F-fuck.... it's over boys...
F-fuck.... it's over boys
Isn't using someone name and likeness without permission illegal?
I see a plague of lawyers consuming large swaths of Mexico soon.
will this be more successful than some of trump's own business endeavors?
That's it. I'm starting an anti-Trump line of stupid products and all of the money I make off of Liberal butthurt will line my Trump-supporting pockets
>Trump sues the businessman
>more money to pay for the wall
It just got 10 feet taller, ese.
Cant wait for the copyright infringement notice.
Better if this was printed on
Fuck. If they get the market on Mexican toilet paper we're finished. Next they'll unveil a new line at taco Bell.
"Trump" is a common word and, as far as I know, the official Trump brand does not offer toilet tissue. Likely no suit could be stand on any sort of trade dress infringement.
Donald Trump isn't likely to be successful on any likeness grounds. He is a public figure, and I would not mistake a toilet paper roll decorated with his hairstyle, for him himself.
But I don't know IP law in Mexico that well. I suspect it is weaker than in the US.
Why not Clinton brand bleach? Or better yet, Clinton brand data wipers?
It has been since the fucking 1980's.
This spic just donated all of his profits to the
>Build-A-Wall Foundation
HHHHahahahahahahaha!! AND HE'S A """LAWYER""" (albeit a mexican one)
apex kels
Fake news, we all know Trump uses two ply.
Everyone else gets one.
read the image, American lawyers can't sue them, and no Mexican lawyers would have no grounds.
>The product falls outside the sectors in which the Trump Organization has trademarked the name.
Do you fuckers even read?
>Take regular toilet paper
>Put picture of trump on the packaging
He's playing the suckers hard. Respect.
The wall just got ten feet further south.
United States of Shit amirite
the company who made that is royally fucked.
incoming multiple infringement lawsuits
Extremely weak.
why do Mexicans want an open border to their north, but a secure border to their south? I loves me a good taco, but stay the fuck out of wallet, Pepe.
>multiple infringement
umm sweetie trump has no political power over here
fucking rude
I honestly highly doubt it.
You underestimate jew lawyers.
mexi lawyers < jew lawyers
This guy is fucked.
>Trump puts a tariff on foreign toilet paper out of butthurt
>amerisharts can't wipe their asses anymore
best timeline
Funny thing about mexico
Mexicans are so subhuman you cant even flush toilet paper down the toilet because the pipes cant handle paper and shit
Every bathroom in Mexico has a trashcan to throw your freshly ass wiped paper in
haha ok pal
>Coke, Budweiser, Microsoft have no ability to enforce their IP in Mexico
>I understand international IP law
Capitalism hooo. Beats sneaking across the border with a backpack full of cocaine.
>have no grounds
That WOULD BE true... IF... he simply used the "Trump" name for the product... THEN he could plead that it was not brand infringement as defined under the protected articles described by Trump Int'l.
His pittiful Mexican "intellect" decided to get libshit points by USING A DEFINITIVE LIKENESS OF DONALD J. TRUMP.... AOLONG WITH The Trump Brand....
He's DONE. Mexico is part of many international Tribunals... (They did that to pretend they are NOT a 3rd world shitburg)
THAT opens them up to all manner of avenues of legal recourse here....
t.Int'l. IP (((Lawyer)))
>white cleans all the brown shit
>mexi lawyers < jew lawyers
Hybrid JuMex Lawfirms. I'd be concerned.
>Softness without borders
See, I'm a bean, born to legal parents, I always wonder why they want the US to have open borders? Why doesn't Mexico open it's border? Also why do you want to make the US into Mexico, wave Mexican flags, speaking Spanish, if Mexico is the best why doesn't it have a net positive immigration? I've never understood why Mexicans want an open US border, you have one, why not open that one?
They'll need a lot more than 4 rolls for their diets
What if this is Trumps entire plan?
>Intentionally becoming massively unpopular
>Create and sell anti-Trump merchandise
>Rake in angry liberal money
>Toilet Paper
It's just Paper Towels.
>if Mexico is the best why doesn't it have a net positive immigration?
I think it has something to do with the way the tap water makes you shit liquid death.
Also their street art is kinda offensive.
>It's just Paper Towels.
Towels are for drying.
>mfw everytime a mexi shits he has to pay Trump
Well I agree with all those statements, probably nothing would come of it, especially if it's in Mexico. But I mean, couldn't he just tariff toilet paper imported from Mexico by 100%? The only people who would buy it are Mexicans and shitlibs so he could essentially shut down half of the market just to straight up meme on them.
>producing anything of practical use
It'll never happen.
It's not the Mexicans' fault. They're just pawns.
It's the globalists' plan for a borderless world of serfs. That's why they only push for immigration into prosperous, powerful first world countries, and don't mind about the borders of third world countries.
Any country that can resist them needs to be diluted, watered down, and eventually pillaged and "third worldified."
Further if Mexico is so great why the fuck did you leave?
That's right, because it's not. It is a fucking shithole. That's also why you don't want to go back.
I left? When? I was under the impression my parents went through the process to become legal, immigrated and then had me? I've never set foot in Mexico in my entire life.