Sup Forums it's the current year and Germany is officially for a third time in history at odds with Russian...

Sup Forums it's the current year and Germany is officially for a third time in history at odds with Russian, the UK and the US . So what happens next???

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left one looks better desu

i want fuck her..i neeed fuck her

Nu-pol strikes again.

i not understad

left or right can get the creampie. multiple times a day

Where's the bulge? There's no bulge?

you know what to do

Where do I get a right side?

>Where do I get a right side?

Acquire left side
Feed steady diet of methamphetamine, semen, and water
Watch those pounds melt away


is joke, you want to keep the hair and teeth and skin intact

just fat shame 24/7

Fat shaming I do support.

After centuries of trying, Russia will be finally defeated and get fractured in many small countries. It will finally turn into full Africa tier shithole. European part will get grabbed by various EU countries and get ethnically cleansed.

What a nice dream.

But this time the Jews are on the German's side

>So what happens next???

Strap on your cups, boys. It's time for the Anglo to save Europe from its self yet again!


Hope the brits will keep us out this time.

we remove wurst

If only it was that simple

Keep you out of hwat exactly?

we're getting invaded again aren't we

EU is dissolved

hopefully we nuke germany thus putting it out of its misery

Yeah but you have the better army this time

It's simple, we invade Poland and France. Works everytime

you decide. don't think russia is at odds with germany, they'll probably get closer. just don't stand in their way like a little autist

No hard feelings, okay?

Don't post a picture more interesting than the topic.

If you close your eyes

When did Germans get a sense of humour? More and more of you krauts have been making me laugh recently.

Get your shit together man.

Can't be mad at a dog for biting.

Doesn't mean it shouldn't be put down.

Fuuuuuuuuuck no you fat lover

The world war, obviously.

Sry nothing personal

how is germany at odds with russia?

Right one has better hair.

Well I mean, the Germans invaded you.

I dunno why you're blaming us for that.

this tbqh