What type of fuckery is this?

What type of fuckery is this?


> Following popular logic, sexuality is thought of as straight or gay. Bisexuality has only recently begun to be taken seriously. The idea of separate, static, and neatly defined sexual orientations is woven into the fabric of American society and is part of our cultural conception of gender itself;realmen are masculine and attracted to women.

Other urls found in this thread:


Society is going to collapse in 20 years.

Fucking (((guess)))

Please let it happen, me and my wife will be innawoods by then


gamers are dead 2.0

maybe we should all become straight guys+
straight guys plus morals, straight guys plus we stand up for women's rights, straight guys plus we have sex with other men.

just nuke us already
I'm just tired of it all.

>VICE Canada

yeah, a fucking leaf. Checks out

The best part of a full-scale societal collapse is the clueless faggots at Slate, Vox, Huffpost etc are literally going to be eaten by niggers.


>race isn't real, we're all the same we just have tiny tiny differences in appearance because of the sun and the earth's tilt
>gender is a spectrum, there's no such thing as "male" or "female" anymore
>sexuality is a spectrum, there's no such thing as "straight" or "all the way gay" anymore

>leftists tirelessly demonize some category of people called "straight white males"

seriously tho, whats funny is that people are angry about a statement that is truthish, but is actually deeper than they suggest in their clickbait headline.

To me the punchline is that if "straight" doesnt exist, neither does "gay". everything is just boiled down to the act in itself. for instance: if you fuck tits, you are a tit fucker, and if you suck dicks, you are a dick sucker.

what im driving at is that they are framing the label "straight" as a relic of old thought processes, but that wont change the fact that most men will just be considered pussy fuckers.

faggotry combo

You give them too much credit.

based black man


for all intents and purposes then, there's no such thing as "gay sex"

Yay! I don't exist. Does this mean if I kill someone, it will forever go unsolved?

It's true. Freud invented the terms in the 1880s. Although well meaning insofar as there is a rainbow in Genesis and things like pride are a venal sin at best if not fully a man made interpretation, men have always done certain things. You can too and outshine the best of them

do i exist

oh, i dont think they understand at all. they think they are engaging in some deep shit though, but even a casual examination of their idea reveals just how dumb it is.

In real human interaction it wont change a thing. Say your hiring a hooker - in the past the pimp or madame would ask if you are gay or straight. In Vice's ideal society you would be asked if you prefer fucking a man or a woman. Nothing actually changes lol.

I nigree

Redpill on homos to end all redpills:

Homosexuality really IS "natural" and intended in a way by nature as they argue, but not for the reasons they think.

It's something that develops in horribly broken people who have defects that nature doesn't want to be continued. Like, they're born with some trigger to their offspring, a higher percentage of parkinsons or some disease, so their brain wires itself to want to never have kids and even potentially remove it's own genitals in extreme cases.

Nature did everything it could to ward off normal creatures from them and make them as annoying as fucking possible, so it gave them an annoying speaking voice with an annoying tone, decibel level and frequency.

People who allign themselves with homo's and are resistant to their annoying shit, are likely also broken themselves in some way.

Youre right. "gay sex" is a label for men who prefer to fuck men, or in some cases any same-sex encounter. The act precedes the label.
Same way there is no such thing as a "murderer", but we know that's just a label for people who illegally plan and carry out the killing of another human.

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No wonder I can't find a straight gf to have sex with

Digits say 8

Bisexuals are the worst for this hypocrisy. So often I've heard them claim that everyone is a bit gay - because they ironically assume everyone must be like them, while crying about intolerance to their sexuality. Whereas anyone firmly hetero or homosexual knows otherwise, they aren't 'repressed' or whatever. But bisexuals will insist on this, while thinking they're somehow enlightened and crying prejudice at anyone saying otherwise.

Bisexuals insist on trying to turn everyone bisexual because they're the ones that are rejected by both sides which is problematic to their greedy needs. And yes, every bisexual I've met has fitted the slutty, greedy stereotype.

this relativism is beyond retarded, give it up. Abstract ideas can exist beyond casualty. Their article is stupid, your argument is stupid.

Trips say in one hour.


the article is dumb.
i said that this post

>Vice (((Canada)))


>What type of fuckery is this?

Slippery slope to Comrade Goldsteins Lugenpresse mass media to telling me I'm not "white" and that I should race mix with the mexicans.

This is exact same train of thought as "Since she got an orgasm it isnt rape"

what im getting at is vice is so dumb that they think that removing a label will remove the stigma surrounding the act. hopefully that clarifies things.

see, you'r all faggots.

wow haha what a BASED black man here, MAGA

They're right. Sexuality is more like a spectrum, nobody is 100% straight or 100% gay.

is this new copypasta? I like!

Just like a gay person can be stimulated by a woman until he gets off, as can a straight person by the same sex.

It's true to an extent. I see orientation outside of practical purposes as more of a fetish than anything. If you're having sex without the implicit intent of creating a child, you're already being a degenerate.

Having sexual relations with the same sex has been a relatively common thing throughout human history. What hasn't been common is acting as though it's normal or warrants a relationship.

No, the vast majority of people are 100% straight even when you're taking this spectrum meme into account.


>maybe we should all become straight guys+

i really, really like this idea

That means Cis White Males don't exist. Meaning White Privilege doesn't exist.

>straight guys +
Let it be known for the record, it was a leaf that came up with this.

Nah, this is old pasta from the elections. Saved it for the right occasion.

Scientists are faggots, study shows

Sexuality is a group of fetishes that develop. Porn and degeneracy lead to even more of them.
t. /d/egenerate.

Didn't based Gavin McInnes start up vice, what has it turned too :(

"It's basically a study that assesses sexual orientation by looking at the eyes and whether they dilate or not. You can't control your eye dilation. Essentially, that's what the whole project attempts to get at, another way of assessing sexuality without relying on self report. Another way of course is genital arousal, but that gets a little invasive."

>pupil dilation is a reliable indicator of horniness.
Who the fuck conducted this '''''''''study''''''''' and why should anyone give a fuck let alone several?

>gavin mcinnes
you mean the guy who shoved a dildo up his ass and danced around on camera, kissed milo's aids-ridden mouth, and shills for israel at (((ezra levant)))'s behest?

What the gaming industry really need right now is a franchise about a genderfuid atheist exploring the terrain of his inner sexual turmoil. That's a real hot market right now.

"""""" ((((((((vice))))))""""""

of course it's exageration

we know that sexual orientation does work on a spectrum to a certain degree in some cases:

bissexuals always prefer one of the sexes

but straight men and women will always be simply the ones who have exclusive sexual relations with the opposite gender, no matter how repulsed they are or not to homossexual behaviour.

some people just simply make a career of acting dumb and blurring the lines nowadays.

I guess they forgot the nohomo part when /fit/ says nice bod, no homo

>tfw almost saved up enough to go inawoods.

Society can burn, I'm taking my waifu pillow and leaving it behind.

If you suck a dick then you're a faggot, no two ways about it

yup, he makes some pretty fucking based videos though on rebel

Thats where you're wrong.
The dick sucker could be a woman, then she isnt suitable for that label. And what label you give the dick sucking woman depends on how many dicks she sucks and where. For instance, if she only sucks your dick, you could label her "wife". But, if she sucks a hundred dicks in an alleyway, youd label her "cum dumpster".

This isn't new. Numerous studies have shown that vocal anti faggot guys tend to get boners faster than anyone else when exposed to gay porn.

This is why people are becoming increasingly counter-semitic

Well he is a Canadian...

>when you realize op has been shilling this article for months now
1 post by this id


guaranteed the scientific paper does not say this at all. I would read it and have access to them but at this point I'm too lazy to read them, I've read enough and know when journalists are just lying

I cannot wait for the day when Canadian "men" are lines up behind their cuck sheds and executed, and their women are sent to serve red blooded conservative Moose as concubines in the new Canada

>If you're having sex without the implicit intent of creating a child, you're already being a degenerate.

This is why people don't take you seriously.

WTF I just realized this and joined a gay furry transsexual orgy now

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:

discord dot gg/JEHrV

> hurrr shilling hurrr

Yes, only ass fuckers

Sexuality (genitality) is the first rabbit hole that people disappear into. It's almost as of the general population were being herded into it. Scoop: your feels are dumb and nobody cares. Any empathy you get is a false front. Don't get hung up on your ding dong

Modern day Academia. The same shit tier research/study that concluded that Egyptians were Europeans due to sampling mummies over a period of European invasion. People will selectively chose to believe it w/o any further probing because it conforms w/ their world view. Welcome to truth in 2017 (high grade lies perpetuated by the husk of former academic excellence).

/polgb/ is a fucking terrible idea.
/tttt/ is THE master race.
Its only a matter of time before your discord gets colonised.


Also bump. Interesting topic to discuss.

How bout you take a real wife with you? If you really have enough monney to go innawoods, getting a wife would literally make your life perfect (have children)

how can homophobia exist if straight people dont exist?

>According to new research, babies are not the product of sexual intercourse between male and female

Wasn't that the premise for Undertale or some shit

I imagine that's kind of the intent of this kind of "progressive revisionism". Maybe if you say "nobody is really straight" for long enough everyone will forget about the socially constructed taboos regarding homosexuality, and homophobia will cease to exist.

We wuz faggots n shit

>To me the punchline is that if "straight" doesnt exist, neither does "gay". everything is just boiled down to the act in itself.
That's what they are trying to say, fuckface. This is the equivalent of saying race doesn't exist even though evidence points to the contrary.

user specifically said (You) and (You) are obviously not a woman. Stop overthinking this.

I think the eventual goal is this:
>normalize contraception
>contraception promotes sterile sex
>sterile sex is philosophically no different than sodomy
>contraceptive mindset is instilled in population
>thus support for sodomite unions and practices are more easily accepted as sex is all about pleasure
>the idea of procreation of a child is separated from the sexual act
>sodomite couples use labs to "procreate"
>technology advances, climate change propaganda increases
>laws enacted that resemble China's two-child policy
>children are only able to be "conceived" in a lab with special government permission

I was imagining a literal landscape of dicks and titties, all rendered in cryengine. You'd go into vaginacaves and fight giant infants, etc. And there's no leveling system, and in its place the game allows you to level up as a moral person irl.

you seem so pissed, but this is the summary of what this topic:

Some people decided that the label "straight" doesnt exist. But it objectively exists, we are discussing "straight" right now, so the people who made the claim "straight does not exist" are wrong.

Neither does gender and whites will soon be a minority.

So cis white male privilege gone forever? We can finally live in peace soon bros.

public school 2: eugenics boogaloo

Well, the societal break between sex and procreation was cited in the recent sodomite union ruling by the Supreme Court.
Contraception, loosened by the Anglican Protestants, opened a floodgate of immorality and degeneracy... and eventually greased the wheels to allow for sodomites to partake in a civil union (also thanks to the Protestants, Fr. Luther).
Theological protesting has societal consequences.

Ive known this for a long time, Sexuality isn't set in stone its completely based on environmental factors


>admin - gayjew
its like you fuckers dont even try anymore

So if a faggot fucks a pussy that makes him str8?

I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good and horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. Use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence. At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city.

That's the Hugh Mungus look if I've ever seen it.


>straight Jews don't exist....sips skinny latte.

>In August 2014, (((A&E Networks))), a television group jointly owned by (((The Walt Disney Company))) and (((Hearst Corporation))) made a $US250 million investment in Vice Media for an ownership stake of 10%. >In November and December 2015, Disney made two additional individual investments of US$200 million totaling $400 million.

> (((Bob Iger))), The Walt Disney Company, Chairman & CEO. {properties and hirings too numerous to mention}.

> (((Steven Swartz))), Hearst President & CEO. Hearst's major interests include ownership in cable television networks such as A&E, HISTORY, Lifetime and ESPN; majority ownership of global ratings agency Fitch Group; Hearst Health, a group of medical information and services businesses; 30 television stations such as WCVB in Boston and KCRA in Sacramento, Calif.; newspapers such as the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle and Albany Times Union, more than 300 magazines around the world including Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar and Car & Driver; digital services businesses such as iCrossing and KUBRA; and investments in emerging digital and video companies such as Verizon Hearst Media Partners, Complex, BuzzFeed, VICE and AwesomenessTV.

>Vice Media:
>Vice News
>Vice (magazine)
>Vice Sports
>The Creators Project
>Pulse Films
>Virtue Worldwide

What the fuck did I just read

