What do browsers on Sup Forums think of this? I have a feeling they are pushing to make humans obsolete to automation in order to then shill for UBI.
Canada raising minimum wage to $15
It's over for small business. Say hello to the corporation of Canada.
Thats basically 11$ USD, whats the minimum wage in the US?
prepare for your wave of barista immigrants from the US
submitting job applications right now. enjoy your more expensive tim hortons
Varies state to state and even city to city. Federal minimum wage is $7.25.
7.50 or something
Pretty much make working a minimum wage job a viable way to live. Problem with be getting one in the first place I think.
aint 15 dollars canadian like 4 bucks USD?
>in a recession
>Further kills any small businesses
>Drama teacher really checks out
>I have a feeling they are pushing to make humans obsolete to automation in order to then shill for UBI.
higher salaries = more money.
basic economy, duh
Remeber the cost of living in the US is way lower. 7.50 would go a lot farther than a Canadian 15
It's apparently going to happen in Alberta too.
This country is gonna go broke what with raises minimum wage, the housing bubble in Toronto and Vancouver.
The only hope we have to survive as Canadians is to push Western Separatism. Ontario is heavily in debt, and the Maritimes and Quebec are just more dead weight.
which means more unemployment and less jobs.
which means more control over the people due to gibs me dats
>Canada raising minimum wage to $15
I work in a trade that effectively can't be automated until AI with human-level critical thought and problem solving is developed along with a suitable android body. It only feeds my contempt to see these bottom-feeders demand a middle-class lifestyle with a mcjob.
Luckily, their jobs are much more easily replaced by machines.
It's just Ontario, and probably BC if the NDP/Green coalition takes power.
Satan is right. Balkanization in general though. Sparsely populated unique cultures with nothing in common and separated by thousands of kilometers. Only way to preserve said cultures is to break up.
Maybe the high prices will make you fatass canucks lose some weight
That's up north, where everything costs a million dollars. Nobody cares what shit costs in Nunavut.
ITT: High school drop out don't have a clue about canadian political system
Isn't that like 5.25 in real dollars?
Sucks for me. Was already making 13.75/hr at my job, been there for 5 years. My pay got moved back to the current minimum wage,12.20 so now I'm making as much as a new hire. The justification was that in order to save labor costs, everyone will be moving down to minimum wage,12.20 and nobody will be receiving raises anymore since the min wage will be going up to 15.
Great for new hires but it pisses me off that all my experience means Jack shit.
It's $0 in any dollar, since lil Trudy sold our gold.
>humans obsolete
Good. Maybe then they will quit pushing to flood the US and Canada with shitskin barbarians and soulless chinks.
he looks so old...
They will, its all but confirmed.
Highly unlikely the new coalition will 'accomplish' anything of the sort though imho.
>inter-leftist bickering
>undoing all the corruption and misplays of the Liberals
>pandering to the chinks
>higher priorities for the populace such as the homeless problem, lack of police resources, or the rising drug problems
>What do browsers on Sup Forums think of this?
Google Chrome isn't sentient yet.
why not raise it to $50 or 100?
It's like 11$USD
It's Alberta too. By Oct 2018 it will be 15
That has to be an error or something?
$15 Canadian=$11 US.
In other words, Leafland SJW's didn't even bother coming up with their own bumper sticker slogan. They just stole it from the Burgerland SJW's.
Fucking retards.
Cuckdeau will literally promise anything to get re-elected
>Muh weed
>Muh $15
>Muh UBI
>Muh free tuition
Ontario is already the most indebted sub-national in the world and now we're rolling out more FREE SHIT programs. My advice? Buy PMs, crypto, short CAD and the banks.
Alberta should have passed years ago, when corps were desperate for labour. The economy would have diversified and less oil dependent.
Instead they pushed work visa programs and now we swamped with filipino virtual slaves doing all the low cost work.
this is in fucking nunavut where they have to fucking FLY IN ALL THEIR FOOD u twat, shit is expensive in Alaska too but atleast there is industry/infrastructure and working white people not just alcoholic nunavuts who some go hunting.
In comparison to Alaska, from google:
"How much does it cost for a gallon of milk in Alaska?
We entered Hanson's, a local grocery store, and found that, yes, it was. While the processed foods were priced roughly the same as in Anchorage, others were much worse. A single bell pepper cost $2.99, milk was $6 a gallon, and a honeydew melon was $14.Sep 6, 2013"
>currently make $15 an hour as a low level lab tech
>mfw burger flippers and barristas will make as much as me without ever needing to go into STEM
>mfw I fell for the STEM meme anyway
fuck man another reason to short the CAD, shorting because of oil already, and your upcoming housing crash will be fun also
man i thought europe was in for a ride but you and australia are up first ;)
>Housing market is shit
>raising minimum wage to drive out small buisnesses
>weak and ineffective leader
Canada is in for one hell of a collapse
Here's the thing.
if you raise the pay to $15, where the fuck is that cash coming from?
If you make businesses shill out that $15, guess what they do? they move to a third world country just like what happened in the majority of first world countries.
An asian will work for $1 a day, and the tax to import is lower than the cost to pay that fucking tax.
Even if the pay is that high some some, nobody is going to have a fucking low-tier job and crime rates, homelessness and other shit increase.
The economy will get larger for a time and it'll look like a good move short-term, but long term this causes absolute unhindered irreversable chaos, and this man would be responsible for all of this.
protip, don't let greedy landwhales and feminists write your fucking laws for you, because they're all fucking denser than a rock.
King cuck.
Where is this?
This is perfect.
Lets convince Blacks to move to Canada!!!!
kek 10/10
nah it's the prices in Nunavut. barren wasteland
Minimum wages in Norway:
Minimum wage per hour:
For skilled workers: NOK 193.60. (22.8 USD)
For unskilled without industry experience: NOK 174,00. (20.6 USD)
For unskilled with at least one years industry experience: NOK 181.50. (21.4 USD)
Why the gap Canada?
come to america, i see openings for lab techs all over. with a little experience you will make some nice money
>Cost of loaf of Herringbread: NOK 450.71
but don't you pay godawful taxes?
Leafs are so fucked. I'd be irate if I were you...
We do. But we still have plenty of money to waste anyway. I pay 36% taxes, i pay a shitload of money to the city just for living, i pay 25% VAT on everything i buy, i pay 700 usd to my government yearly just for owning a fucking TV, and so forth. you'd be surprised.
But there is still plenty of money to spend at the end of the day. and life is still good, couldn't have it any other way.
I pay 44% taxes and pay 15%hst on everything I buy.
I'm successfully self employed, and feel the same way as you, brother.
These bottomfeeders are only making life for people with a decent set of skills easier.
do you pay a shitload to your city too? for things like owning a property, using sewer systems, power grids, waste containers, and whatever they can jam down your throat. we pay this to the city, because they own it all.
it's just getting out of control here in norway, up like 70% over the last 6 years i believe. and we pay that yearly, and it's completely out of control.
its pathetic how inept our government is at managing our economy. For years the Federal government was relying on taxation of Alberta during the oil boom, you guys were literally funding the entire countries gibmes, and after that went to shit the gubmerne panicked, now they think minimum wage increases are going to solve the problems. fuck this country sucks
I bet the plan is raise it over 5 years?
lol if it's such a good idea why not do it all at once?
investing in Canadian automation companies today, also any major industry in canada will leave therefore us based industry will see a boost as well.
thanks leafs
Cabbage is probably really cheap, though. They produce the largest cabbages in the world. Seafood wouldn't be too bad, either. Fishing is a huge market for them.
Fucking r-selecting liberal fags needing government to gibs them everything.
how much is that in real money?
one liter milk is 2 dollars
>Second place wins the "election"
>Federal minimum wage is $7.25
Land of the "free".
LOL is all I've got to say!
whites are banned from immigrating though
how could we STEM people get in when poojeet and his 30 extended family members are on the fast track?
>Second place wins the "election"
>Second place
autist detected
15 CAD per hour by 2019. It's going up like 2.50 in six months. It's fucking crazy. People in Toronto already have trouble finding a steady 40 hours a week of employment and anywhere outside the GTA is going to fucking fall apart with a 15 dollar minimum wage.
People are just going to work under the table or be chronically unemployed. Wynne is waging war against her own fucking province.
and the best part
>liberals are probably going to win again because of all the nonwhites and brainwashed leftists
Didn't the PC's just speak favourably about a carbon tax?
I want off this fucking ride.
Canada's future
strap in frind
it never
Stop tempting me, user. I don't have that much dosh right now and I still need to buy myself an SKS and spam can.
I doesn't matter. You won't be able to get those jobs unless you are a foreigner, or have a vagina, or pretend to like a drag queen.
"Universal basic income" and refugees are steps toward land confiscation.
The Top 0.1% are literally trying to take over the world. I say 0.01% instead of (((them))) for the benefit new, wide-eyed lurkers.
The plan is obvious. Nudge the Muslims to kill everyone else then kill the Muslims.
I have been puting my money into bitcoin. I do some trading but keep it minimal. It's amazing watching my measely savings grow...If I just left it in the bank it would be losing value from inflation and devaluation of the CAD. Can't wait for the crash when Canadians start pumping my shitcoins because they desperately want to save their money.
This Greek is ok lel
>Canada raising minimum wage to $15
Ontario != Canada
fucking faggot.
>Getting eventual raise
>Pissed because others will get it too
That's what they said when the automobile came to replace the horse and buggy. They horsy guys were furious.
Because Canadians don't care or think much about new immigrant service sector laborers.
Multiculturalism is just an front for a occupational segregation.
Its simple, its like Obamacare, its designed to stop small businesses from growing.
There is a certain point that your business can't grow anymore, for Obamacare that number is 49 staff.
This is more simple, it prevents grass roots startups and stops existing grass root businesses growing.
This gives a massive advantage to corporate who already pay above the minimum wage and who offer investment for small businesses to grow - that way owning part of the business.
Its more badly thought through virtue signalling that supports globalists. This will only create a larger working class.
Ask a software engineer working to automate you out of a job anything
Any major industry was already employing people above a 15$ wage.
Fuck the whole service sector economy and any other industry dependent on low paid mass immigration.
The amount of Blacks that have resettled in my city this year to escape the GTA's real estate bubble is mind-boggling.
If i buy 100$ worth of bitcoins a week am i making a good investment?
This is just Ontario you fucking pajeet
If you believe your employer is telling you the truth I have a bridge to sell you
>tests samples of blood shit and piss all day long
>thinks this is worth more than making coffee
You can't automate a construction worker
I hope he's ready to destroy small businesses
Uh, yes you can. Are you stupid?
Not with that attitude.
There's more than just testing bodily fluids.
Good luck with that