Anyone feel like there might be a Chinese Happening incoming? That article recently about them having huge and increasing amounts of debt got me thinking. Not to mention that their history is littered with shit popping off for seemingly inane reasons only for millions of their people to die.
Anyone feel like there might be a Chinese Happening incoming...
They own the DNC
Too many of them are conartists and scammers. You can't build something lasting on a foundation of lies.
Coincidentally, shit popping off in China is strongly correlated to large shifts in power in other countries. Weird.
lol fuck no. The CCP in reality is just high end politicians and military generals scamming the CCP itself for more power and money. Matter of fact thats all the CCP really does. Someone scams a billion for their brother in law, another one scams a billion for their daughter and someone scams a high end job for their son. There is no united party its a fucking illusion.
If they just completely embraced free enterprise they would be growing at a 10-15% clip each year with a stronger Yuan, after a short restructuring period, hundreds of millions of people would be lifted out of poverty but no their fucking oligarchs still think that they can centrally plan their economy, that they know better than the free market.
Honestly? The powers to be in Beijing are going to play every angle they can to stay in power - but the difference between now and the past under previous regimes (Imperial, Republic, and People's Republic) is that the Chinese are more addicted to oil than North America to Cocaine and other drugs. The oil must flow...
Lol China is not a centrally planned economy. American education at its finest.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Are you kidding me? 75% of their businesses are insolvent being propped up by their government. They are still very communist in a lot of ways.
>Nobody understands china but i do
Opinion officially discarded.
Sup Chang. New to pol?
They their own housing crisis blooming. There are towns that have been built with no one living there. They are just bought and sold for trade and profit. Sound familiar (2008)!
Another looming economic problem is Puerto Rico state debt. They will default and everyone expects US to save them, the US says no.
so I should start to invest to gold?
>Coincidentally, shit popping off in China is strongly correlated to large shifts in power in other countries. Weird.
shouldnt this mean learning mandarin will be useful?
there will no doubt be refugees, humanitarian stuff, foriegn governments wanting to establish a foothold in china etc
All that metal will not make you fed when the Apocalypse runs outside. That's how the Jews will end.
China is doomed!!
is it time to nuke china?
all the more reason for happenings, the electric party shuffle is happening this year, backstabbing and treachery please.
didnt they already kill all the cia dudes in china?
Why wouldn't they?
>They are still very communist in a lot of ways.
Because all their businessmans from the one party?
These China will collapse articles have been going on for years. Look now, they were wrong then and they're wrong now. China is nowhere near running out of economic growth and already they have taken steps to transition their economy. These growing debt, if there is a debt problem which probably they're isn't, is just a side effect of economic transition. Like look at how much debt our government has. Aso their history is not littered with shit popping off for seemingly insane reasons and the large number of casualties suffered in dynasty transitions are for a large number of reasons. Many transitions and rebellions were caused by preexisting and ongoing natural disasters such as floods, plagues, or drought. Either way, China is in the most secure position it's been in the 20-21st century, evidence of this can be seen in their growing boldness to expand their spheres of influence in SCS, middle east, and Africa.
>There are towns that have been built with no one living there
naive statement of the thread. actual empty developments are pretty rare. these ghost cities that liberal media talks about are just empty because they are new. after a few years enough people have moved in that it is functioning and after 5 years or so it is complete.
instead of starting a city with a village and letting ti grow, they build it all at once and it is natural for people to come when jobs are available.
chinese ghost towns are literally a meme that western journalists fell for about 3 years ago, because it was another stick to beat the chinese with. i am not chinese and have plenty of things to shit talk about the chinese with, but the ghost city nonsense is just stupid.
50 credits have been deposited into your sesame credit account.
The problem with Chinese debt in particular is that such an enormous (and growing) amount of it is non-performing. In simple terms, it's not going to be repaid.
Add to that the hundreds of billions RMB loaned out to developing countries in east-asia and central Europe under the current Belt and Road initiative, and China is in for a bumpy ride. Either China writes off these massive piles of debt into harbors and highways that remain mostly unused, or they retake their investments by force.