Look who I met yesterday, Sup Forums!!!

Look who I met yesterday, Sup Forums!!!

He is still sleeping!

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You look like you just had his balls in your mouth.

Russian faggot

Who are these people

The man in the bed is a goddamned patriot the man with the smug look is a degenerate


great whoever you all are just stay in mexico plz

Who is that

They both look like spics to me. If you want me to care about your "patriot" you'll have to explain.

is that artie lang?

The guy in the bed is a Russian retard who spics literally tried to lynch in Beanerland.

The smug wetback is some sort of government official who gloated about the attempted lynching on social media.

Writes on his forehead:RUfag

Same Russian from ?

What a fucking dick. I speak Russian and the only justification he offered was that they were in his way on the only path through. Fucking svolach

He better remain in good health.

If he doesnt - I will come for you.

No bullshit.

Call me Peter Lobo

spics are animals who can not run a country or a business.

Did you spics try some "Faceoff" thing? You fucked it up, you look equally like trash.

spics are disgusting trash, mexico is and will always be the land of failure

I hope he dies

Don't do it.


I hope, this creasy retard die from subdural haematomas.
He runs from Russia, because he hitting childs, and grannys, and women, he running with axe in the forest and attacking lonely peasants.


He was a complete nut, and a bunch of spics decided they were going to attack him as a mob. They put out invitations on social media.

They threw stones and other objects at him and broke into his house. He stabbed a teen-bean, and then the crowd went wild. They only left when the media reported incorrectly that the Russian had died.

Fucking sub-humans all around.

That guy should have disconnected the machines that are keeping him alive

It boils my blood that this subhuman is being kept alive at the expense of the mexican taxpayer dime

Fuck that piece of shit

You mean "facking svolach"

yo pienso tu mono

They weren't organizing to attack him, they were going to make a display of force by rallying in large numbers outside his house to scare him, they only attempted to lynch him after he killed that kid.

That guy just "пoeхaвший" - "poekhavshij"

What the fuck was his problem?

pardon me french cl;^)

But they threw things at him and broke in (to attack him) before he killed the spic kid. He clearly killed the kid in self defense.

He was a professional scuba diver and nearly drowned. He's neurologically damaged since that day. Here's a video where he wasn't batshit insane.


>But they threw things at him and broke in (to attack him) before he killed the spic kid. He clearly killed the kid in self defense.

Evidence or GTFO, the kid got stabbed when he was alone

Write the jews did this on his forehead OP.

That's cultural appropriation but I hue'd nonetheless.

DESU, they would've been totally justified in killing him even if he hadn't killed a kid.

He's apparently insane, mexishits are sill completely justified in lynching his ass though

You cant legally kill in Mexico under any circumstamces

Hmm sounds like he got one of your mexibros though and killed him with a knife. I think technically that means he is still up 1.

>Evidence or GTFO, the kid got stabbed when he was breaking into the Russian's house


Self-defense doesn't even exist ?

>You cant legally kill in Mexico under any circumstamces
Reallly? There is no concept of self-defense? So if someone is shooting at you and you shoot back in self-defense you still get prosecuted for homicide?

You can self defense till the threat is over, but you cant use lethal force


>>Evidence or GTFO, the kid got stabbed when he was breaking into the Russian's house
Why would they send a spaghetti arms kid alone to break into his house and harm him when there was supposedly a large number of guys ready to kill him just outside, you stupid fuck?

> I met yesterday

lying faggot.

Mexican laws are worth less than the paper they're printed on.

>but you cant use lethal force
wow, that is kind of messed up. You guys need to fix your laws.

>You cant legally kill in Mexico under any circumstamces

Then why did the mob attack him with intent to kill? If it was illegal?

Or is it okay if it's a mob trying to kill someone?

I work with Russians. And when they step out of line like this we strip them down and dip them in the arctic ocean. Always some new dickhead onboard who thinks he's some untouchable elite asshole.

This is degenerate behavior

You fucking jumping bean monkeys kill each other at the drop of a cocaine sniff though.

did he have evidence that would have led to the arrest of Hillary Clinton?

Because mexicans dont enjoy being called monkeys in their own land, IT IS illegal and IT ISNT justified.The purpose of the mob was so the authorities deported this guys, but things really got heated up when the guy came out and started shouting at the people

im so confused whats happening? something about Russian, Mexico and some random guy who wears knight armor

Is there a video of that Russian scumbag getting his ass handed to him? When will he be hanging from a bridge?

Russians are so dumb. Only a moron would complain about Mexicans in Mexico. Dumb Russian deserved everything he got.

If this Russian wasn't dumb, he would have applied for entry to the U.S. and complained about the illegal Mexican degenerates here.

woah... that sucks if true.

A russian guy got beaten in Mexico for being racist, abusing children, old people and women.
There are lots of videos in youtube, search for Lord Ruso Nazi

Aren't there better ways to get someone deported than to show up at his house, shout at him, throw things at him, and break in to attack him?

That seems like the exact wrong way to go about things. (Which explains why the spics did it, probably.)

Oh hey look everyone, it's /leftypol/ being cucks again

is this big news in Mexico?

Fucking hell, you cunts are thin-skinned. Muslims blow up our children and steal their flowers/toys from memorials and you nigshits get uppity from being called monkeys even though you cunts steal billions from America. You are thin-skinned.

This happend 2 weeks ago, and yes it was a really big new
He would usually do things like this to mexican people youtube.com/watch?v=E6APxQStS88
How do we steal from america?
People decided to take action by their own hand (obviously a bad idea)

mentally insane guy got lynched by a bunch of spics because their country is as fucked in the head as he is

guy deserved it. its like the residents of cancun ran the beast of out town

Hmmm, millions of mexicans in America stealing Id's and licenses from 'sactuary cities'? Can't imagine Trump putting up a wall lightly.

Can't deport the rusian nigger, they don't want him
Shut the fuck up piece of shit pakistani, noone needs your goatfucking opinion.

Yeah we should absolutely be progressive turbocucks like you guys.

You can meme it up all you want but outside the nowadays rare cartel on cartel incidents and the inevitable collateralled civilian our women and children don't get blown up on a daily basis because we can't stop being retarded.

>it's ok to behave like niggers when we do it!

Oh boy I can't wait for the racewar kiddo

I see why americans hate your kind now.

>i dont have an argument so ill call you a goat-fucker and a nigger
You guys are only showing how many mexicans are literal cave dwellers

>mfw a paki keeps replying

Yeah we should instead aspire to genocide people we find offensive like fucking subhuman chimps right Australia?

He's woke and he killed one of you degenerates.

>Subhuman sudaca found out about VPN

hahahaha man i enjoy this level of butthurt kys spic

Hey man if you want to make friends go back to kikebook, M'kay. I'm quietly browsing and i see nigger tier posts and i want in, is not like all Brit posters aren't pakis that got up early to cheat on ramadan. anyway go fuck yourself.

He was like 20

Stop posting in slide threads.

Nigga he was a grown ass man

>It's illegal to call Mexicans names!
>It's perfectly legal to invade a tard's house and assault him!

fucking A++ country

And again, he was an adult not a kid

Can you even read or your A++ amerifat education wont allow you?

E-eric Clanton, i-is that you?

8/10 bait btw

spics are really subhuman, how dare you mock a comatose person you filthy ape.

To Spaniards: Why didn't you kill all of the aboriginals like the anglos did when they colonized? You left a few alived which bred like rabbits and now they are millions, and one of the worst races on earth

It wasn't a kid he killed, it was an adult.
Stop trying to pull this "muh children" for a justification

No he completely bullied the shit out of grown men in his vids too

Also he's not a nazi


>Mexican animals are still triggered by one Russian

Two degenerates dying, nothing of value was lost.

Guy steps on some fucking tacos and you wetbacks try to kill him? Bean logic for you.

i'd have to check but i'm almost 100% sure that was the british.
>mentally ill man acts mentally ill so instead of putting him in an asylum spics chimp out like niggers
truly fitting of a south american country honestly

So this is a hate crime against the mentally handicapped then.

Tbf that was a pretty dick move, not a justification at all to kill the guy, would've been completely justified if all those kids jumped his ass, however.
But still.

This is the kind of Argie immigrants we have to deal with, i hope all you fucking "yuropeans" die of aids by the niggers that are flooding you.


Can't exactly prosecute an entire mob. It may be illegal to kill, but that sure as shit won't stop people from killing a foreigner that just murdered a child

That wasnt cool, they seemed like nice beaners.

Are you a sailor too user?

I know EXACTLY the type of Russian dickheads youre talking about. We have them too.

Your time will come nigger

>head missing a big part
So now he looks like average mexicans?

>stars of david surrounding it
>literally a jew
>is a schizophrenic
Okay now where are his quotes on how he believes national socialism is the best system?

Literally none of that means he's a nazi