Im german

Ask me anything

>mindset of our people

why did you kill 6 million jews?

Bist du so wichtig arschloch?

We like war, so we needed to find someone who everyone hates, so we picked the jews.

It was nothing more than this feeling you have when someone cucked you, but on a national scale.

>are you so important asshole?

Yes i am, i'm going to soon have my second aryan child, and i'm living on the countryside living mostly from my own goods that i farm, are you important?
Stop shitposting and get children

ok, I'll bite.

Why is Germany allowing so many migrants in? This altruism is becoming pathological.

Because our leaders think in fear, fear of the future.
They think we will perish because of our low birthrate, and not enough money will flow into their pockets in the future.
So they need new "workers"
It's the same shit as with the turks back then, people didn't like it but they accepted it.
Our leaders just think in economic ways, not in social, cultural, or race related thinking, they are basically fucking retarded and just care about what their indoctrinated mind controlled mind tells them to do.


I don't really care anymore, they rarely racemix with us, that is not really a problem.
The only problem is that they are raping and sucking the welfare system dry. But after the next real economic collapse things will be different, there will be racewars, of that i am sure.

Hello Bruder. Mochtest du ein bissen gelt mit das Fluchtpunk?

Speak clearly german or english please.

Thank you for the reply.

Fuck off your land belongs to us now!

99% of them are on welfare lmao

Congratulations on the conquest roachbro

>Ask me anything


How pretentious of you.

Can you build nukes and nuke us please?

You wish you stiefgedrissen, you will end up in ghettos like all the other disgusting subhumans.

Just wait til the economy crashes and i'll see you on the street, mein beil sehnt sich nach Blut.

what are "Gutmenschen"?

I would love to celebrate with a white woman, but Ramadan demands sacrifice.

:) fuck off

Deluded people that are stuck in the thinking that everyone of these "refugees" is a high qualified worker, or poor soul that got mental problems because of "Muh war" and is raping because of that.

Good, heil then

I just saw the thread with the russian and thought why not do one myself

Why did you kill my great uncle WW2

But hey, do Turks like the Syrian Refugees?
I've heard you guys do not get along well.

Because he was influenced by the war kike into thinking that we are literally satanist barbarians that eat babies.

what do?
since Spiegel was taken over by Bild (seh nur noch Bilder im Spiegel) they have improved the Lügenpresse for example.

The funny thing is these shitskins fight each other all day long, it's funny really.

>turks vs kurds
>sunnis vs shia
>new """germans""" vs turks

It's the same as with the niggers in the USA they can't stop killing each other

Well most people that are not going with the MS media are getting their news are RT, which also propaganda , but it's a nice change to compare those both.

Those who really want to know truth just google and find something on youtube etc

But since (((Heiko maas))) is trying to delete everything that is remotely anti establishment, idk anymore.

But merkel thought a few years ago that Internet is "new ground" so they did unintentionally enough damage to their thinking, i don't think they can stop the rising of the "Right" "Alt right" now, we will always find a way to inform ourselves.

lol yes
I dk man, they do have the urge to conquest and shit but I don't think they can maintain anything

cant wait until the race war breaks out

I know a lot of comrads are just waiting for the day

its funny because it seems even the fucking turkroaches getting nervous over the influx of all these negros and arabs.

they can tell germans are getting pissed and their lives on easy street might come to an end

yes the thug class always fear the new thug class huehueu

Wann wollt ihr Bayern endlich an uns abtreten?

This is the funny thing about it, they don't come here in the consciousness about really conquering anything, besides a few thousand isis fighters that come disguised as them tu us, they are like ants.

They influence politics and culture tho, not trough their influence, but to our awareness that they are here.
Through their degenerate music and lifestyle they spread it through their children that go to school with native germans.

If they are not stopped soon enough we will all end in an idiocracy.

Do you alohasnackbar?

That guy in OP pic looks like the singer from Colour Haze, forgot his name. Also a German.

>kein bayrer

Warum bist du nicht schon längst wieder deutscher, finde ich sehr sinnlos Hans.

this is me

>If they are not stopped soon enough we will all end in an idiocracy.
Dude, do yourself a favor.
Come here, live here for at least 2 years.
Realize this is an idiocracy.

When you survive this once, you will never say anything bad about refugees again.

Do Germans realise your extinction is coming with your current altruism?

Why is Merkel going to win?

Well.. you are a third world country full of muds.
I know there are some white parts, and that your leaders are retarded commy niggers, but why should i when i survive it, never hate refugees again?

I don't get it.

Yes, most of my friends and everyone new i meet is a total Sup Forumsack
Our propaganda is so fucking good that nobody can't do anything about it.
Germans are scared of change since hitler, everything new can mean war and loss of money, we are programmed to like everything as it is right now.

Cheers. perhaps more Russlanddeutsche would help. not very smart but conservative.
read Bassam Tibi, he's written some great articles.

What do you think about silesia

In my 22k pop city every 5th is of russian descent, idk why really.

But they really blend in and do their jobs like germans. They get really autistic tho when they hear that some fugee did something with an german girl, they turn to absolute barbarians if these niggers do anything remotely against their people.

Did you know is name is Seth Rich ?

My grandmother's father came from there, i think it is weird, it is a mix of germanics and slavs, but that is of no real matter. It is all past.

I just hope that once all of europe get's united in trade and tradition to block out all foreign far eastern and far western influence.

hard to write it, but there are 'preffered' immigrants. please look up Bassam Tibi anyway, perhaps some of his articles would be decent redpills dropped in msm comment sections.

Do you think the US occupation of Germany will ever end and Germany will be free again?


What does the future hold for German immigration policy


Do you think Germanys exporting dominance in the EU will ever backfire?

>close rammstein
>no more fibre to satellite dish connection
>drones useless in oil rich areas
go figure. on the other hand - perhaps she'll close the base to ensure daddy has a fit.

Germany's export will never backfire, this is sadly a fact.

On the immigration, i think it will be stricter with more restrictions, but there will be still alot lot lot of new migrants.

someone give gabriel a pair of clippers, time for pershing protest #n+1, this time with effect.

It's altready backfiring, we work and don't collect the Money others owe us, but tell them they never have to pay it. This country is lead by fools.

Wenn Österreich wieder zu Deutschland gehört würde es ein Bundesland werden, versprochen.

Der Spiegel was always a paper like die Zeit for average and below average people to fancy themselves intellectuals.

wrong answer Schmuli, now get out