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Looks like all animals and asparagus for some bizarre reason.
Stop eating meat
Good thing I eat seven eggs a day huh.
Kept me alive for 15 years.
Food is a jewish hoax
>Asparagus is more damaging than pork
EAT BUGS (no, really)
Thats a whole lotta eggs. In my poor(er) days eggs were a godsend.
((((climate change)))))
Yeah, that worked out so well for Africa
Too bad, faggot. I'm gonna eat some steak tonight.
Eat pork, nuke Mekka.Trips get.
What do you eat nowadays?
I am still poor but I can't imagine giving up on eggs.
Greenhouse gases are good for climate.
you first
I only eat organic all natural grass feed moon raised meats
>Climate meme
>Not mentioning the massive damage to biodiversity that mono cropping has inflicted.
>Not mentioning the damage to the environment from super phosphates and pesticides
Vegos blown the fuck out.
No but seriously, that's probably where they're going on this. Just read a CNN article on mealworms being so much better.
old news
Instead of changing the food we eat, how about we stop sending food to third-world countries, and then bringing them into first-world nations where they produce first-world levels of CO2?
You do realise that the majority of crops grown in the world are to fed to farm animals, right?
Well I am going to have a nice London Broil tonight to ramp up the Climate Change in honor of this thread.
>founded by lawyers
yeah, ok, I'll really stop eating burgers.
eat wind & twigs
drink the tears of painful memories
sleep 23+ hours a day
save mummy earth
[pls note: wet dreams = starve to death]
dat friggin palindrome
Bad bait, 0/10
Let the niggers die if they can't feed themselves. When we feed them they breed.
The solution to climate change is the human centipede. The same meal consumed three times.
That's a lot of cholesterol. In fact, you've eaten 6,597,360 mg of cholesterol over the past fifteen years in eggs alone. The average person would eat only 1,008,000 mg of cholesterol in the same time period of fifteen years. You eat over six times the recommended intake for cholesterol. That's pretty bad for you my friend
come on goy eat tofu
it's vegan and high in estrogen
it's good for you
Why does butter get a mention?
No one eats a 16oz. butter filet for dinner.
That's like saying we should stop driving cars because bearings need grease.
Beef is good for you.
It has done nothing to me so far.
Can you tell me why it's so bad?
So just eat the cows before they grow up and it'll be fine?
Plant estrogen that don't effect our hormones one but unlike animal protein which has a direct effect on us.
cholesterol is actually good for you, don't listen to this retard
look it up if you don't believe me
but im not sticking around in this thread to argue, i hate arguing with retards about diet, let them kill themselves slowly for all i care
What does your average daily diet look like?
Are you roughly the size of a barge?
i have had 5 cups of coffee and some bits of packaged sausage today, how does dr. Sup Forums rate my diet?
>globalists convince the civilized world it is their humanly obligation to stop reproducing because overpopulation will kill the earth
>altruistic western civilization obliges
>rest of the world doesn't give a shit
>globalists now say the west doesn't have enough workers to support its aging populace
>convince well-meaning gullible westerners they need to import massive amounts of people with a culture that is 1000 years behind the west's or else the west is doomed
>all the while the globalists have thoroughly convinced the naive and accommodating west to subject themselves to strict climate-related regulations
>rest of the world doesn't give a shit
I could continue down this rabbit hole, but I think I'll stop here, starting to get a little nauseous.
How often do you shit and what does it look like?
Well done steak with ketchup I assume
Has to do with how far asparagus gets air freighted
No meat goy
Eat soy and plants only
check 'em. ps sick bantz.