Humans have only been eating grain in the last 15 000 years. We didnt evolve with grain and cant digest it properly. Stop eating this poison!

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its called adaptation senpai , all lifeforms do it sometimes . its the reason modern man can drink the milk of other species as an adult.

>hunter gatherer societies didn't harvest wild grains for eons

storable carbohydrates were absolutely staple for any group to have even a slight chance of survival through winter. go fuck yourself.

stop eating thermally processed meat. eat it raw and get salmonella

Humans literally evolved with grain. The first food product humans ever stored long term was grain. What the fuck man.

oatmeal is my favorite :3

Corn, corn is the problem.
Our bodies do not digest corn.
I repeat repeal corn.


This is the most retarded thing I've read in at least a month bait or not

>we've only been eating it, surviving on it, and doing just fine with it for 15 000 years

Salmonella comes only from poultry. You can eat raw beef pork and fish without getting salmonella. Pork can contain nasty parasites though and beef might have similar parasites in the outer layers.

You're addicted to pooping. Cut out the grains and your guts stop moving and making all the time. Your farts will almost go away, and they won't smell.

The grains rot inside of you, putting holes in your gut. Food particles enter your blood, and poison you. This is all related to the gluten, which becomes glutamic acid in the body - which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that causes the neurons in your feet to die. This is why diabetics get their feet amputated.

Grains aren't food. They're poison for the proles.

that's my fetish

i cut out gluten and lost several inches around the waist in a matter of days. think about it - you've been eating cereal and wheat bread since childhood, and you've always been a lazy piece of shit. while normal healthy kids had parents who gave a damn about their diet and didn't feed them that garbage at all. maybe its the wheat

He is right though. Grain is shit tier peasant food the western man shouldn't be eating. Corn, rice, and oats are vastly superior but even those should be eaten in moderation.

Eat more protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Dark Bread is fine since it contains nutrients, and the carbs are in the form of polysaccharides that don't cause massive blood sugar spikes

It's White (diabetes) bread that sucks donkey ass

If you look at the bones/teeth of people before and after the introduction of grain it is night and day. Yes you can "survive" on grain but the modern white man can not thrive on it.

Small brain

My man, been gluten free for the past year. Best decision of my life.

> we didnt evolve in the last 15000 years

leafs are by far the most retarded people on here

>We didnt evolve with grain and cant digest it properly.
>been eating grain in the last 15 000 years.

I dont think you know what evolution means. Are you saying humans have undergone zero evolutionary adaptations in 15,000 years?

B-b-but corn is a vegetable

>OP: Alan
>Sup Forums: David

Grains/bread has no redeemable properties and no nutritional value to it, its basically filler. Its been shown that mothers who expose their children to grains/breads early in life hinder the development of their immune system and they develop ciliac disease and other gluten allergies. You can live a much healthier lifestyle without it

Bread thread?

>15,000 years
>500+ generations
>haven't evolved to our new diet

15,000 years. Omg leaf are you retarded?

Would have happened if you had cut out any other food group from your diet, you reduced caloric intake and therefore lost weight.

>stop eating meat
>stop eating grains
>stop drinking milk
>just die already


I heat oats, lentils& beans, white rice.
I also eat half a kilogram of veggies.
I poop once a day at the same hour every day and it takes a minute.
What's the big deal?

I did a study where I've been eating white bread my entire fucking life and I'm here to tell you to suck my healthy dick

waiting for the creationistfags

>Humans have only been eating grain in the last 15 000 years

And it only got bad in the 21st century, apparently.

Welp, time to stop eating grains!

Your insides are rotting

Or maybe it's that you've cut calories and moved more.

Tastes good.

Are you demonzing carbs OP?

Why did you waste your time posting this?

Okay, do you have a list of things I should eat instead?

35% of the facts said on QI are wrong

Youre stupid. And laughably unessential to this society

>believing in evolution

People will reply to this retard and not sage. Mods will keep this thread around forever.

STOP USING (thing)!!!!!!!!!
Humans have only been using (thing) for the last (x) years. We didn't evolve with (thing) and can't use it properly. Stop using this (thing)!

>ate black rye toast
>feel filled up and fine

I dont know, OP

Isn't that because the scientific community changes facts on a regular basis like with the number of moons Earth has?

>being a christcuck


i absolutely agree with this. just eat high fat and lots of protein. i have lost soo much weight lost about 35 40 lbs. its amazing how wonderful the feeling of high energy

We're just eating too much of the shit.
It's ok to eat some carbs, it's really just all the refined sugar.
>white bread burger buns
>a whole potato's worth of french fries
>sugar in the ketchup
>sugar in the mayo
>100g of sugar in the soda
Even cutting out all refined sugar from our diets would still leave us with too many carbs from grain, but eating nothing but meat and vegetables will only get you up to about 1500 calories a day, which is fine if you sit around doing fuck all each day but if you actually intend on being active and exercising then you're going to need some healthy whole grain carbs to get enough calories for energy.
Just upping the fat won't be enough if you exercise.

what a stupid evobabble thread. We've been eating grains for a long time (always?)

eating bread while reading this thread

>as no redeemable properties

Or maybe because you stopped eating like a fucking whale