Was the kraut right?
And that shit just ended.
All of Trumps healthcare suggestions so far cause a dramatic loss of coverage nationwide.
Trump has zero plans to pull our bases out of Germany and also did a complete 180 on leaving NATO.
You and Trump both are about as full of shit as full of shit gets.
Democrats are the party of those that cannot do maths
of course he is right, you guys pay for his defence while he pays for his own healthcare.
neither party can do maths without goodboy/girl points promised from the masses
the plan wasn't to leave NATO unless they didn't pay up what they promised
now they are paying...
absolutely, we can funnel dollars to other nations, but can't be fucked to help the citizens. with that send back all the nogs, spics, and chinks. america for americans
was the jew right?
You leftists are the worst at economics. It doesn't require you to have insurance so they're being purposefully misleading when people who currently cannot afford it pull out. That's what'll happen
If you open up market competition though it'll drive prices down and more people can afford it
You retards are REEEEEing because mommy governmen isn't making you have health insurance. Not placing what is basically a tax on existing. That's the fucking point
Lack of health insurance isn't the problem. Sky high costs are the problem. This situation was caused by and exacerbated by leftists who are trying to pressure the population into getting socialized medicine as a form of control. It's organized and planned
Don't post in slide/shill threads. Check number of post by idea
Old people can be sustained for many more decades so long as you check them daily and replace all their organs from time to time.
Why are states spending on defense instead of sustaining old people forever?
lmao that was me
>You leftists are the worst at economics
Uh uh
>You leftists are the worst at economics
Uh huh...
>import a bunch of shitskins
>GDP grows
>cities fall apart
>it's somehow a good thing
Oh look, the right-wing cucktard jumped on the first opportunity to move the goalposts
What a shocker
>to move the goalposts
He explained to you why the GDP grew and why that's not a good thing because of the method they chose.
Wie war's denn auf der Sonderschule so, Schwanznase?
why is this even a bad thing? The best thing the nazis did was to euthanize retards and people who are a burden to society. burgers take it to the next level - why waste money euthanizing them if you can just wait them out?
You're the one implying that GDP growth is a good thing under any circumstances.
He's right.
Time to stop defending them.
Hi, blubbering vagina!
I responded to the first right-wing cucktard's accusation that the left is the worst at economics. I completely humiliated him by proving the opposite. Then the second right-wing cucktard jumps in and screams "MUH CITIES!!!!" as though that was a rebuttal to the inconvertible proof I presented, followed by you, right-wing cucktard #3, breathlessly sucking his dick.
>You're the one implying that GDP growth is a good thing under any circumstances.
Nowhere did I say that, cucktard. Reading comprehension is haaaaaaard for rural and suburban retards, eh?
Its not moving the goalposts. GDP per capita has not grown if you import new workers
Your introduction of "b-b-but PER CAPITA" is the very definition of moving the goalposts, cucktard.
another excuse to support the military jewish complex
You seem to lack basic reading comprehension.
So you can neither speak German, nor English properly, funny.
Then how does your picture here demonstrate that "leftists are better at economy"?
Is raising GDP under any and all circumstances by itself "being better at economy"?
>If I say cuss words that means I'm better at debating
I accept your concession.
who are you protecting them from?
le bad russian boogieman, le supreme inneficient korean dictator?
>demonstrate that "leftists are better at economy"?
Uhm....maybe......uhm........by.....uhm.....by showing that the GDP grows under Dem admins and .... uhm...shrinks under GOP admins?
Reading is haaaaaaaaaaaard
Destiny, du musst dir wirklich andere Dinge suchen die du tun kannst als mit proxy kotzuposten.
Is raising GDP under any and all circumstances "being better at economy"?
That's a "Yes" or "No" question.
The money went into ruinning our country. I wished we would just have spend it on some fancy Tanks and planes.
No he is wrong. It is a misconception that people go without care in the US. If you walk into a hospital and you are hurt you will receive care. If you don't have insurance someone (government) will usually end up paying for it anyway.
>It is a misconception that people go without care in the US.
I doubt you understand the concept of GDP at all.
Dying from lack of healthcare is a soft brained meme. Emergency rooms are unable to refuse care to patients.
And even if this were true, only the shittiest section of society would be killed off. Economic natural selection, trim that societal fat
>was the kraut right?
Is the kraut ever right?
>Was the kraut right?
don't ask there are real braniacs at work