These men were killed by a crazy Sup Forumsack

These men were killed by a crazy Sup Forumsack.
Here are his OWN WORDS:

Other urls found in this thread:

white knights had it coming

So you're fine with this.
You're fine with murder on a bus.
How in any way are you better than a nigger?

I hate to go all crazy conspiracy theory on here but this sounds so much like MKultra/false flag.

Either that or the guy went COMPLETELY psychotic in the last 2 months.

Tyrants' blood deserves to be shed

Actually some of his earlier tweets indicate that he was "found to be sane" quite some time ago.
Apparently his sanity has been in question for quite a while.

maybe all the shilling by ShareBlue and Media Matters caused him to react violently

You are a fucking uncivilized nigger.
Men on a bus are tyrants?
You sound like Tyrone's crazy aunt.

Who gives a crap about your worthless opinion. You SJW faggots are going to be pogromed and there is nothing you can do about it.

Anyone that can't handle freedom of speech and expression is a tyrant.

Do you even Jefferson?