So like...

So like, how do French speakers and other gendered languages fit in with all this transgendered non binary happy horses-shit

Since the default for binary words is the masculine one, we now use nongendered declinations. There's two variants, example:
Compañero (~buddy ~comrade)

Holy fuck. That's a really good question!

English is gendered. We just don't notice it.

That's got to be a joke, right?

How the hell do you pronounce the last two?

>English is gendered
Not anymore, there are only vestigial traces in the pronouns.

Grammatical gender no longer applies to nouns

LGBT shit is very marginal in France.
We don't have the anglo-saxon world's problems yet.

It is not

When sopken they sound as the female one

Don't try to make sense of it, commies are this stupid.

the gender is a on a spectrum bullshit doesn't exist here, it only exist in the country of the anglosphere

So the non-gendered words are actually just feminine. Nice.

So they try to fight the "discrimination" of the male being the plural by making the female the plural. Just what one would assume

the nongendered words shit has been going on in spanish since the normies got into the internet, probably more than 15 years now.

It has no bearing on anything, because it's just grammar.
That being said, Norwegian is a gendered language, but in my part of the country, we don't use the female forms for some reason. We just have male and neutral gender, and it's officially accepted in written form as well.

Latinx is a fucking plague. Try playing the libreral pronoun game when it can be applied to the large majority of the language.

There are some crazy witches crying about words such as "patrie" which comes directly from the word father. I even heard once that it wasn't fair that the masculine is stronger than the feminine in french grammar...
But generally speaking, everyone laugh at them and I hope it stays like that.

Almost all major languages already have terms for transsexuals, it's a concept that predates history

Nonbinary is a fad that doesn't exist outside of american campuses

You need to explain to them the masculine gender in grammar plays also the role of the neutral gender. I don't feel "fraternité" only concerns men, for example

Doesn't that mean "brotherhood"? Don't you have a feminine version? Something like sororité?

What I am more interested in is how FINNISH snowflakes are going to "translate" these issues. They don't use gender at all, hän=he OR she. The problem never existed to begin with, but I am 100% sure that wont stop the weirdos.

Yes. "Sororité". Hardly never used tho.

Nice thread.

Look at this word folks/

"The word tolerance was first used in the 15th century.[5]

The word is derived from endurance and fortitude, used in the 14th century. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word was first used to describe having permission from authorities in the 1530s.[6]"