Why are Muslims always smirking???

Have you ever noticed how young Muslim men always have this sly smirk on their faces when they speak on television or to non Muslims???

I've started to notice this periodically and put it down to coincidence at first. But it happens so often it can't be a coincidence

Also noticed it in this video where a bunch of Muslim youth interrupt a German woman complaining about mass immigration


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cause they always think they are in the right because of their stupid nigger religion teachers them they are smarter and better than everyone else and they believe it so much, that they think everyone else is stupid and they are laughing.


As a result of millennia of inbreeding the average Muslim has lost conscious control of many bodily functions.

Just as he can no longer control his basic sexual drives, so too can he not control facial tics and spasms.

With the forebrain so compromised and devolved due to being the product of dozens of cousin-pairings, they are truly sub human. Resulting only in a mutated homonculus who can occasionally pass for human long enough to rape or detonate suicide vests.


Could it be because they believe their sins and the sins of their nearest family and their family are now forgiven a total of 72 people are going to heaven because the just committed the ultimate "Good thing"?

They know they are winning

they are getting off on lying to you and humiliating you

They try to give the impression that their the alpha male in the room. A silent flat stare is usually all is required to wipe it off.

Whatever they do they get absurdly low sentences
It's ok for the state for them to not working while receiving huge sums of money for doing nothing
They get a huge number of kids so they even get more money
They know if we change nothing they will breed us out some day
They are viewed as first class and the real population as second class
If your fellow muslims do another attack thousands will go and defend your peaceful religion
Every criminal activity is covered up or downplayed by leftists and the government
If the natives say something against it the szate will arrest you

Tbh they are winning very hard of course they laugh about us they know all of this and that most of us do nothing against it

Would you not laugh if japan starts some laws killing japanese men and supporting euro mens big cocks and put people in jail if theyre against this?

Because we know something you don't and you'll never know because of muh taqqiya, and you can only know if you convert, and if you convert there is no going back.

Murder makes everyone smile.

A homicide bomber with hate on his mind
From a culture that’s several eras behind
Pulls a cord on his vest made of high explosives
For no other good reason than ending some lives.

He’s brainwashed to think that in his afterlife
He will be with six dozen young virginal wifes
And his name will forever be honored by all
Who with butts in the air pray for Western downfall.

Then the doctors and policemen rope off the scene
So the blood and the carnage can hardly be seen
While the media caution us not to condemn
ALL the world’s Muslims for this dread mayhem.

And the citizens create an altar with blooms
While the families mourn in their sad empty rooms
And the flowers are leaned against old teddy bears
That the children who died all once loved without cares.

Then at night come the vigils by soft candlelight
And the buildings are lit up, a beautiful sight
While the reporters’ cameras record for TV
All the crying and moaning and sad misery.

“We must steel ourselves,” the wise anchors all say
“To resist letting backlash lead us astray
For revenge against those who have come here to seek
Better lives in our freedom to act and to speak.”

And tomorrow the government will make a rule
That permits immigration that any poor fool
Knows that before too long will wipe out our ways
And install the death cult from those New Stone Age days.


but if i pretend i converted ?

You can't, you'll immediately get brainwashed, and if you somehow avoid it, you'll be sought and killed, none leaves islam alive.

smirking is basic body language for being deceptive

half your face smiles despite your trying to keep a serious expression

because they are mentally infantile


>ause they always think they are in the right because of their stupid nigger religion teachers them they are smarter and better than everyone else and they believe it so much, that they think everyone else is stupid and they are laughing.
They're right though.
They are smarter and better than the softcunts that will #PRAYFOR* #NOTALLMUSLIMS and keep voting for politicians that pander to Islamic insanity


Because they know they are winning the fight.

because they know they're going to rape a 14 year old later and get away with it.

9 year old and only 4 years in jail...

Good one, saved.
>Being this delusional.
You can't beat natural selection, that smirk has already made the woman watching to reconsider her life choice and ask her husband to "open" the relationship, or to put it bluntly, start constructing his cuckshed.

They live in a constant state of "my ancestors are smiling down on me, imperial. Can you say the same?"

I can not even attempt to explain it better than that.

holy shit there's a black guy on the right


Here you can find one answer :

I want to beat those cunts with a blunt object and then strangle them with their own intestines

No they aren't better than them, the two are bad for different reasons but people killing other innocent people who can't defend themselves for no reason are the worst dogshit around. Even worse than you.

this desu

because the penalty where they come from is murderdeathkillburnedalive and the MOST we are willing to do to them is put them in a comfy time-out room.

Man, you goyim are fucking paranoid.

because they have learned how to use the european values
also alphas

Because they know they have won

Because they can hardly contain their evil.
Muslims are super easy to read. Most people are just in denial how easy it is.
If a muslim smirks at you he does not mean you well.

When you know that you're wrong and lying to yourself you embrace your inner monster and laugh. For that, is the only way to accept what you've become.

Look at the black lives matter kids who arranged open discussions. Whenever a true fact is stated they all laugh. They've removed themselves from the truth and having to explain themselves.

This. Muslims are really THAT easy to read. Most people just dont want to believe it.

This. If they did the same behavior in a muslim country they would've been hung alive.

it's called "Duper's Delight." They know their taking advantage of our kindness.

You are letting emotion control you. Yes, they are literally better, because they have integrity. The victims that keep asking for more are worse than the perpetrators for that reason.

always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jim-Jam

Because they know they can literally blow people up and no one, not the government and not the citizens will do anything about it.

You would too if you were gunna nail 72 virgins in heaven for blowing up some infidels.