NO ONE gives a shit about your Russian puppet president's autistic son.
You CAN NOT silence people who have their 1st Amendments, even in Trump's America.
NO ONE gives a shit about your Russian puppet president's autistic son.
You CAN NOT silence people who have their 1st Amendments, even in Trump's America.
I thought these guys hated bullying.
I'm pretty sure someone already said it, but the point is that the left is bullying a kid, the one act they hate the most, because of who his father is.
that shows they're just as bad as the ones they denounce.
just look at these feral niggers and other degenerate "tolerant liberals" showing their true colors. pathetic. also czech mein digit and heil hitler
bet I can't nigger, where you at?
First amendmentsssssssss
TJ is such an edgy faggot that jacks off to tranny porn
this is very intolerant
please delete this
How does TJ still have any place to talk when he was caught shoving a banana up his ass and pouring hot chocolate on it?
The fucking lack of self-awareness is astounding.
>You CAN NOT silence people who have their 1st Amendments, even in Trump's America.
We can get them fired from their jobs tho- who am I kidding, none of them have jobs.
I actually like that this is happening. They can't try to claim the moral high ground again.
Hahahah liberals hate this, want to ban that except when they do it.
>Its called hypocrisy and libtards do it best.
Just like they project their deeds onto their enemies, its how you know they did something.
Add this to that collage
Humpfy Drumpfy
Donald Jehova Drumpf
Donald "lemme ride that plane, Mr. Epstein" Trumpf
Donald "I'm SELF FIRED!!" Drumpf
Donald "big daddy" Trump
Let them bitch, the unmitigated salt is already retaliation enough. 7.4 more years!
ITT niggers of all sorts
just remember this when the tables are turned
we all know you will whine and cry like little faggots. you always do.
you're the quintessential losers. you can dish it out, not take it.
Ah yes, the "tolerant left".
>picking on an 11 year old kid
This will surely win them some congessional seats next year!
imagine the backlash if the whole internet ganged up on Obama's daughters. just like they're doing with Barron.
I can already imagine the Buzzfeed headlines.
Let's kill all the autists pls
They Left has resorted to bullying an 11 year old.
When they go low...
>that shows they're just as bad as the ones they denounce.
they were never good
You're shaking worse than Michael J Fox
Thanks for the argument i can use to make fun of lib kids and libs kids.
cuckistan will be destroyed
Yet more evidence the moral standards you demand of others are not practised by yourself. You are weak, weak people who have zero intellectual credibility and are behaving like the true savages you are since Queen Hitlery lost
Fucking discussing! What hateful times we live in and its all thanks to the left.
So is that all the (((left))) has left? Bullying children?
God damn would I love to glass one of these pricks.
Hes an 11 year old kid. This really shows how inhuman some of the anti trump people are. Love how they vilify the kid though, calling him demon down and he should have been aborted. Really telling how hateful these mongoloids on the other side are.
Now they like the 1st amendment, when they bully a child. Do as I say, not as I do. Hypocrites.
>Freedom of Speech, mother fuckers!
>all of those literally horrible
You should just KYS.