Say it with me President Tulsi Gabbard
Say it with me President Tulsi Gabbard
I suppose that would be okay, but she'll have to wait until 2024, of course.
Shameless Bump for best gurl
Fuck off with this filthy currynigger.
MAGA now and forever
also homosexuality seems to be the last standehruherwhrjwehrjhwjrw
So suspect
She's been mk5ultrad
Tulsi isn't even a real name
Neither is Barack
Fucking name your kids American names or get the fuck out
chances are that you are more likelly to be a curry nigger than anyone lese posting here
If she's a shameless criminal and a thoroughly vile person, it isn't obvious yet. Which is an improvement on the Pantsuit Witch.
Americans names are not even a real thing LMAO ? What are you going to name your kid ? Joe McDonald ?
Stormfags really getting afraid of the wave
We've been (((enriched))).
Assimilation is actively discouraged. The Jews want non-white ethnic groups being as ethnically conscious as possible, while whites are to lie over and drop dead.
Sounds like a good name to me
These are all great American names
/ourgal/ confirmed.
She'll lose to Zuckerberg in the primaries, which would be a shame, since she's actually a fairly decent Democrat with some semblance of a moral compass. She should choose Brian Schatz as her VP.
so your gonna name your child poo ?
considering your american i am not even surprised
CFR member, anti-gun. #nevertulsi
The Democrats would destroy her if she actually ran, hell she'd lose half the Dem vote just for being a woman that doesn't instantly cause boners to commit suicide.
Who is forcing this streetshitter as a president meem? I wonder hmmmm
>congresswoman gets visits arab countries to talk to them instead of join the 'kill ISIS' bandwaggon
>OMG, lets make her president!!!!
yes folks, this is american politics, and this is about as complex as american politics gets, and yes we are the most powerful country in the world and the reason we are not too dangerous is because we are so dumb
She actually didnt join the kill Assad bandwagon.
>Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity clips
Stop trying to find women to lead in a man's world
You called?
Standing up at Standing Rock.
MAGA forever bitches
See this
Tulsi running in 2020, with a old white male to balance out the appeal of the ticket, would probably obliterate Trump.
Hillary was like a dog shit sandwich, but instead of bread was made with two other pieces of dog shit, and she only lost a couple of states by a little. In terms of appeal, there's not enough of a reason to hate her.
This is in combination with the fact that Trump's aggregate approval rating is now in the 30s.
>ywn gently tulsi her gabbard
The only problem is that the globalists will push for Pocahontas/Warren.
>airhead anti-white commie
Oh lord, also her acne is disgusting.
Salam-alaikum Sup Forums please vote for me (peace be upon me)
Progressives will not stand for a banker's choice. Which would mean a third party. Which would mean Trump for another four years. I think the DNC leadership will be gutted by then and the new guard will happily pick Gabbard.
Warren is a tough one. If they relegated her to a position where she could just hold Wall Street accountable and focus on economic fairness, then cool. But they should keep her off of any tickets, unless she runs in the primary and people seem to genuinely love her.
Going from several candidates to Hillary running virtually unopposed, I hope the DNC lets the democratic process run its course. I'm confident that if, say, a few more people ran in addition to Hillary, the Democrats would have easily won.
In the face of anti-leftism, Trump's numbers reached approximately 63M. Nobody has come close to Obama's 2008 numbers, where he ran on a progressive message (with a centrist result). If Tulsi runs, she may very well tap into that very, very much so untapped reserve of voters.
Hello Shariablue
She goes and sees for herself instead of towing the party line.
Not a war-dodging faggot like the natsoc heroes.
Nah - Democrats are so in love with nigger dick they'll push that crook from Newark, Cory Booker.
Tulsi is best gal Tulsi is 2020
It's true, the bitch is a surfer girl who hates whites.
She is also pretty ugly in the face.
>tfw I would be okay with this
People I want you to check out the pic. Now ask yourselves, do you really expect any leftists to be "woke" enough to acknowledge the reality of ISIS? This is stuff the SJWs wouldn't tell you about. Hell, they often side with the Islamists and this is how the likes of Linda "Cockroach" Sarsour gain power/a platform.
Gabbard my still be annoyingly lefty on economics and some other issues there is no doubt you could have more sane lefties if more of them were like her. As crazy as that sounds.
Lastly, as if it needs to be said, 10/10 would tap. Those of you that deny it are just ignoring good genetics imo. We are all mutts and will continue to be generation after generation. That is just basic evolution. Notions of racial purity are ultimately foolish.
I would make tulsi's pussy all pulsey.
Pulsey Gabbard
my waifu
>most American names are from jew book
I wonder who is behind this post
>Brady Campaign rating: 100%
Never in a million years.
Wouldn't pass muster in the Supreme Court.
One or two of the old Justices will retire/die, and will be replaced with conservatives. They wouldn't allow it.
I would still fuck her though.
Tulsi "I took loads of money but I don't now, neither should anyone else, it is wrong" Gabbard
>people can't change
nice one, friend
Virtue signalling on a pile of money
is that the day you draw mohammed?
filthy gun grabber
I'll feel better about it once Trump gets to replace at least one more in the next 4 (or more, God willing) years. And hopefully passes the Hearing Protection Act at the VERY least. We still need to go further and there's no reason not to take advantage of the situation.
Otherwise, from what I know of her, she's not terrible. But then again Trump is not as good as I thought he was. [still better than the alternative]
Pussy Grabber....OMG
She'll fucking Nuke Palestine
This. And get it under control quickly, because the disease is spreading to the Netherlands.
Also please stop the "redneck white name" meme, like with Sara Palin's children. Piper, Trucker and Hunter are not names, they're professions
Those legs though
you mean Israel's rightful clay?
I wish Tulsi was my friend desu senpaitachi
>woman as a leader
Have you all lost your goddamn minds?
Half of winning an election is winning the people, the other half is winning the support of the party.
Dem party won't back her, she's not extreme enough for the bernie crowd and not elbow deep is crazy globalist elite big money and pedophile shit like clinton was.
They need someone to be controlled, and after meeting Assad the party would not want to ruin their "evil russia" bullshit
that could be a great selling point though
"Gabbard, the end of the political status quo"
Yes, but women age like milk. Who knows if Tulsi will still be red-pilled after menopause.
I would unironically support a Gabbard-Webb ticket over pretty much anyone the Republicans have right now except for Gowdy
Bernie sanders had the people, but he didn't have the party support necessary. I heard Bernie is not a great guy to work with from a few dc people and people who have worked with him. Hillary ran the show in the past, but the DNC gave her up in 2007 for Obama. Bernie could have gotten more insider support if he had adjusted his views and blew some dudes.
If you look at the reaction the left gives to black or gay republicans, they treat them like house niggers. If she was really serious about getting support, Tulsi would have to give up her independent beliefs to go with what the party tells her to say, which would be very status quo.
>terrorist version of us flag
>posting (((tulsi)))
t. Chad Ortiz
hindu and war veteran? intriguing.
Look who's worried.
More reasons to vote Tulsi.