I fucking hate this place
>Conservatism and ethno-nationalism is now mainstream in USA
Douche-flute now with extra cringe.
The ride never ends
I remember the first thread for the kekistan shit and the making of the flag.
I thought it was just going to be one of those things that last for few threads, not full on reddit tier autism.
It's damn near impossible to guess what will take off. Matt Furey never thought to copyright his stupid frog.
pretty cool
wtf i hate memes now
>fuck vape
It's fucking chanology all over again, brace yourselves for around 2 years of this horseshit.
>vape shop
>gone full shitlord
implying it wasnt already?
They managed to make vaping even gayer than before, amazing.
Stop being vap fags and chew tobacco like a fucking man.
It's subversion. They're turning it into a fad, and all fads die before long. lefty/pol/ has discussed doing this exact thing, and it's working, thanks to the "Kekistan" retards.
This is like "le analmoose we r legion" shit all over again
yup its exactly how the took the steam out of the people here before. had goofy ass losers wearing masks sitting on the front lawn of some of the most powerful people in the world. When asked why they were there the response was, not sure. made the idea of being anonymous laughable.
Audibly kek'd
It's good, our movement is getting bigger and bigger!
Our movement is becoming a laughingstock.
This guy gets it.
I hate you all and want you to die.
fuckin degenerate trash.
Vaping = inhaling homosexualism
So it kinda fits
The left has their useful idiots and we have ours.
Old evangelicals weren't going to live forever. The right needed to bring in fresh, idiot blood to fall in line and vote for the right wing. I'd say this shit worked amazingly.
Sup Forums, the picture
>/ourboy/ Pepe went full mainstream and was ruined thanks to retards like Sargon
>People in this board actually like this retarded Kekistan meme bullshit
Fuck off, reddit. You were never welcome here.
Sup Forums above normie zog, and good king Sup Forums above all.
Pepe was ruined before that cuck Sargon. It got ruined after T_D adopted it.
pretty much how i picture most of you altright faggots 2bh
>Sup Forums memes
>in a vape shop
Dudes about to have a going out of business sale
Kekistan was always reddit. It was a bunch of T_D fags coming in here, seeing a Shitpost and taking it seriously. The fucking clover on the flag alone should give away that it was not designed by us. The ONLY time it would be acceptable to have one of these flags would be if you lifted it during the HWNDU raid, otherwise you look like a massive fag.
Holy shit, look at how skinny that manlet's legs are. My wrists are thicker than that.
what the fuck am I looking at?
ITT friendless losers jealous normies are buying into their propaganda
You guys are becoming tumblr tier cry babies. It's pathetic.
True, but Sargon exposed it to an even bigger audience.
Sargon killed Pepe. Now T_D and retards are just raping his corpse
that's actually really funny. I hate the kek meme but it's surprising these kind of people are actually being drawn to it
Fucking cynical. You sound like a Jew.
Not that you are wrong of course.
nah. you don't know the target audience. He will do just fine.
Its almost heartbreaking to see a grown man with the brain of a child.
Our future is very bleak.
manlet? you can tell he's like 11 years old dude
Look, yet another brazillian neo-nazi
>You sound like a Jew.
I am. Leave it to a Kraut to spot one of us.
Vape shop I used when i was quitting cigarettes was run by a Sup Forums user. I didn't post him here to make fun of though because he was a nice guy.
This dude looks like a tool
This is how I visualize the modern frog poster
We should keep a "kekistan cringe" thread up at all times. It keeps the retards who like kekistan occupied, and then it gets the /leftypol/ fags distracted while they try to make Sup Forums into one person. And they keep each other distracted by fighting. It's a win win.
You want to see some funny shit, join a Sup Forums group on Facebook and look at the users. It's pretty good shit.
fucking gay. Call me what you want. I mean I like this place as there is some smart and funny people on here and it is a great place for breaking news but this kinda shit is so lame. The cunt in this pic related is the kind of guy who would have made fun of most of the people on this Korean breadmaking forum. It's really sad seeing stupid cunts like faith goldy for example try to pretend like she created pepe and all these other memes. I don't kno, it's hard to explain. Also FPBP
A shame you let my people ruin your country. Get the fuck off Sup Forums and start the fourth reich, user.
Nah. Antifa gets you the best shit.
>damn near impossible to guess what will take off
not really, any meme which isnt overtly racist that comes out of here usually takes off.
Are the kekistan redditfags basically our brown shirts?
it's like two cancers combined to form a giga cancer
God forbid hard nationalism go mainstream!
>mfw the left lost decades of ground in the culture war by being insane SJWs attacking white people and men at every opportunity and pushing trannies
I mean Sup Forums is inherently contrarian so now that normies are starting to turn to our side its a little cringey but I guess thats what winning feels like
good. the only people butthurt by this are libtards. the more popular being a "cringy right wing memer" gets the better.
I hope you are saying "another" because you are fighting for a single intact white homeland on this planet as well as I.
And the Oscar goes to...
But you need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums...
Jesus christ it's only the cringiest of people who buy those.
They are the black suits of our Illuminati
They also post in the Sup Forums groups talking shit, most of them are beta white boys that I don't think anyone would be scared by. I remember a group that had a core group of popular members who were all leftists and they all looked like suburban raised faggots. Was even worse than the/ pol/ users.
It really is. Kek/Trump is le god emperor XD is the Chanology of the 2010s
Is this what subversion looks like
except it's nowhere near remotely a fad
a "fad" has to reach critical mass and become extremely mainstream before it dies
so if lefty/pol/ is actually responsible for this garbage then they're literally digging their own graves
>he is a successful normie....somehow cringy
>posts some wierdly looking dweeb....not cringy
you are retarded.
thankfully that keeps Moon Man safe
Is there some way we can convince people we didn't start this?
yep, the overton window is much farther right than 2 years ago and the left won't be "cool" again until they drop the insane antics at schools and shit and thats not going to happen
>taking reaction images this seriously
I agree with your response but reviewbrah is a good kid, he's not a dweeb.
If by "fourth Reich" you mean the Glorious Socialist Republic of Goymany, chances are pretty high for us to see it. Everything else? Not happening.
Our integration minister is a female Kurd whose two brothers are two Islamists who run the biggest webpage for Islamists in Germanistan, it's called muslim-markt...
we didn't
it was Sargon and all those alt-lite youtuber cucks
ficking based to be honto with anata
What the fuck are those shields made from, cardboard?
>when ur a normal guy on pol with a good life and job and you think there has to be more like you on here but really theres prob less than 1% and everyone else is the guy in ops pic.
its hell suss especially with sargon pushing it.......whats his end game?
the flag was modeled after a german nazi flag though which is funny if you want people to stop pushing the cringe shit sic leftys on them point out the flag normie tards will soon stop doing it then it will just be the people pretending to be retard but doing the cringe on purpose
Sup Forums => Jews
Kekistani => Christians
>buying into their propaganda
... and turning it into a fad.
All 10s trends don't last more than a year. Come September or October this whole Kekistani shit will be dead in the normiesphere.
irl memes are cringe by default
Imagine if the Jews somehow survived this.
A world where calling out normie jews became fine, as long as you didn't go full 'conspiracy theory' and start pointing to power, just that 'hey jews can be pretty petty sometimes'. The top jews have always wanted an international presence, maybe they'd see normie level jew bantz and mild 'Hitler did nothing wrong' presences to placate the masses enough to run shit still.
that johnny holiday cunt will probably start bulk buying all their shit
They couldn't really adopt Swastika Hitler Pepe either. But it was a delight seeing it on normie TV.
Technivally copyright exists as soon as you record your work on a tangible mediim. Registering your copyright merrly gives you access to more damagrs if you sue for infrinhement.
Does that mean my Kek tattoo isn't cool?
Goy foreskin harvested only from the goodest of goys.
Epic for the win.
>insulting Reviewbrah
So? Who cares if it's a fad? Them losing interest won't be the end of Sup Forums.
Sargon is a Zionist agent. Rember he's posted cuck porn on Twitter not once, but twice.
Sup Forums has become the new Sup Forums, and soon the two will be indistinguishable. You could have prevented this if you only followed the fucking sticky
>have friends that work at vape stores
>they browse leddit
>they're getting into the alt right thing
Your vape shop is owned by faggots. Have fun with your now failing business. Not even a leftist, but no one wants to discuss politics when trying to buy their fucking juice and cotton.