Ask your awnsers. Id gonna change cause im using mobile
Venezuelan user here AMA
Why is she shirtless?
How much better would Venezuela be if Chavez didn't die? 5% better?
Also was there any internal debate within the Chavistas during the oil boom to invest the oil money besides dumping it all into welfare and subsidies?
The CIA will not do a coup for you, they are busy with Norks, sorry
: ^(
>brown pancake nipples
For those who are angry, are they angry about socialism or are they just angered by Maduro?
Topless protest
Prob, he had control over his people maduro doesnt
10/10 tits, that's all I've got - out
Fucking faggot
Go back to Varg where you're allowed to be racist to pussy
Implying you wouldnt
What a homo lol
I am getting sick of you. There are more than 2 million refugees here. REEeee fuck offwe are full
It can't be that bad over there. We can clearly see a fat chick.
i wanna suck those hershey kisses
do you have a steady reliable flow of food and clean water every day?
or are you in the .gif grabbing and pulling on a sack of potatoes on the side of a road
In which part of the country are the protests the worst?
I will send you a couple then. You will feed them :D
Why are your rich blocking food from your poor?
Now that you've lived under communism, what is it like? Too many people who come still seem to think it is a unicorn system.
Doesn't maduro make a few public appearances?
Why can't one of you just shoot the fucker.
It is not that user who needs to go back.
When are you guys going to realize that a large aspect of your downfall is due to problems with your culture that focus too much on :
> Vanity
> Pleasure
> Bravado
and not enough on
> Education
> Working smart
> Working towards the future
My dick
the reason libtards support communism is because they think they can do nothing but the first 3 and someone else can do the last 3.
Are many Venezuelans leaving the country?
If so,do you know to which countries are they going?
stfu liberal
¿cómo puedo pasar?
If your dick is legitmately racist than its you who has the problem here
Are you dead?
>if you dont fuck a white landwhale then your dick is racist
id rather be racist
Some SEXY little titties there fuck nigger
Why aren't you celebrating all the chaos deep inside that pussy?
this go out and rape bro
Are you implying that I posted a landwhale?
im implying u posted an ugly brown pancake nipple whore.
Post more sexy protesters pl0x
She wants to show off her disgusting chocolate nipples.
Because it´s hot in Caracas.
OP Can't even respond to his own AMA in a timely manner...
I think I have my answer.
OP, how bad is it in real?
could a white travel trough your sunshine-country?
That is the only way women can get attention.
If a bunch of women just show up and start marching around and shouting, no one really bothers because they shout pretty much all the time anyway.
But if they get naked, BAM, out come the cameras.
Why does she cover her face?
How can you be so assblasted poor, and at the same time have the largest reserve of oil in the world?
Are you ever going to put those two things together and realize that your system of governing yourselves sucks ass?
>repressed burger thinks that breasts are too private for public
Drink methanol, Sunni jackass.
William LeGate -- you can cover up your face, but I would recognize those nipples anywhere
>port communism is because they think they can do nothing but the first 3 and someone else can do the last 3.
Was that picture a "banging body shame about the face" protest?
Who fucking cares,,,, Id still hit it, although I might get distracted wondering whats under the bandana… better take her from behind...
Shame about your crushing poverty, though it'll probably reduce the level of fat chicks in your country…. she looks about just right to me.
Wish I had better questions… but Ive been following your situation, and have a decent handle on whats going on there… wait heres one
what are the chances of a decent (successful) uprising in Venezuela right now? like 20%
Bitumen is not the same as light sweet crude.
Another fucking idiot burger talking about shit he has less than no fucking clue about. Choke on a ham sandwich you useless daddy's boy.
How r-selected
Ask me, the other guy is an imperialist agent
goto 11th reply
Tits or GTFO!
Wait. Oh, thx.
We gonna answer all your question. We are very hungry but we can afford internet bills and money to pay english courses
Please, be gentle
Seriously can we just start merging these destitute countries in upheaval? Like Colombia could take you in right? Maybe just sort of annex it even though it is culturally Venezuela.
be fooled by the jews
If your current president were to be removed, do you think that the situation in Venezuela would improve? Isn't your economy basically too reliant on oil and shit would be fucked anyway?
Is Brazil the next Venezuela? With all its corruption and uneducated poor clamouring for more socialism?
It isn't bad idea. If this end in a civil war, Colombia would probably intervene and finally annex part of our territory to theirs
Venezuela civil war is totally going to happen if the crisis exacerbate until a massive starvation
It was a women's protest
Still fucked up but the man knew how to handle people
I don't need them
Does your dad know you're gay?
Angry about everything, about being mocked by the govmt, about being killed by the military and criminals, about food
That's the overall number around the world also my cousin is there
Thanks God yes
Every urban center is a war zone
It is goy
Latin american countries, Florida and few to Europe
Con dolares
Do you realise it's not us that manage that money right
How are you guys coping up with the situation?
Are you guys safe?
Cuando quieras
Also check out this shit
Well I throw molotovs at the military idk about the other ones
Country economy isn't growing because Maduro dictatorship isn't reliable. Every investment you make here is going to be worthless for you because you won't be able to profit it because the government doesn't allow you to do so. You can't either import stuff because having dollars is illegal in Venezuela.
It isn't the first time we have low oil prices. Before, we had planned to diversify our economy in order to afford for everything when oil prices were low, but it didn't last much because Chávez took office and then implemented the exchange control, massive expropriations, economy regulations which ended destroying industries
We were doing well before Chávez, and we will do well when Maduro leave
>civil war
I have been saying this since the first guarimbas, you can even look up my posts in the archive:
Either Maduro fucks off willingly or he stays here forever. The people aren't going to do shit.
Would supplies and equipment for an electronics repair shop be useful?
Why would you diversify the fucking economy when you have a black gold mine and can take all the money you want and nobody gives a shit?
Whatever happens will be because the military wants to, they have the power here, not us, not the government
Why would we need equipment and supplies for an electronics repair shop?
I'm a commie who's willing to work. That doesn't sound bad at all desu
why haven't you left to brazil yet?
>I'm doing the revolution, but I'm still a whore that likes to show her tits
Why are women so bad at revolutions?
Civil war could happen once the army forces get divided.
Several institutions in differents countries have already forecasted such scenario
Maduro won't last forever. He can't because he hasn't enough money
There are plenty of black chicks I'd fuck but I'd bet big money that one looks awful naked and without makeup.
More pics like this one, please
>Well I throw molotovs at the military idk about the other ones
Well uh, not the answer I was expecting but still, stay safe and hang in there bro
Not even pancake
More like hershey kisses
This place is a paradise even tho half of the beautiful girls have left
Give that shitskin bitch a shirt. Her boobs are disgusting.
Is it true your people are so desperate that I could buy a harem of young venezuelan women for myself with just a roll of toilet paper?
Post turk boobs then
Can't argue with those numbers
Will I get a gf if I build a shield and throw molotovs in the vanguard?
Not yet but soon enough
Wait, you mean you don't have electronics there? Dios mio, that's fucked up.
Redpill me on hunger bonds
what do you think her workout routine is?
lmao where are you? We have first aid from the university in all the protests and the girls are divine
No dude, I'm posting from two rocks connectec with vines
Just ask one of your numerous cartel neighbors to help you out. Or ISIS. I'm sure they'd love to claim they supplied the weapons
Nigger. You should fuck off or I'm gonna fucking kill you with a dildo.
Those are some spectacular tits
Where city/university are you at?
Riding my cock
We got our own guerrillas and organized crime
UDO Bolivar
You might need that thing repaired someday. Is that a valuable skill down there? If so I can bring it.
We do have electronics repair stores, actually we have a lot, since people can't afford new phones everyone's trying to keep their old Galaxy 3 alive
I used to study there, a really shitty city
Timestamp please
Caracas, it's tough being out there in the frontlines without proper protection though
>REEEE at men for 90 minutes
>do some toning
>REEEE at men for 120 minutes
>replenish electrolytes
>s, actually we have a lot, since people can't afford new phones everyone's trying to keep their old Galaxy 3 alive
Hey I got a G3 .. just use it for texting around the place.
What an idiot, if there's a scarcity of food the price goes up, and it tends to the areas with those that can pay for it.