Why does Trump make it so easy for liberals to make fun of him


libtards are getting all riled up over "covfefe", while God-Emperor is using this lack of attention to execute more of his plans.


>Like backing out of a international climate deal

Yeah, "genius".

to make them spend their energy on unimportant things
truly a master chess player

not saying what he does is good, but how he does it is. #covfefe

Because this way he both gets free publicity and makes his opponents act irrationally.

It's called being so desperate to criticize a president that you have to nit pick at twitter typos

>an international climate deal that is completely worthless since the biggest co2 producers just dont give a fuck anyways and the point of no return is already past us - there is no saving the planet anymore, it is inevitable

that IS pretty genious.

Because Warren Flood(Gucciffer 2.0) changed the language to Russian and dropped the Author on the file.

Bitte sei nicht älter als 18... Wäre echt traurig.

the guy talks like a moron.

Och, ja, ihr deutschsprächigen Europäer könnt echt gut argumentieren. "Diejenige, die nicht mener Meinung sind, sind unfassbar Unreif, natürlich."
Halt's Maul, cuck.

oh, ist die schneeflocke sauer dass ich nicht mit ihr übereinstimme?

Also, let's keep talking in english

no-one cares, he's not rapist like Bill or murderer like Clinton

>an international climate deal that is completely worthless since the biggest co2 producers just dont give a fuck anyways and the point of no return is already past us - there is no saving the planet anymore, it is inevitable
>that IS pretty genious.

This statement is so outrageously retarded, its not worthy of a serious consideration of argumentation.

The fact that you dont see that, is why I asked whether your biological age matched your intellectual age of 18.

Lieber dicker Untermensch. Deine 90 IQ Meinung iteressiert keine Sau.

he gives them what they want: an opportunity to bully somebody who isn't going to hit them back. it keeps them busy and exposes them as the hypocrites they are, which gives his administration leverage in future arguments.

Kek'd, not gonna lie

Kek'd, not gonna lie

The man is a natural born shitposter. Dont know if its 69d backgammon or hes legitimately retarded but it's what we elected him to do

>Trump does nothing to stop climate change
>It gets hotter
>Now Trump has an excuse to get THREE FUCKING SCOOPS of ice cream

Im on to his master plan

>This statement is so outrageously retarded, its not worthy of a serious consideration of argumentation.

so you have no argument lol

At life- Twitter faggot, do you own a house? No- then you shouldn't have been able to vote.

More like covfefe am I right guise?!

nobody is making fun of trump. this is the best thing to happen to the u.s. in 30 years!

>Like backing out of a international climate deal

Ooh, is it another of those (((climate deals))) where Jews sell "carbon credits" in exchange for shekel, and companies get to keep belching out pollution in exchange for paying a Jew and buying the extra credits given to sub saharan africans?

Because we all know that (((climate change))) is all about saving the earth, you stupid goyim!

So that his opponets underestimate him.


>i believe climate bullshit
>98% of people think is true so must be true
>trump must be dumb cos he backed out of it


he mentioned it in a book he wrote about how to fuck with retards

as we all know, correcting your oppositions typos is akin to winning the debate, being right, and completing a revolution

Covfefe is now Kekistani for peace be upon you

Liberals bully anyone who is not their kind. Kill all liberals.

Gives them a false sense of superiority

For fucks sake it made the news down here too


Go away Malaysian mike

so far the lefts talking points against trump are as follows:
he's racist
he's sexist
he's white
he has small hands
he's a man
he's dumb even though he's rich
show me his tax receipts
two scoops of ice cream
he said grab da pussy
he's talkin to 'muh russians'
he's building a wall
he's breaking up families (who know they're illegal and are fucking proud of it lmao)

and finally,
the cherry
on the fucking-retard-cake:
he made a typo
(to fuck with us)

feel free to expand and add more to the list of genuine talking points the regressive left has used

>when the occasional typo is your only victory
The absolute state of the left

Keep liberals focused on irrelevant shit that makes them appear petty to the average person

It doesn't matter what he does, they'll try to make a joke out of it or criticize it.
>trump cures cancer
>does he hate doctors

Only liberals, give a shit about stuff like this, on the other hand, conservatives are giving a shit about making the country better. See the disconnect? See how your liberal media isnt working? Its funny because the stuff that Trump isnt doing well the media wont touch it for fearing he will fix those issues...so all they have is a fake russia narrative and twitter typos and twoscoopgate to hang on, which makes them look retarded...which american can clearly see and notices...other than the hardcore ultra left wing libtards ofc. keep it up liberals, your doing a better job making conservatives than any superpac could..which is why you all keep on losing.

I can't understand this great deal for a mistyping, posting on a social media. Like it was on 4 chan! Many such cases, I'm your woman shitlord.

Why are all the top replies to his tweets libs shitting on him? Is this organic or are they abusing the system somehow?

Look at the funny word, liberals.

If I had to guess; he wants them to make fun of him. He knew it would make headlines and it makes the MSM look ridiculous to report on such a pointless triviality that millions and millions of people do every single day on this planet

...ummm guys

Rebbit deserves nothing but gas

Why is stupidity so heavily concentrated on Facebook and Twitter? Is there some daily quota for proving you're a retard there?

It doesnt matter what the God emperor does. They will latch onto anything, no matter how insignificant. Throw them the bone and get some real work done while they're crying about icecream or covfefe.

He is BRILLIANT... one tweet and half of all liberals are off talking about a miss-spelled word, conveniently occupied, while he is busy negotiating a new national health care policy

I like how all the shitty little piss ant countries have bought climate change hook line and sinker while China, America and Russia dont give a flying fuck.

Innocent until proven guilty.


this was a psy-op targeting the left to truly finish them

the deed is done

This. We don't give a fuck about the EU's meme religion.

you go grrrl

Those "little" countries probably stood to receive funding for green projects, paid for by the larger countries.

What will Libre also care about a:
>spelling error
>Trump backing out of Climate deal

The answer will surprise you

Good work Slov user.

Liberals spend all their time complaining on twitter and never win elections

Whatever he's doing, it's working great

he is not a smart man

That dick needs to be 1000 times bigger. You should ashamed user

Drunk Trump Best Trump


How can one man troll leftists this hard? Also OP is a fag undeserving of (you)s

Earth BTFO








Because he is a kind god and knows that's all liberals have


He truly is "THE MAN"

>backing out of international climate deal that gimps the west more than all the previous climate deals already have
>bad idea
Are you being serious bacon?

China was a big proponent of the climate deal, though. Syria, Nicaragua and now the USA are the only countries who aren't in the treaty.

Why do liberals claim to hate Trump yet endlessly obsess over every one of his tweets?

Sounds like what most of you depressed crackers do on this site. Kill all racist beta crackers

It's all they have

>Both CNN and the New York Times are actually fucking reporting on this.
>Not even the faintest glimmer of recognition that this sort of shit is exactly what hurts their credibility in the long term.

Trump obviously didn't plan this one, but god damn they really cannot help but shoot themselves in the foot.

I'll play. The Art Of The Deal; pg 45


>imblying anyone cares what liberals think

>obsessing over a spelling error

Kinda pathetic, desu.

Meme magic is starting to freak met out!11!

>Why does Trump make it so easy for liberals to make fun of him

liberals have nothing left but their hostility

The meaning is in here folks. I consider this one of my lucid moments:

CNN and New York Times really don't care about credibility anymore.

They threw that all away with the election, now they are just a tabloid like any other.

that image is fucking gold

Trump is trying to be Citizen Kane. It is his favorite film and a major part of the film was trying to decipher what "rosebud" meant. Screencap this.

Holy shit...

Praise kek!

bless you user

>international fuck my economy up on purpose deal

check twitter for #orcposting, if you havent't already


shadilay my dudes

What did he mean by that?

#notallorcs too


very redpill bro

>its real

Because their memes are week and when they try they hurt themselves.