Puts things into perspective


like shooting niggers in a barrel and sage

merkel should be ashamed of dangling cash and tempting these poor people to risk their life by crossing the med in shitty boats

if she really wanted to help these people she could send the money to their countries

Not a single woman or child in sight

The ones that can afford it pay the smugglers and then pay the NGO ships to pick them up about 12 miles of the coast. #refugees

only if you are a nigger that can't swim(so all of them)


Those are the ugliest women and children I have ever seen.

undocumented citizens swimming home from a day at the office

"These people are trapped in the sea! I'll take a picture, it'll last longer!"

All hail based Poseidon

Europe is still about 90% white on average. It needs additional diversity to maintain its way of life.

Why are they all niggers?
They're not even coming from war zones.

funny how people around the world actually pay to swim in the worlds deadliest border

Not deadly enough apparently

Wow, even CNN acknowledges they're not real refugees.

I bet crossing the Israeli border would be much more deadlier.

Africans are the new wetbacks now.

maybe if you sent them all back in the first place they wouldnt keep coming

the med is like 900 miles wide, yet you send your "coast guard" and rescue ships within 100 miles of Africa to taxi them not back to Africa, but to Europe

you bring it on yourself

Imagine putting your life at risk for the promise of a free house and an iPhone.


What war are they fleeing?
They really need to stop using the wrong words here.
They are migrants.

fucking niggers. look at these military age men. either they are invaders coming to take land or are fucking pussy retard faggots that wont fight for their homeland. god damn useless niggers

that sounds stupid because it is
that is not why they are coming
they are coming to take over, they are invading

>better than risk your life for gibsme than risk your life to fix your country

and you allow these people in. people with no fight, drive, who flee when there is a problem
then you wonder why china and japan are eating you economically

At least they've stopped calling them "refugees" I suppose.

I always get so horny when i see a fresh shipment of BBC men land on European beaches, knowing that they are there to breed white wombs. All you beta males can do about it is cry on the internet. And you people claim you're the best the white race has? Hahaha.

I live in a world where a news network blasts the president for using social media, and then turns around and hosts 'muh feefees' slideshows on another form of social media


they are coming in closer than 12 miles now, the refugees basically get pulled out of harbour and dumped , no engines or anything.

goddamnit who gave them lifevests? we need to up the safety requirements to bring them to market so much that they are so expensive the shits can't afford them and drown when their boat sinks like god intended.



He is baiting but it is a fact they will shape the future of europe for generations to come

The majority of them are coming here because they have been sold 'the European dream' once they realise that's not attainable then they will be in a perfect mental state for radicalisation.

Look at what the outcome was in the US when immigrants realised the American dream was bullshit.

If only did they really cross and not just wait for a Soros-funded ngo ship to come by at less than 10 miles off the Libyan coast