BTFO Haahahahahahahaha
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Is redbull the only redpilled drink left?
They have to pander to their base. You have to be a broke mother fucker to not be able to afford a real soda.
You've been cuckcanned friend.
It's currently working on 7k fav's.
They still make RC Cola?
Of all the caffeinated jew options, this is the one preferred by niggers.
I think it shows.
people actually drink that trash?
Is this even a real company and why should anyone care what their PR person thinks
>normie memes
This has to be a fake account. No way have they sold more soda than Coca Cola or Pepsi.
Not knowing about Wildwood
everything is fucking stupid
What the fuck is a RC Cola ?
No sugar will let you reach the next level my dude.
>every celebrity drinks diet coke.
Fucking spongemock? Such a shit meme.
is that spongekike jewpants
>With few exceptions
Those exceptions being everyone they compete with
>7 favorites
>300 million people in country
they're fucking stupid, also
>mocking customers
even dumber
RC Cola is shit anyway, why do people still drink that garbage, Moxie is way better
Something niggers buy because they can't afford Coca Cola.
SuCH a sHIt mEM3
They probably don't think they are competitors the same way highschool football teams don't consider national teams as competitors
What's funny is you think anyone gives a shit about RC Cola.
It's a white trash cola commonly found at Walmart vending machines
I have never heard of RC Cola before, it should have stayed the way.
>RC Cola
>Taste of incompetence
Do you really need to say more?
>they need to be anorexic
>the public faces off jews
>next level
you can keep it faggot
My local bar doesn't serve coke anymore. Only rc cola. I wonder if it's because the owner is Jewish
>not snacking on some australian made mccains chips while guzzling some australian made milk while watching some australian made entertainment
it must suck to be an american poofter
what southern shithole do you live in?
Holy shit that's actually hilarious
Aren't most of their (dismal) sales in southern states?
You don't even want to know.
Covfefe lickers btfo
Probably in Louisiana
RC is for niggers and is only sold where niggers are located.
If you see RC in your local grocery store you live near niggers. Sorry.
>mocking customers
>even dumber
Have you ever seen Wendy's official account? That's literally all they do. People love it. It's actually really good for business because they're so funny about it
Remember when Wendy's posted a Pepe and the entire shhitlib media called for a boycott and got their marketing person fired?
Try a true American drink for once
is rc cola or faygo more white trash
yeah but Wendy's is actually smart, RC Cola is tasteless, literally and figuratively
>not chugging whey power all day
you are doing something wrong
This post made me feel bad... I miss you Steve.
That's actually some pretty good bants.
What shithole do you live in? It sounds like hell.
Def Fargo. At least they sell RC in more than three states.
>number in the name
No thanks.
his spirit is still alive, mate
>Conservatives are winning the new culture wa-
Watched his show everyday before school as a kid.
but i could only afford rc cola and now they all hate me
Wendy's does it with playful sass, and keeps things lighthearted and only about their brand and nothing related to politics.
RC Cola is straight up taking a political stance on a subject people are emotionally distressed over (Trump) and they're idiotic to think it'll end well.
So irrelevant they're not even verified.
I want to rape Wendy so hard.
Their meme game is almost as shitty as their soda.
How the fuck is RC Cola even still around? It tastes like shit, and I don't think I've ever seen any sort of marketing for them in my entire life. The last time I actually heard anything about RC in pop culture was from a rerun of All In The Family.
I fucking hate how every promotional Twitter is now an EPIC LE MEME ZONE XDDDD
You don't have to like it, but it's definitely a good business strategy to be funny and a little rude to your customers on social media. It humanizes the brand and gets people talking. We're talking about it right now, aren't we?
its a good thing this tweet exists. before i didnt even know rc cola existed so i could not buy it on purpose
Yeah it's a real company, but I highly doubt it's a real tweet. It's just a knockoff brand of soda that's like half the price of real soda. It's soda that causes you to hate people because they'll buy a few two-liters of it for some sort of picnic or event.
hmm, there is a kike who spams that spongebob picture on Sup Forums. Coincidence?
>How the fuck is RC Cola even still around?
I was thinking the same thing. Haven't seen them in ages.
who drinks RC cola? Like when i'm stocking up on soda for a party the thing on my mind isn't "boy I hope the RC cola is on sale"
Wendy's is /ourrestaurant/
They dont sell it here
>boy I hope the RC cola is on sale
What, do you just want them to give it away for free? The shit can't get any cheaper lol
time to stop buying rc. my family goes through like 4-5 bottles a week. maybe more. fuck em.
It is absolutely a fake account intended to mock RC Cola. At one point there's a tweet with "We're Still Alive" as a slogan, and one with a line like, "Third place isn't bad!"
>calling it "soda"
It's pop. Call it by it's proper name.
same desu famalam
is this a hot new spongebob meme I missed out on?
>it's a burgers argue on Sup Forums about which sugared water is better episode
The only redpilled drink is water
Okay mom
might as well be free for the shit taste it has
dr pepper is best
Thats actually smart of them.
down south we call everything coke. be thankfully I used soda to refer to it.
That is the worst meme I've seen yet
Limonata is the redpilled choice.
>stocking up on soda for a party
Wow that sounds like a great party. Don't forget to break out the board games.
It's sodie pop fizzy drink. Call it by it's proper name.
They even put nice little foil on top. No dusty lid for you. Any country that uses bidets is white in my book
Not real But still fucking savage
Its like a dollar for a a liter.
this has been making the rounds in normieville for the past month
why stock up on beer when you can get drunk off life?
best soft drink ever
>used for anything other than bantz and EPIC WINZ
What are you, fucking... oh. You're a leaf.
Remote controlled cola, add 3 triple a's and you're good to go
>not having spirits at your party
do you want people to chug down straight fucking vodka or something you flabby cuntflap?
tooheys new is life to me
I doubt that is the real RC Cola. I could be wrong, but it's not like they are setting the world on fire as it is, and to piss off half of the population just seems silly.
paying a dollar for shit quality when you can pay 88cents for a liter of coke....
It's fucking cheap, nasty garbage swill that is consumed almost entirely by welfare trash.
Tried this once and hated it