Yes, Barron is a public figure. Yes, it's okay to make fun of him.
Do you sweeties need a safe space? Sup Forums supports free speech, this is not r/the_donald
Yes, Barron is a public figure. Yes, it's okay to make fun of him.
Do you sweeties need a safe space? Sup Forums supports free speech, this is not r/the_donald
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers look like poo desu
Fuck off you heartless bastard. He's a little kid, he doesn't deserve to be going through this. Kathy Griffin should be sued for damages.
Niggers lack empathy. They lack human emotion. Their souls are a bottomless pit. Only a true monster would laugh at the expense of an 11 year old's sadness.
>11 years old
>a grown up she boon
I'll side with Baron, thanks.
Think we can find her job -- if she has one -- and report her antics of attacking children online? And say how it reflects on the business if their employees do so? I mean...
Making fun of kids is not okay. You fucking nigger. There will be hell to pay.
I think I like the way you think.
This, please get this nigger bitch fired.
What's wrong with not being able to tell that image with severed head is fake when you are 11?
>Black tweet
Reminds me of the one with the mother of a child who saw her sucking cock posted a picture of him crying.
Countless examples of them nightskins not letting their children remain innocent. Just warped
How is he a public figure? He's made 0 effort to get famous or attention of ANY kind, and he isn't even old enough to enter into a contract. You've got GOP being fired for saying Obama's daughters should make more of an effort to dress nicely instead of jeans and a sweater on days they know there will be cameras around, and now this is ok? Cuz you disagree with his father's politics?
I'm half certain this post was made in jest by an actual Sup Forumsack, but to be quite honest, I'm sick of this behavior. I hope the DNC collapses under the weight of it's own smugness and that the classical liberals in this country that aren't literally insane receive some representation from something that ISN'T a criminal enterprise shitting on it's constituents.
Wrong, Barron is a minor. His father is a public figure.
When I was 5 my parents pulled pic related on me as a Halloween prank. I came home from school and saw my father's severed head on a platter.
It was funny.
Cruelty can be funny. Stop acting like a bunch of SJW snowflakes. Kathy Griffin is a stupid cunt but the limits on free speech just got a little bit tighter because of how everyone spazzed out over this.
If this was Obamas kids you guys wouldn't be defending them.
>Do you sweeties need a safe space?
Can you retarded communists PLEASE fucking learn the concept behind an insult before parroting it out?
Even my fucking dog is able to understand situation dependent cues. FUCKING HELL. You 100% think this place is a safe space, and it shows that you don't even understand the fundamental concept of what communists are using for safe spaces.
I can't wait to shoot communists in the streets.
DAMN! sick burn on that 11 year old bruh!
Who did this?
niggers gonna nig
>what picture?
No it's not ok to make fun of him you sick fuck. He's a kid whose done nothing wrong.
niggers gonna nig
this is how they think and act
It's only a problem when you aren't a liberal. Had he and his family been, there would be cries from millions of snowflakes at once demanding the actual head of the monster responsible.
Since it's Trumps kid, he is stupid for not knowing the difference between a realistic bust of his a decapitated father and his father him self.
Nobody actually gave a shit about Obama's kids though. In eight years, nobody ever seriously attacked his kids for anything.
The left is going HARD on harassing an 11 year old child because it makes them laugh.
Think about this.
> unknown nigger demonstrates she knows nothing
What's the deal here?
>Yes, Barron is a public figure. Yes, it's okay to make fun of him.
By all means keep it up! The 2020 campaign will be sooo much more fun when you idiots try to trot out some tranny, spic, or trannyspic to put up against The Don.
>dont make a scene goy its not like we would if the situation was reversed
Anyone not treating this like the war it is should neck themselves
I can't post with you guys cause Im a celebrity, but please fuck her up I'll be applauding you from here
When it WAS obama's kids you DID defend them. And that was merely over their lazy clothes, not an attack on their intelligence.
Ahahahhah! Justice served boon!
>If this was Obamas kids you guys wouldn't be defending them.
Pol is one person. Fuck you you nigger. I defended Obamas kids. They're kids man, you don't write articles about how obama's kids are obviously autistic and retarded.
I fucking hate you lefties. You have 0 morals. I look forward to the coming civil war.
This is why we must repeal and replace the 13th amendment.
But the beheading pic wasn't funny, it wasn't even a good replica of his head. Marilyn Manson did it better and no one gave a fuck
It makes everyone laugh not just the left
Are you very famous at your zoo?
Of course libtards think he's an idiot for thinking that at 11 when all their 8 year olds are making very deep and thoughtful political observations.
Reminder: Marilyn Manson did it better
I don't care if they show trump being beheaded. Didn't care when colbert threw his cock holster tantrum either. But i don't ever want to hear a liberal cry about me saying the word "nigger" ever again after this.
It was impressive that they told Paul Ryan to fuck off, & fuck anyone on Sup Forums who attempts to defend him
grown 'adults' publicly attacking children because they are the offspring of their political opponent
what picture?
This nigger actually has GIB in id.
are american that much of a pussy. If an 11 yo kid would start screaming and crying at such a poorly made fake he would have got beaten up and called a faggot here
And you're a nigger.
Exactly, by other 11 year olds.
No but we are pussies cuz grown adults need safe spaces ane play doh.
You massive fahghote
That was my first thought. Dude uses the word stupider to attack the intelligence of a man who graduated from Fordham, made over a billion dollars, and became president as a political novice while spending the least in modern history against the most politically connected family on the planet. And an 11 year old. Neat!
obamas kids are niggers though
Best be careful the big bad left doesn't get you, careful now!
You deluded cretin lmao
They think being told they are stupid and to shut the fuck up is the same thing as forcing people not to talk. Its what happens when someone becomes delusional and does whatever they are told by their handlers. They cant process the fact that just because someone tells them to shut the fuck up, they actually dont have to. That would require independent thought, and to go against the narrative which they are incapable of doing.
Awoo bringin the heat!
I'm sure this asshole was a regular Einstein at 11. How was the photo funny? It was just some geriatric bitch holding a fake bloody head. Even if you literally want to kill Trump there is still nothing funny about it.
if marilyn manson was half the edge lord he pretends to be he would have supported trump just for the amount of antipathy he would have received
I'm not going to shit on our side to make you niggers happy. If I make you feel bad, good. I don't buy into (((universal morality))) or (((critical theory)))
Well yea, I mean Muslim kids are used to that kind of thing. So I'm sure the kids there would get beat up for crying over something like that.
Eat shit France.
can you be fired from welfare?
No no no no. I think your confused. The left laughs at it, and then everyone laughs at the left. Everyone does laugh, your just that guy who doesn't realize that everyone else laughing in the room is laughing at you.
Now that's what I call shitposting
Apparently she goes to Clark Atlanta University
>le jeopardy mormon man
Isn't he a Mormon? Must be still salty about Mitt.
>bullying an 11 year old autistic kid
All niggers must fucking hang
>that picture was funny asf
Some people just need the exact treatment directed at them. A video and picture of her head and her family's heads all being decapitated and portrayed as "art" and sent to her. The video goes viral, everyone sees it and makes play offs of her and her family's heads continuously being decapitated and torn off. Sometimes pissing in it, sometimes burning it, sometimes throwing bananas at the bloodied head.
I wonder how fast she would start to change her tune.
>satire! xD
Sure, okay. That's a game everyone can play.
Quick, name a war you've won
Just when you thought the left couldn't sink any lower.
Thank you for providing yet more proof that you kind does not belong anywhere near Western civilization. I've been collecting it all and using posts like this to redpill the last two cultists in my social circles.
In civilized countries--unlike the 3rd world shithole that your inferior genes originated in--we leave the children of POTUS alone.
Fuck it, let's ruin her life. We got nothing better to do. So, someone contact her university
Isn't Donald in France right now? In that case I don't think you can blame the kid for thinking it was real.
>i support free speech
wrong faggot
literally whats wrong with liberals???
I think we got 1 joke about Chelsea clinton being an ugly kid during the clinton years.
Here's something she streamed on periscope a while ago:
>Do you sweeties need a safe space?
Yes, the state must provide me with some sort of hermitage
They can't win against people their own age so they go after kids instead.
Barron was scared because the image was on TV, which used to have higher standards.
I love the talk about how "divided" the country is, no, there are Americans who support the Constitution, and there are antifa-x-americans-of-y-descent-nonbinary-gendered individuals who want to trample it...
Confirmed, she lives in Atlanta.
This is kind of rude considering Barron probably has autism (real autism not Sup Forums autism).
Are you Bettynho Zirigdum?
Ever hear of a thing called Decency?
I think it would be a bit more shocking when it is your dad's head as opposed to some random infidel
Just let these twitter queens vilify the kid, normal humans will distance themselves until only the rabid left is left that promotes decapitation of people they don't like.
They'll just look insane to the rest of the world.
He's 11. Malia and Sasha were never touched by right wing media during obamas term. This behavior is absurd
its only over when she deletes all her social networking sites
>would have got beaten up
Bahaaaaa French kids are too busy running from Kebab or selling out their country to them.
> and called a faggot
Hahaha French calling anyone faggots
Just shoop her head on this pic and reply it
I can't find where anything says Barron thought it was real.
Trump himself just said it freaked him out.
Is this yet more mass hysteria caused by a nobodies tweet?
>be me
>be 10
>my dad is president
>LITERALLY EVERYONE might want to kill him
>see picture of his severed head
>Get called a faggot
You outdid yourself with this one Baguette
Wtf? I love liberals now.
>when user reveals he's an actual liberal
One liberal tells a lie, a thousand liberals believes it.
I just observed some weird effect taking effect on me. I was very mad at those tweets, especially that smiley spam, but then I noticed the person is a nigger and suddenly all the mad was gone. It's like... you can't be mad at a dog shitting on your lawn, right? Maybr for a second but then that's it. It's just what dogs do.
I'm as calm as a flower now.