Caretaker fatally ‘tortured’ infant at Md. day-care facility

This happened days ago, it was successfully buried by the media
Do not let this die


There is an absolute one sided epidemic of shitskin on white violence - constant murders, assaults, rapes and racially motivated attacks. Its amazing how successfully MSM has hidden it. Most regular, non racially aware whites have no fucking idea and genuinely believe the more promoted, mainstream acceptable narrative that blacks live in constant fear of aggressive racist whites. That the statistically (and anecdotally for anyone thats ever lived around them) proven antagonists and aggressors are the victims.

I thought this was the tiger woods mug shot

evil niggers

that nigger is green

Trips don't lie

So when did Sup Forums stop caring about white babies being tortured to death by a nigger?

Sup Forums is probably fatigued. It is so fucking common m8. Black on white crime is simply astounding. I mean SIMPLY ASTOUNDING.
Every 20mins, 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year, a white woman gets raped by a black man in the US. Probably as I write this post a black man has hate raped and cum in a white woman. The thing is: you burgers take it, the kike media hide it right in front of your eyes. You guys are bitches to kikes and niggers like in a big prison and the prison guards (gov) sit back and do nothing and even aid in the cover up (like Obama regime did with interacial crime stats).

It's true, everyone is waiting for someone to lead them, and I doubt the sincerity of each individual's claim to follow. No one wants to die for a cause and that's the problem.