Abstinence, why does religion value it and is it a good thing?
Abstinence, why does religion value it and is it a good thing?
remember singe mom threads
thats what happens if people dont do abstincence
Nah single moms just neded to use condoms . Only fools get pregnant on acident
>peopl are responsible and if you let them fuck around as much as they want nothing bad will happen
All of Sup Forums is involuntarily celibate. Prove me wrong.
Because if sex was normalized, men from the lower tier would fuck the higher class white and beautiful women who are at the top.
This. Kek.
why do you value putting your dick into organic matter so much?
you realize that you can beat it off even into thin air without any problem, right?
over sexualised society fails. hence porn = absolutely degenerate.
All you need is pic related user