defend this capitalist scum, ill wait. Only fascism can save us frok this
>inb4 amerisharts calling me a commie
Defend this capitalist scum, ill wait. Only fascism can save us frok this
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This is proof that you can go from 0 to millionaire thanks to capitalism. Bye
>some guy who used to buy drugs with bitcoins is a billionaire now
I can't defend this, everyone is supposed to be equally poor and miserable.
what? this is a national socialist board. she would be sent to a camp
>implying buying drugs with bitcoin is not the future
I just want to facefuck her.
Degeneracy sells. This is nothing new.
I'm sorry a 13 year old makes more money that you user must make you feel real shitty. But honestly what do you want her to do stop making money?