But where does it say "faith alone" and "scripture alone" in the bible?
*sips blood of jesus from golden chalice*
Spoiler: it doesn't
But where does it say "faith alone" and "scripture alone" in the bible?
*sips blood of jesus from golden chalice*
Spoiler: it doesn't
Ephesians 2:8-9
Revelation 22:18-19
Get Rekt CatholicFag
>Hmmmm read King James bible, try and live as Jesus lived.
>Kiss black refugee feet
>Lower boarders
>Support pedophilia and homosexuality
>Support abortion
>support globalism and the Vatican
>Openly support Islam more then Christianity
Doesn't say "faith alone" or scripture alone". Try harder, but not too hard or you might start a new denomination
They aren't mutually exclusive activities for protestants
>Quoting Revelation 22:19 to justify the religious views of a man that wanted to remove several books of the Bible, including Revelation, because they disagreed with his ideas.
Where in the bible does it say "purgatory" or "pope" or "indulgences" or "don't translate this book into common languages" or "contraception is wrong"?
Don't think too hard or you might launch a new inquisition.
I admit that Luther was an idiot on lots of things. But that doesn't undo the good ideas of Protestant Christianity.
The church doesn't believe in sola scriptura, only retarded protestants do.
Tell me again where it says "faith alone" and "scripture alone" in the bible?
I want a new inquisition, protestants need to be burnt at the stake for their hate of the body of christ
That's funny, I thought the new testament was compiled so people would be able to share and tell the story of Jesus Christ without oral tradition fucking up the details over time.