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>when decapitation isn't as funny as you thought it would be
Can some explain how she didn't see this coming?

She's a retard. Kathy Griffin has stayed well beyond her allotted 15 minutes of fame. If this is what it takes to get her the fuck off my TV so be it.

its not enough she should be arrested and investigated. If any other gender or skin color or ethnic group had made such a sketch they would have had SWAT Teams up their asses. She is threatening the president of the United States, just because shes a white woman doesnt mean she can get away with it. White female privilege is nauseating desu, they still are above and beyond every single othe rgroup in privelege.

She was probably stuck in an echo chamber (Reddit) so she thought this was normal behavior in the real world just like in her echo chamber

She bought into the media's lies that Trump is Hitler incarnate. There is nothing wrong with killing Hitler, so she and everybody else involved in the photoshoot thought it would be a funny little picture.


>when you tell on yourself

welcome to the mind of the pro-islam elite

>how she didn't see this coming?
Trump derangement syndrome. They hate him so much they lose their mind.