Kids are becoming progressively more mentally ill

>kids are becoming progressively more mentally ill
>Doctors are over-diagnosing mental illness
Well Sup Forums, which one is it?

It's the first one. And it's the Internets fault


Why not both?
People seem to get crazier year by year, but unnecessary medication when simply going outside, socializing and physical exercise would have a healthier effect is doing it's part as well.

>Doctors are over-diagnosing mental illness
Medicine in the USA is a big jewish scam


more vidya and cartoons would curem

this desu, i have definitely infected by the internet, its the cure to all boredom, when i was a kid if i was bored i would have to round to m8s and see if he wanted to doss about.

Kids these days all seem to have adhd and cant function without a phone in their hand. Its not only kids though my dad is like this, glued to his phone for hours at a time.

Wont be long until we are all half cyborgs.

Humans aren't that complicated. We are animals after all. People just like to feel special by having a mental illness. Anxiety and depression affects men because modern society has suppressed natural male impulses like hunting, building simple structures and planning on how to survive the winter, along with strenuous physical exercise and exposure to sunlight and living in a community of

Is it safe to say ADD/ADHD are meme mental illnesses?