Signing up for college classes

>signing up for college classes
>literally have to take multiple good goy diversity classes, even though my major has nothing to do with this
>and im paying for this

ive made a huge mistake bros

Stay strong

Just get thought it as fast as you can.

Keep your head down, and don't bother talking to any of your classmates.

And commute if you can. Dorming is a huge waste of money.

all you had to do was listen

Sounds like you should've scouted your university more carefully.

And don't try to argue with your professors. All it does is make them and their sycophants hate you.

Whats your major?

>going to college
>not learning a trade


>didnt major in covfefe

your fault cuck, you shoulda known the market was gonna change

Fucking this. Professors are scum.

>going to a college that takes federal cash
You played yourself, faggot.

There's no way I could have the mental stamina to deal with the SJW bullshit. I'm in my 30s anyways and too old for college at this point!

>not learning the skill from childhood
>not becoming fully self employed

This. Every punk kid thinks they can win. Just do your time, smile and nod.

poison the water supply of the college

>had some lib arts reqs for my degree
>took history of ancient Roman warfare, 18th century English literature, psychology of psychoactive drugs, and some fluff class about AI potential
>completely avoided offerings involving women's studies and African history (except for Carthage I guess)
Do they make it this hard to avoid shitty classes nowadays? I only graduated 6 years ago and managed to take some interesting classes, even if they didn't have anything to do with my major.

in my country college is free and you dont even have to take the regular classes

>op needs to take 12 hours of advanced neggyhole

I know that feel.

Act like you are one of them..BUT if an opportunity arises to privately redpill a pupil - take the shot

>study genetics
>have to take a human culture class
>think it might be an interesting class about population migration and whatnot
>literally just there to weed out Nazis
>to pass the essays and tests you have to agree to far left ideals
>there's a trick question in the middle of the semester that asks you to argue against allowing free immigration
>if you provide an actual reason, they demand you rewrite it until your views align with the marker
>it's majority non-white

Luckily, the class was removed after the lecturer that ran and designed it was fired for launching into a huge Facebook rant about how Stalin did nothing wrong and the Soviet holocaust/gulags/death camps never happened.

Within my first semester at college, I had a fat atheist who was obsessed with anime, and would always tell us that he did speeches at anime conventions, he was also proactively trying to make the class like atheism.

My other professor was a black feminist, whom was teaching art history. She showed us a video that was trying to tie Christianity into the copy-cat theory, it would claim that it is "speculated" that Christianity is actually a religion based on the sun. She was also a supporter of BLM.

My biology and mathematics professors were based, they were both ironically religious, and actally fit with the "Texan" environment, unlike the other two.

Fast forward to my 3rd year, so far I've had a ginger who said Hillary lost because America is sexist and would call Christianity antiquated, a speech class where the professor was saying Trump was similar to Hitler, a fat feminist for English class whom would also mock Christianity by saying it was a fairy tale in addition to showing us videos that were pro-abortion.

The only conservative teacher I had was a Hispanic whom was also a pastor, and seemed to favor Texas secession (he teached Texas history). My economics professor was a moderate.

I'm always surprised at how professors are allowed to spout political crap, regardless of their party affiliation. I do not understand why English, art, history, and speech professors need to talk about their opinions as if they are irrelevant.

I only go off one the professors if they allow us to write reviews. For my U.S. history professor, he allowed us to write a review for 60% of our final grade, so I took the opportunity to tell him that no one cares about his political opinions, and that I'm not wasting my money to hear him whine. He couldn't do anything bad to my grade as I had over a 100, since he gave tons of extra credit. At worst, a zero for my final would land me at a 95.

writing papers will suck because you'll know it's all bullshit you're saying only to please the faggot professor, oh well. only for 4 months. you got this. it'll pay off. just get a STEM degree bro

All my liberal credits for my STEM degree was in classical/medieval history, so I didn't have to deal with revisionist bushit

>falling for the college Jew
>Not joining the forklift driver master race.

Professor here. I don't understand it either. I keep my personal life and politics out of the classroom (I hide my powerlevel well). All I teach is my course content. My colleagues believe that everything is connected and that they need to talk about Trump and his "Muslim ban" instead of teaching their own subject area, because "If you don't maje your course relevant and intersectional, user, then it is sterile and your enrollment will drop." All my classes are full and waitlisted, and theirs are not, but they still feed me that shit like politicizing the classroom is necessary. They've now formed a "critical pedagogy" group, basically to pad the service end of their CVs, but also to push leftism. Meanwhile, I'm working on my articles and building the research side of my CV.

Drop out before it's too late. Go to a trade school.

This. Tried it once and never again. I can say it legitimately affected my grade after I questioned something she said

Boy am I glad I finished college before this shit got in full swing.


I had a class about the multi media world and law and at the beginning of class we would discuss all the paradigm shifts happening in media.
Because of how college is this would always turn into talking about Trump and would take up actual class time. I met with the professor to tell her if she could end these discussions a little earlier so we could get on with the actual curriculum and she told me that she was not allowed to stop because it caused issues in the past with students who said their freedom of speech was being censored. So yeah, thats the college climat were in right now, Professors are not allowed to break up political discussion. It fucking sucks.

just study in yourup, you tard

Take the diversity classes seriously and vet your classes or you will literally end up reading feminist literature on fat shaming.

t. STEM major who didn't vet classes

I bet the good goy diversity classes they teach in Sweden make the American classes look like Klan Meetings.

Do your prereqs at a community college and transfer out.
It is literally retarded to pay four year school prices for soc 101.

See if you can do any foreign exchange programs, I dicked around in Korea for a semester and talked my way into it counting for my "multiculturalism and diversity" requirement.

>study STEM
>don't have to deal with any good goy classes


>in introductory psych class
>proff says offhand statement that the atmosphere is 70% hydrogen
>respectfully raise my hand to correct her
>"I think you mean nitrogen"
>turns into a 5 minute argument
>pull up google to prove it
>was given -10 points on paper I turned in that day
she called me an "asshole that always has to be right", and that sometimes respecting your superiors is more important than having the correct information

>signing up for college classes
dumb fuck.

I figured out that one of the professors who leads a gender studies class is Jewish . Why does Sup Forums have to be right

You are not hiding your "power level" you're just a pussy with no conviction. Sad

wtf? which college do you go to? I'm at UC Berkeley and our college doesn't even do anything remotely like that.