>father was anglo american military officer, mother was daughter of brewer in Bavaria
>pure germanic genes
>fathered two children, one was unintented daughter with half native american girl and my son with my wife who is full blood korean
>redpilled korean wife(raised in white liberal family)
my bloodline as the only male in my family is soiled with asiatic genes...this is ok though right? bleaching the genepool i better than circle jerking to hitler on a chinese image board
Father was anglo american military officer, mother was daughter of brewer in Bavaria
Ryan James
Adam Powell
Just don't have sons with her.
Tyler White
Congrats, you spawned an elliot rogers
Wyatt Peterson
The woman in your picture is Middle Eastern. This is exactly the kind of non-white immigrant you criticize us for taking in.
Parker Wilson
>bleaching the genepool i better than circle jerking to hitler on a chinese image board
Why the fuck are you posting there then ?
Wyatt Ortiz
Well your penis is happy but your white bloodline is destroyed.
Maybe you can impregnate a white chick behind your wifes back.
Chase Bell
epic meme bro
William Myers
This brawd looks degenerate af.
Jayden Lopez
What's with the pig in her bed?
Luis Bailey
What a fag