Merkel is meeting the Chinese PM - discussion of Sino-European alliance against US

Not even kidding. This is good news. China on our side will mean that Trump is more and more isolated. We are also in secret talks with Russia (Putin was in Paris yesterday) about a based Slav-EU alliance.

This time the Anglo will not get away with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Let the US save you germany... geez dont make it worse

Chinkland isn't worth a shite.

Operation: mindcrime. What an album.

Here is another one.

China & Germany are soon to be best friends.

Fuck Americans. Fuck Brits. I am serious, those fuckers with their degenerate TV shows and degenerate Ariana Grande "celebrities" should stay where they are... in their multicultural shitholes.

Anglosphere vs Rest of World WHEN????

Seriously can't wait for WW3

It's baaaaad fucking news for us because the New World Order is piviting to us to be in the center of the push of totalitarianism. Say welcome to "smart cities" and all that nice chinese commy shit.

use on shill sources.

You guys are going to need something to offset the shit tier social experiment she's got going on....

She's doing what any good globalist does..
Time will tell if such a massive philosophical system will work given the sheer number of savage greedy idiots who will head and profit most from it.

Kiss your ass goodbye IMO. You belong to the world now.