Supposing when you die discover that even your worst enemy was just another version of you, who walked a different path?

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So what?

Everybody here seems mostly concerned with how to become as fierce and terrible to their enemies as possible rather than figuring out how to de-escalate and reconcile.

That process only turns us into monsters. Then the joke's on us when it turns out we were fighting ourselves the entire time. Just because of what we didn't know.

We're all one, yes, but we still play various roles when we come into this world. If we have enemies, then we should treat those enemies AS enemies (unless we turn our enemies into our friends). We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

Put down the bong.


We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger.

1. It's not just "another version of you", it's an aspect of the creator. Lrn2LawofOne
2. You don't have to wait until you die to discover that. Most religions are based around this concept, even if the message got dirtied up in the desert somewhere.
3. Not political. GTFO.
4. Fuck off with your Babylon 5-looking shit graphics.

Maybe we are doomed to fight then. Like actors on a stage playing the only parts we can. I feel as if we could do better though, with a little more knowledge.

>1. It's not just "another version of you", it's an aspect of the creator. Lrn2LawofOne

Same thing. None of us are created though. We're inside of and part of God. God did not create you any more than your mother did. You grew out of her, as life grew out of God.

>4. Fuck off with your Babylon 5-looking shit graphics.

Babylon 5 was dope

>Maybe we are doomed to fight then.

No we're not. Fatalism is the ultimate blue-pill.

>Like actors on a stage playing the only parts we can.

Nope. We can play whatever part we want.

>I feel as if we could do better though, with a little more knowledge.

We can.

>None of us are created though.

This. Our bodies are created, but we're not created. That which is not created cannot be destroyed.

Babylon 5 was pretty good, sure, but the CGI was garbage.
>yfw Shadows were Service to Others and Vorlons were Service to Self.

the only thing that wins a war is being ruthless

Supposing you don't.

>Checkmate atheists

My worst enemy is a nigger?

So I secretly want to rape/steal/tip poorly too?

I wish this were true

That's nice as a thought experiment and everything, but in reality it doesn't work. If your enemy thinks you weak, he has no reason to agree to a compromise where he only gets 50% of what he wants, instead he'll just try to take it all.

New Age Bullshit.

Every key is made up of metal,but not unlocks the same door.


There's no way a nigger with an IQ of 70 was ever another "version of me"

Fuck off with your childish eastern reincarnation bullshit and become a man

Then I'd hate myself slightly less.

supposing when you shitpost on Sup Forums, you think of something original to say instead of regurgitating the same mindless platitudes hippies have been chewing over since the sixties?

pretty cool i reckon.
it would be the greatest metaphysical enlightenment anyone has ever had.
then i die lol

You mean "everything is one field of energy, you are not separate, everything is everything" ?

This is only correct on the lowest level, most miniscule fractal one I mean. So unless you´re a neutrino or higgs-boson or whatever it is, this is a flawed mentality and philosophy.

seriously though, science is creating new levels of existence by looking closer and closer and dividing everything smaller and smaller. Some of us know truth from direct experience.

I'm a scientist yet I still know the truth of OP's statement. You are fucking retarded if you think "science" describes ultimate truth. Science can only describe the present based on consistently measurable patterns of the past. But the past does not predict the future, nor can science describe ultimate reality.

You cannot eff the ineffable, no matter how hard you try