Kathy Griffin Already Broken 3: Ouroboros Eater

Her crimes: Holding a fake bloodied head of Emperor Trump, joining ISIS, being old

Her punishments: Removing her sponsors, cancelling her shows, reporting her to the FBI, and whatever we can cook up

Previous thread:

Cultural appropriation is the worst thing about this picture.

some CNN sponsors

Sorry, those are her future venues, here is a list of cnn advertisers

I don't get what the fuck's going on here, is she trying pander to musilm voters?


It's actually happening. They are going too far and people are pushing back. But not just pushing back a little bit, pushing all the way back.


she became muslem

Do you think she regrets not sticking to telling funny stories about her run-ins with celebrities?


Her great claim to fame before this fiasco was that she ran around fucking Bristol Palin's ex, the one who got her pregnant back in 2008.

If you have seen this woman without makeup, it's like ten miles of bad road.

Weird how they used to be friends. Guess he never grabbed her pussy and she's mad about it.

Here's my question: Where is the comedy value in this?

Obviously, nothing that some dumb cartoon frog with an autistic grin on its face does should be taken seriously. Or a man with a moon for a head that looks like a character from a b-grade movie. Or a wacky looking black guy with an afro. Or a bald featureless guy with exaggerated facial expressions.

This is some random indoctrinated celebrity staring stoically into the camera as herself with the severed head of her political enemy during a time where her peers are regularly calling for violence against him and his supporters. That's not the same thing.

>hair piercings


It's pretty disgusting. I didn't vote for Trump (or Hillary) but think he's doing just ok as POTUS. This picture is absolutely disgusting and if it were someone doing it to Obama it'd be a career ender. This should end her career.

For the love of god someone tweet this pic to James Woods

So she got that dog bite on her chin while having sex with it??? Jesus Christ

Thanks Steve!

>Do you think she regrets not sticking to telling funny stories about her run-ins with celebrities?
They were only b-list celebs, so it is about as interesting as bumping into your friends older aunt when you are at the grocery check out.


Hollywood writers are attention whores. She's no good on the casting couch so what else can she do?
>inb4 just go die

Whoops, forgot the underline

>call the first number on that list
>speak to concierge
>"any Kathy Griffin shows coming up soon?"
>in light of a recent incident MGM hotels and casinos *something something hard to hear* no events with Ms Griffin. MGM does not condone any behavior shown in this incident and yadda yadda blah blah blah

It's habbenijg bros keep it up

fucking kek.




>if it were someone doing it to Obama it'd be a career ender. This should end her career.
This exactly. They used victim cards for years against free speech. They tried to silence patriotism. It is important that we try to keep it level, and make sure that if our shit won't float in normie land, neither will yours.

Good on Sup Forums. I voted for and supported Trump ONLY because Hillary is a total loser. I think that he will create work in my sector, and I see it happening already.

Hit the snowflakes the heat, and they always melt. Attacking their sponsors is a great message sender.

Go to great lengths to avoid them. But let them know that you are doing just that. Taco bell knows that I won't be spending my money because of Takai.....Jokes on them, I never gave them any money ever anyway. Who eats that shit anyway?


Holy smokes, she looks really bad. She has aged a lot.


It helps us understand what percentages of rational Americans may dislike Trump but know this Leftist bullshit is getting out of hand.

It helps see how many can be reasoned with.

>Leftists don't believe in firearms
>Right does
>Leftist complain about how "gun crazy" and "dangerous" the right are and how the right "get away with everything" (including murder)
>Provoke said right

Normally I'll list pros and cons for any big decision. But in this case there isn't a single pro to be found for leftists. We, them and the world would unironically be better off if they were simply gassed.

Why is she decapitating messi?

>emperor Trump
you have to go back

Stop the cultural appropriation! It might make the terrorist more mad.


spidey really hates racists doesnt he


Mommy didn't give him enough money for a full Antifa costume. Had to bust out the Halloween costumes.

Gingers are 15 times more likely to convert to Islam.

karma is comedy to a spectator

awww...drumpftards got their feelings hurt.

in all honesty, the dog is far too good for her

How did that awful Breaking911 Twitter account get Verified?


Was thinking this too. That's a dapper doggo

I bet if her and Carrot Top humped, the universe would implode.

We need to start pushing the idea that Kathy Gifford is signaling to terrorists in the U.S. that she wants to help/fund them to harm our leader

>That image

Fucking christ, this place is too much for me sometimes.



Stop reporting this shit. Sage.






2.045 million of those are bought bots.



witnessed hahaha best image




Yes please post more pizzagate, Seth rich, dot connecting highlights etc.



wildly underrated, my fucking sides



Heres what she thought would happen
> post edgy photo
> so brave!
> give career a boost
> libtards laugh and pat her on the back
> sells more tickets to her shows
> republicans get upset but fuck em, they haven't got a sense of humor

What actually happens
> post edgy photo
> everyone, incl democrats and even sjws say WTF ZOMG I can't believe I don't even!!!!
> Kathy apologises, I went too far, now please buy tickets
> everyone still outraged 'no way sweetheart, you jumped the shark'
> 'but but snoop dogg got away with this...'
> sponsors, venues, promoters, agents, fans all leave in droves
> crickets

Its amazing to see a career destroyed in less than a day. Sure she wasnt all that successful anyway, but she has totally put a bullet in her brain. What an idiot.

best meme o'the night, top kek


I live for days like this


So it's another episode of "Crossing DJT is a bad idea"?

I just want to know how everyperson she ran this by didn't have the sense to explain to her that this was a really REALLY bad idea.
It's like she either surrounds herself with the dumbest fucks on the planet, or all of her "friends" secretly hate her and wish to see her destroy herself.

That is purdy damn good. Well done bro.

I've got a taste for blood. I wanna see some real celebs go down. When its someone like Sean Penn or snoop dogg, theyre big enough that it can wash off. Unfortunately for this chick she's barely known, nobody is Hollywood will back her. Not worth the risk. She's sacrificed.


John Lovitz beat the fuck out of Andy Dick after Phil Hartman was killed.

A few things really bother me about this. I don't care about the fact that she did it for attention and to stay relevant, I don't care that it's in bad taste. What I DO care about is the fact that pop culture figures feel comfortable enough that they are willing to normalize the image of our presidents decapitated head. How is this not hypocritical? The left CONSTANTLY talks about Trumps violent rhetoric, yet they are willing to do shit like this? There is something very dangerous about a pop culture figure with 2 million followers on twitter normalizing the image of our presidents bloody decapitated head in a climate where people are constantly calling for his assassination on social media. This shit is fucked on many different levels.


Its high time the double standard comes to a screeching halt because of shit like this.


they're brainwashed m8. you can't reason with what doesn't have any reasoning to begin with

What did she do wrong?
She just symbolically killed Trump, that's pretty normal.

They're both gross.

It depends on the delivery of the karma and presentation. A corrupt aristocratic villain getting tossed into a pile of mud, fancy clothes and all, to seal his ruination is funny. A cartoonish death can also be funny. That same villain getting beheaded by our stoic hero might be a "fuck yeah" moment, but it's definitely not comedy.

Think about that. Killing Donald Trump and his supporters are a "fuck yeah" moment to these people. If they want to maintain the peace, they need to stop this hysteria right now. They should also realize that we are not mooks in a movie who will stand there and let them win, that they're not heroes in a movie who have protagonist immunity, and that the odds that they won't like what comes out of violence between the far left and everybody that they've demonized are pretty high.

I'd never heard of her before this stunt. I'm going to watch out for her shows now. She obviously has a good sense of humor, unlike Sup Forums.

I agree with you 100% but the reason it happens is because the left demonizes the things they hate to a point where even the most violent act can be justified.

In their minds Trump is akin to Hitler, and they view almost nothing off-limits when it comes to assaulting Hitler. It's the whole "Punch a Nazi" mentality being applied to their President.

It's sick and it's twisted but that's how it is. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

It's amazing the attitude improvement women have after a good ass fucking.

She could dredge up comedy from the 50's to rewrite & still be funny. But, Nooooooo ...


She is a faghag. Her main fanbase are 40 year old homos and literal traps. Go check her routines out if you like mate, I guaranfuckingtee youll barely last two minutes watching the first one. And you won't bother with a second.

I think we're beyond saving lads



This people are mentally unstable, they are machines that can no longer change their train of thought no matter what facts you give them. It is Soviet propaganda that was put in place 40 years ago and allowed to flourished with no counter-culture.

what does CNN have to do with this?

Remember this is America buddy. When the time comes, the people will take matters upon their own hands, whether they want to or not
