get to drink poo goulash?