Sup Forums Today

What happened to Sup Forums? Over the course of the last year and a half the amount of threads with any intelligent discourse has plummeted, while muh memes and muh edginess has soared. Is it plebbit or just normie invasion? Is there any going back?

Sup Forums has always been about memes and humor. We are the old Sup Forums with a political twist. If you want to have "serious discussions", go to cripplechan and circlejerk with the autists about TRSodomites and Aut-Kike there.

Most of this is corporate and government propaganda machines. The rest are useful idiots.

He says, posting an edgy meme with zero intelligent discourse as his thread pic.


>, while muh memes and muh edginess has soared.
Sup Forums was always like that though.

fuck niggers

fuck you too op

I really really really like your comment, do you mind if I save it, stone ya bro?

If y-you insist, s-senpai

>Corporate/Government shills post threads
>media sends normalfags en masse
>quality plummets

I am actually an English teacher to Japanese businesspeople irl lolz
>mfw nobody has ever called me senpai

Because you are too young, maybe? I think you have to be an "older brother", meaning older than them to be called Senpai.

I like to sniff my boogers! It requires doing nothing! Lalalalalalalala!

You may be correct, although at nearly forty I feels an old fag. I think it also has to do with the fact I'm a teacher, and senpai may be a little informal, for my position.

High exposure leading to plebs and shills

>We are the old Sup Forums with a political twist.
Literally kys.
The election killed it. Drew too much attention. It's not hard to understand.

Maybe senpai is an anime-exclusive term after all? Also saved the pic.

On the contrary, the more attention Sup Forums has drawn, the more meme magic has been possible. Just look at the mentions in normie media and IRL we have had in the last six months. The fact that posting on an argentinian alliteration almanac board can affect the way people think and behave blows my mind.

Bring back /mlpol/.

Everybody who says that word is a blithering idiot.

shareblue came here and started shitting up the board. beyond the obvious shilling they flood the board with low IQ posts in an attempt to not only slide worthy threads but also in an attempt to turn off people from being here...which ironically hasnt worked as people like the daily racial hate threads. On a side note i fully suspect they are behind the daily communism im convinced the overall goal of the SJW and liberals is for totalitarian communism.

If you want to save Sup Forumsfrom normalfags and shitposters just post gore and goatse

I don't really know the culture desu.
Have a good un, I got work to do!

You're acting like this is the first time popularity has killed a biard. Lurk moar newfag. Old Sup Forums was a magical place


Come to think it, r9k was also a very unique board until Eliot Rodgers and two more or so

On the subject of niggers the discussion doesn't need to go any deeper than fuck them. It's literally a waste of time because when you're done boiling all the bullshit away, you arrive right back at fuck niggers.