Muslim groups raise $500,000 for the victims of the Portland attacks

Well Sup Forums? I thought Muslims were evil?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are, you are retarded if you think otherwise.

Just read the fucking Quran and Hadiths for yourself and fucking see? You take anecdotal evidence over their own religious texts that they claim to follow 100%, you are mentally ill.

Didn't they only raise something like £20,000 for Manchester victims?

Thank god resurrection is only 150k a head

Hmm should be an appropriate orcpost somewhere.

>$0 for Mississippi victims

Step up your game muslims.

How much did they raise for the San bernardino shooting victims?

Can I kill a member of your family?
And then ofc raise money for the remaining members of your family.
Would that make me good ?

>fund terror
>send a few coupons to victims
If the memory of your murdered ones have a price tag you are the one that deserved the bomb.

>Another fundraising page, on LaunchGood, has raised more than $460,000 for the three victims.

>A GoFundMe page posted to provide financial support for families of the victims has raised more than $492,000.

>A GoFundMe page set up for the third victim, Micah Fletcher, who was injured but survived, has raised more than $225,000.

>A YouCaring fundraising page for the two girls had raised more than $28,000. "The girls, 16 and 17-years-old, are suffering immense trauma

this a big scam

tbf the manc victims were kafirs

a certain statistically overrepresented part of the population suicide bombs.
>not all muslims

some mulsimes donate some sheckles
>all muslims are good, islam is peace, you see now?

>raise money for useful idiots who protect Islam at the cost of their lives
>no money for victims of Islam

Oh good! $500,000 will surely be enough to pay for the medical expenses of all 22 children who died.

wow just $6,000,000,000,000 more and we can raise the dead

There were no victims. Cucks can't be victims. You can kill a cuck, but you can't murder it.

>kill white people
>then take white peoples money and give it back
>look how good we are


How much did they raise for the Orlando victims?

Nail bombs aren't that expensive.

how come muslims only give back to society after a terrorist attack?

I'll kill your family and give your relatives $500,000.


I forget the details but the victim families got like $315k each. people wounded got some too. I think there was a 2nd payout in march. Plus the other various gofundme and other donations.

>anecdotal evidence
all those dead white people sure are anecdotal

Oh so now we have a bill for the death of western civilization.

Maybe some of these groups are genuine.

But not in the Orlando case.

>"Our thoughts and prayers and condolences are with the victims of this heinous act," Hassan Shibly, executive director of CAIR-Florida said in a statement. "In this holy month of Ramadan many Muslims will be offering their fasting and prayers for them and their families. The vile criminal who perpetrated this does not represent Islam nor the American Muslim community. Muhammad Ali and his legacy do represent our goals and aspirations to better our society and the World; but not this repulsive thug."

Hassan has been quoted saying this about homosexuals:

This is a case of trying to cover their indirect culpability in these killings.

very nice gesture but they wont be able to keep this up for every attack that happens. Its sullied their martyrdom as well. the only people that care about the victims are the Muslims themselves. I would be bailing on that country as fast as I could get packed.


Is this bait?

Considering how many Muslims there are in the world, that's not even 1 cent each.

ignore this slide thread

Wait doesnt Sup Forums hate homos?
I am pretty sure Sup Forums celebrated the orlando shooting

Islam works like the good cop/bad cop shtick. You are proposed 2 alternative to submission : either peaceful submission, with the good muslim, or the alternative which is terrorism, with the bad muslim.

They exist together, and when the bad muslim kills people, the good muslim is there showing he is nice and it could all stop just with submission. Otherwise, the bad muslim will continue being a terrorist.

Either by force or peacefully, you have to submit.


>Muslim groups
(((Muslim groups)))
Muh philanthropy, niggas.

Why do Muslims even have to exist as "Muslims."? Why can't they be people or American citizens? Why the fuck are they even a group--a subset of American.

It's kind of nutty that some here say that civic nationalism fails when we don't even enforce it.

>Muslims guilt trip white people to pay the half a million for virtue signaling

>literal mental retard who voted for Bernie stabs two shitlibs
>Muslims start Kickstarter


Muslims? You sure they aren't Sikh?


Look at this dipshit who doesn't even read the news.

They were killed by a crazy white guy who was yelling at 2 Muslims girls on a train because they were trying to calm him down.

It was white on white violence.

They know they're winning, it's probably not even muslim money mostly.

Based Muslims

We should genocide Pakistan, turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia ,Indonesia etc and then raise 100,000,000$ too. Raise for what you ask? Celebration.

Flag checks out

>soros gave them $500,000 to give away
see #notallmuslims goys

oh fuck nm. This is for the bus stabbing. that makes all the sense in the world now. The terrorist attacks are happening so fast I cant keep track of them all.

What's insane to me is that shit like Orlando, San Bernardino and Manchester were swept under the rug within a few days not counting ones that were outright ignored like Sweden.

But a very clearly mentally ill man stabs some guys while screaming incoherent crazy screams at a muslim woman and it's treated as the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11 because he was a "right-wing neo-nazi" even though he wasn't and is clearly just batshit crazy with no real political ideology; I don't believe he was a genuine Bernie supporter either.

>American muslims
Or as I like to call them, champagne muslims.

It's not insane, it's a very purposeful demoralization tactic. It basically kills two birds with one stone by giving retards the impression that "alt-right extremists" are nearly as big a danger to the west as islamic extremism, as well as to dissuade any serious discourse on islamic extremism. It also gives SJWs the "b-b-but white people do it too" card as if what drives young white people to do this thing is basically the same thing that causes young muslims to "martyr" themselves.

There a reason some of these stories reach crazy hype levels. It is not an accident. There a reason why they use words like "hero" "good Samaritan" "good citizen" over and over for the victims, and they used all the "nazi" type stuff for the villains, even if there is no proof, or the proof shows he wasnt some nazi white skinhead.

they wanna pump peoples heads full of it. It like some conditioning technique. go read all the stories, youll see.

> has no idea what anecdotal means

think you've had too much Tim Hortons

They can raise however much money they want. It won't change the fact that terrorist attacks will keep happening in Europe thanks to the current political system.

What the fuck will they do? Buy back the parents memories of their kids being alive and happy?

rekt by

Bernie Bros aren't white.

>poo didn't get the reference


This wasn't Manchester.

They money if for the dudes that were stabbed after defending a muslim being harassed


>Soros gave $500k directly to white familes

wtf I like Soros now

But no one has even seen the muslim girl

From whom did they collect the money?
If it wasn't exclusively muslims giving the money then how is the "muslim" part relevant at all?

This is on you and your apperant choice of news outlets. I heard about the Orlando, San Bernadino, and Manchester attacks right exactly when they happened, and all of them stayed in the news for weeks (The Manchester attack is still in the news).

I didn't hear about the Portland stabbing until days after, and only because the media started becoming more and more fascinated in how incoherent the killer's worldview is.

Literally just download an ABC News App or something.

Has there been any basis for the assertions about how it happened? What does "defending" mean? Did they assault him? So they died assaulting someone for insulting someone else? Seems like the right outcome to me if that is the case, but I've not seen any explicit discussion of what "defending" means in this situation.