Can we get a thread of all the fake bullshit the (((media))) has put out that normies would consider fake trying to redpill some friends on why the (((MSM))) is bullshit
Examples of fake news
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks for the laugh user
I've got a whole list of this shit saved just for this occasion. I know the board is gonna do that lazy fucking NYPA cop out shit though so I guess I'm gonna have to be the only one posting in this thread.
I'm lurking the thread just 4u
Here you go:
There's 80 in there, all from CNN.
Sorry if you don't like the format. If nothing else, they will point you to the fake stories themselves so you can redo if you want.
Someone drop some redpills I need it
The most disgusting, subversive and fake news and shit from DNC in the USA
Buzzfeed, CNN, Huffingtonpost, new york times, washington post, salon, usatoday, mediamatters, snopes, MSNBC, and all the other trash I'm forgeting and are also in wikileaks, the american celebrities are also forced to lick the shithole of DNC or will have their TV show canceled like Tim Allen and his comment was not even great, or will sell out for DNC to be promoted in fucking corrupt industry hijacked and owned by DNC to try to create parisan and corrupt narrative shilling for themselves, even Simpsons on Fox making anti-trump propaganda to shill for DNC, the DNC will try to use their 90 or 95% of monopoly in media to always chimpout and shill for themselves in every opportunity, create fake news, get away with everything, the democrats fraud in votes, forbid ID to vote who every other country of the world use, democrats party dirty tricks, cheating, CNN videos, the fake news and manipulation exposed in videos, they have also their corrupt shit emails to be viewed in wikileaks
Outside of USA we have fucking trash like
The guardian, BBC, and other european tiny corrupt elites organized with USA or mainstream left-wing media copying only the media owned by democrats party as the (((Default))) to sell their narrative, propaganda and manipulation for themselves in hope to get any power, money and i hope that democrats party die since the globalist (((american))) influence basically means mainstream left-wing media copying the worst garbage of the media, websites, industries, celebrities and propaganda owned by democrats party, and the leftists steal money of the people in my country and were impeachmant so they were viewed like shit in the last months and they even avoid the word leftists
Very fake news
thanks format is good got some real work to do the person I'm trying to change owns an obama change shirt and has a planned parenthood hat :(
My wife agreed to pay for a billboard trolling CNN as a birthday gift. We will pick a location on a major highway (95 or maybe 75).
Any ideas on what it should say/show? If Someone suggests something really good I'll use it and post results when it goes up.
Well, Sup Forums?
CNN says that sucks
Salon compares trump to hitler
This entire debate
That should be enough examples to begin a discussion.
Use archives:
Itz bizarro, democrats party aren't president, lose everything and they seems to still in the power trying to control the narrative, propaganda since they have quasi monopoly of 90% of american media and they try to destroy real independent media, use their corrupt lobby to shill, to try to manipulate for themselves or shill for the next piece of shit from DNC
I don't want this sick influence, you are corrupt, have the worst of USA being copied to mix with the worst of my country and don't have money to over compensate, is the worst of two worlds.
I don't want American democrats party globalist bad influence with all their manipulation, lies, baiting, everything because they are mad and wanting to get power
Also, have some shit in republicans too like Mccain, and others, but democrats party seems to have total lobby over the media, industries, it's bizarro, and is horrible when other countries try to be cynical and pretend that they aren't copying corrupt partisan evil shit media, industries, owned by DNC
How about from earlier today, notice the difference in headlines.
Personal favorite. Insanity. Absolute insanity.
forgot pic
Even Ghana is not immune.
the best
"Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?"
this shit was so obvious
you can find the proof at the guys twitter, he's mad as hell for being portrayed as a muslim, when it was infact him and a sikh friend who offered free taxi rides and NOT FUCKING MUSLIMS.
You shouldn't edit videos. It's a bad thing to do.
That never stopped them, though.
Fuck it I'll keep going
Melania "thirsty for Trudeau"
Fake hate crimes post-election
Hillary had debate questions early
This infamous tweet
I'll keep posting if there is interest. I've got way more.
And here's the archive:
lmao thanks user big help
MSNBC reported that 2016 was "the warmest year in recorded history."
They need to be taken off the air for such reckless nonsense
Ah thanks user. I should save these as archives instead. I'll update them but too lazy to do it right now. I'm just copy pasting on my phone.
Look up CNN's Gulf War coverage -- especially a supposed "gas attack."
bump. a very good thread. make it big I can only lurk from my mobile
I knew they were fake news, but my god I never knew it was this bad wtf
Being hypocrites is about the only thing they do well.
I'll have a terabyte of this saved by the end i swear
>Pic related
New strategy of the media and some game devs like ubisoft since 2012-2013
I noticed this during the star wars release, but not with Boyega. It was with the Daisy Ridley. When people started to label her a Mary Sue, which she is by any objective standard or understanding of basic star wars lore, there were thousands of screeds seemingly pre-penned to counteract any reasonable critiques that she was able to act as a force user with ZERO training. At the time, I thought it was more the fact that girls never want to be reminded that it takes effort to achieve things. They just want to be told that by being a quirky le ebin person they can be 100% as good as the boys xDDDD. It's disgusting. Not only is it ruining our women, it's ruining film. Even with a female character, it could have been interested had she been given any sort of training and seen her develop her skills. Think Kill Bill and Uma Thurman's quest for revenge. While Tarantino is a cuck par excellence, you could hardly say Uma didn't earn her way to fighting Bill. From a comatose rape victim with extensive atrophy to killing all of her rivals in swordplay. None of that was present in Daisy's movie.
>melania swatted trump's hand
she reached for it but he pulled it away.
hate hoaxes, baby
In fact, see if you guys can help fill in
The NYT/WaPo/CNN are not alone, but seem to lead the pack in slanted even disingenuous reporting.
relatedly- a thread I dream of is a list of reliable news sources that are not owned, managed, or disproportionately staffed by the 2% of the population known as Jews who seem to be 50% of writers tendering anti-Russia trump conspiracy shit.
love seeing anons get together to share information
We're those both from Texas?
huffpost articlemostrecently updated today. It mentions the Portland attack without mentioning that it was a false flag, and also mentions a bunch of other attacks, almost all of which have a 99% certainty of being hoaxes.
I hate the media...
I doubt there's like #400 of these, but is there a .rar of all of them in that template?
WTF. Why aren't these snakes in jail.
See That's at least 80 of them. No .rar though. But it's an imgur gallery so you can probably download them pretty quick.