ORCPOSTING VI: The Desolation of Smug Edition

Hashtag to use:
NotAllOrcs, RefugeesWelcome, Orcposting

Collection of LOTR pics to use:

Give the facebook page a like:
BOOK . com/Lord-Of-The-Right-550695371985775/

Other urls found in this thread:


>leftists always compare current politics with Harry Potter, it's like these manchildren have no grip on reality
>our LoTR analogies are perfectly okay tho

>using LOTR as a vehicle for satire is the same as unironically using Harry Potter as an allegory and metaphor for current events

you're a faggot

>Harry Potter

One of these is nowhere near being on the same level as the other. Aside from that, LoTR is loaded with allegory intended to draw comparisons to real life - in the 1950s at that. Tolkien was a fucking genius.

Fight fire with fire
Fight autism with autism

If they wont acknowledge their stupidity, we'll just beat them at their own game

KYS shill

3/10 chance it works this time.
The whole thing is pretty pathetic.

The only problem with leftists doing it is that it's effective.


Saved this from FB in march.

>You have to beat them with their own weapons.
>Give'em a taste of their own medicine.
>Fight fire with fire.

You know what, you're a leftist faggot.