What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

were so fucked

What the fuck is "covfefe", is that a word in english language?

That he is autistic and should be shit posting here

he tried to tweet something and had the phone smacked out of his hand by his handlers

59,000d chess


I think he meant "coverage", then someone smacked the phone out of his hand.

>tfw you win the election despite all the constant negative press covfefe

This is what a coup looks like, or a heart attack.

He jad q stroje. Jis ehole ledt side ia numb.


That he accidentally hit "send" while going to hit the backspace button.

kek, this figures

Impeach Trump


It's still there. 10 minutes. He deleted the WE tweet fast.

It's probably deliberate. Trump wants to keep his enemies unhinged and irrational.

I don't hate trump but the memes from this will be pretty ripe can't wait



Who knows why it wasn't completed. Russians?

this desu, not even meming. everyone makes typos on their phone. the only people finna freak out are the far left loonies. normies will be disgusted by this.

His next tweet should jsut be

"Well folks, that's what happens when you put your phone in your pocket in the middle of a tweet"

Would make him kinda likable and relatable


This is the only part of the "4d chess" meme I actually believe. Trump is a master of marketing, he is definitely the kind of guy to tweet mistakes so his opponents appear petty and deranged.