>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just don't like the taste. Why would I spend money on something I don't enjoy.

So you're a manchild?

I have exactly 0 euros as disposable income.

Cigarettes are for children. Talk to me when you smoke cigars like a real man.

I like the smell of some cigars, but cigarettes make me gag.

Cigarettes boost your testosterone and you'll get shit done.

So you can't inhale smoke?

cigarettes aren't even real tobacco, smoke a fucking pipe or keep being a pansy fag smoker

I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. What do I win?

its totally addictive you retard

>Smoking fags
>Not using a pipe with loose baccy

Are you gay?

>is using filters
Are you afraid of smoke? Buy some with no filters. Easier than from a pipe.

Autism award

Oh look, a dirty Finn shilling for cigarettes.

>it's not addicting
Did the smoking industry hire you from the shill bargain bin?

I only smoke after a few drinks.

>going poormode with a pipe
So you can't afford a real pack of cigarettes?

>your national anthem


>being afraid of addictions

a good start

vape, tastes better, is cheaper, does not smell bad.

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

can someone explain to me how is this politics?

this is /bant tier shit

That's probably not even true.

>tastes better
a sign of a manchild

what do you win?

>boost your testosterone
>you'll get shit done
stop trying to rationalize your disgusting habit
you smell and no one wants to be around you.
cigarettes are disgusting, cigars, on the other hand, are a pleasant pastime

I vape.

>what do you win?
Aside from bragging rights? You win more time to enjoy the garden of the universe.

Enjoy being autistic hated cunt

Why would I care if I'm hated by the dead? They'll be left behind in the dust and the future will belong to me.

Spurdo just got out of his cage for a while.

pic related, you.

>Enjoy my lungs
>Enjoy smelling good
>Enjoy having an SO
Yeah, I'm missing out on a lot.

i love laughing at niggertier addicts who are addicted for the cancer jew

Why do you think they tell children to get low when there is a fire?

Congrats on not being a degenerate.