Sum up liberalism

Try to sum up liberalism as best as you can in one photo.








What's going on here?



they are perpetual children who have always gotten what they wanted by crying the loudest. they want the government to replace their parents as the primary care giver.


fart collection because "muh greenhouse gasses"

liberalism bro read the OP

have some more


the fuck is that on top of the cow?


What if the cow poops into the fart tube?

for over 10 years ive seen everything Sup Forums has to offer, but this makes me gag and infuriates me


stop asking questions

day of the rock soon

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "You shall also say to the sons of Israel: 'Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones.



take your Jewish fan fiction and shove it up your ass.


probably a fart collector, not even joking.
because methane is a significant greenhouse gas. and farts = $

>"So you shall stone him to death because he has sought to seduce you from the LORD your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

*stone approaches at great speed*


saw his book in my local bookstore. hid it behind something.

you're too late


It's this.


Nice, dystopia is the final solution.

What was it? I don't wanna click

He looks so PRESIDENTIAL kek what a pathetic self hating cunt, any normal man would've told those whores to take a fucking hike.

Everyday we stray further from gods light


thats actually interesting

you can reduce your taxes by saying "oh but i cut my co2 footprint so fuck you government" and at the same time that bag of methane can be sold to methane energy converter facilities

my only question is if you insert a tube down the cows ass to get the farts, where the fuck does her shit go?



I Lol'ed

What the hell is going on there?




It's got a patented poop vent


They get placed in foster homes, because they're just kids right, they get a new brother or sister around the same age as themselves, who they proceed to beat & rape, because really they're violent islamic 40 year old goat fuckers, as anyone other than a deluded liberal can see plain as day.





Hes getting his dick chopped off and becoming the beautiful flower he was always meant to be.


His wife's son is very cute!



Not what OP meant of course, but reality is always harsh for insular conservacucks.

Also, before we get on the "muh niggers in the south" excuse, let's not forget that 2 of the poorest, most economically destitute states in the country--Kentucky and West virginia--are 90 and 95% white respectively.

around blacks never relax






Reminds me of this


i can hear the monkey screeching in my head







what the fuck is going on?






This is glorious



if you don't refer to that thing as "female" you could be charged with a hate crime

You think that is why ISIS is killing everyone in that area.


guess you have to have rich parents and no real life worries to be a liberal.
if i'd be a liberal i would have a mental breakdown, because it's hard enough to handle my own responsibilities.

Not here, also no gay marriage

why don't you go marry the milk man you fuckin fag

mate this is worse than the mexican cartel boxcutters vid. fucking hell. looks like shes enjoying it as well.


a woman getting stuff pulled out of her vagina. like big stringy things.

It's for research into optimizing livestock diets to produce less methane, not collecting it for sale. I'm pretty sure the tube is tapped into one of their last stomachs so they just poop normally.


The fag with all the shit in his face is Russian tho.

That's not liberalism, that's the global warming cult, the religion of neo-Marxism.

That sweat front butt! Would fuck butt from front.

2nd Entry


You think that this is somehow liberalisms fault?
