This needs to be settled once and for all. Tired of amerifats that mixed with afrikans for centuries calling slavs non white, eurofags that invite middle easters to cuck their women and then pay them on top of that.
I say slavs are whiter than you.
Are slavs white
Other urls found in this thread:
>white skin
>European identity
>European culture
That's all you need to be White, if Slavs have that, then yeah they are
Yes but whites are not equal. Britons and Japs are the true masterrace.
Whiter than niggers and dunecoons, so they're good enough for me.
yes slavs are white its just that some of them are acting like subhuman baboon niggers
That's true, also plenty of shitskins inhabit balkans that now identify as "slavic".
are these shitskins coming to the ex-yugo countries or the rest of the balkans?
Read the goddamn rules you fucking mongoloid
they've been here for centuries and inhabited these regions since ottoman rule, they know no other language than ours and its similar with the rest of the balkans.
Take a look at this, see for yourself. They are not serbs and not white.
>This needs to be settled once and for all.
You need some anglo inbred retard to tell you what is your genetic and cultural heritage? Fuck off, you don't deserve to call yourself a Slav.
u completely misunderstood. I think they are misguided when they spout nonsense. I don't need them to tell me what my genetic and cultural heritage is they just need to be aware of it.
>fucking bosniak
Serbia should annex the shit out of you, you fucking nigger
Try not to care about their opinion. They will all be mixed race in 50 years anyway.
what the fuck did he mean with 'mi smo romin' at 1:03? is he a fucking gypsy?
or did he say 'mi smo romi'?
yes, but then he continued to say, "we have no country and serbia is ours."
you're not a fucking slav you idiot.
we are dinaroid, just look at the fucking picture you posted.
yeah whatever dude.
I know that he said "Serbia is ours", which isn't true at all.
>"we have no country"
well too bad he's a Romani
I honestly hate the Romani, these disgusting pigs needs to learn how to live properly or fuck off completely.
>is X white
Friendly reminder Jews create these threads in an attempt to confuse you as to what is and is not white, thus resulting in the loss of racial identity. Don't forget how evil the Jews are, and how much they hate you.
"White" isn't a race. Our race is the Aryan race, today called "Indo-European." Who is an Aryan? Anyone who descends from the ancient Aryan peoples who spoke an Indo-European language. Who is not an Aryan? Anyone who does not descend from the ancient Aryan bloodline.
They're the lesser of the bunch, but they're white.
They're the first you shoot if you have all the European races lined up against a wall, but times have changed, we need everyone now.
They're whiter than Americans, at least they have European(ie:white) heritage and European land beneath their feet.
We are a mixture genetically. Culturally we are more Slavs than anything else. Linguistically, we are Slavs.
Either way, I don't care for anglos or snow niggers. We are more white than them.
obviously slavs are white
many have an unfortunate amount of Turkic mudslime blood though but thats the the majority
*not the majority
not really.
they never inhabited out territories.
even if a rape baby was conceived, it couldn't be baptised, and was considered one of the greatest heresies to the family so in most cases they would end up being killed off, growing up homeless, or being sent to Istanbul to join the jannisaries.
As long as you are:
Then you are white.
i know you may be a russian loving memelord, but they aren't our friends.
>The Indo-European family includes most of the modern languages of Europe – with the notable exceptions[3]of Uralic languages such as Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, Udmurt, the Sami languages of Lapland and some others spoken in parts of Russia
>t. Wikipedia
Finns and Esties BTFO
Yes, and russians are baltic finns, and czechs are lower austrians.
I am not, I like Russia as a nation, I don't like their people and mentality.
I have this "Dinaric nose" and dark blonde hair, although I am kinda short (compared to the rest of Serbs at least).
The thing is, go out on the street, you will se 10 different genetic types in 5 minutes. Especially in Belgrade. Serbs from Bosnia, Sumadija, Kosovo etc. look nothing like each other.
We are connected through our culture, religion and language, not blood.
thats what I meant
you know what time it is and i have an engineering exam in less than 5 hours.
i don't have time for this right now so i will say it like this.
never use those arguments and logic again if you want any serious responses or ANY credibility.
I'm a Serb from Bosnia and I probably have the most mysterious genetic make up. I've not yet done the 23andme test but I can describe it for you.
All of my family is light skinned, my dad has blue eyes and light brown hair while my sister and my grandmother have red hair and blue eyes.
My mother is a pure dinarid and as for my self I'm rather short have light brown hair and brown eyes and you can see some red hairs on a sunlight. I have trouble tanning and I'm usually pale drawing towards pink at times.
>many have an unfortunate amount of Turkic mudslime blood though but thats the the majority
not really desu, in areas like Sandžak people converted to Islam because of economic and other reasons.
>During the Ottoman rule, many inhabitants converted to Islam. The conversions were caused by number of factors, mainly economic as Muslims paid lower taxes.[15] The Muslims were also privileged compared to Christians, who were unable to work in the administration or testify in court against Muslims.
the wiki page is worth a read I guess
I've spent semester in the burgerland. We are definitely way whiter than avg "white" US citizen.
Can confirm, conversion doesn't equal changing your genetic make up.
I don't need fucking haplogroup maps. I have my own eyes, I can see the differences in the people.
how? elaborate...
the Ottoman empire really fucked the Balkans up by making people convert to Islam, eh? If these fucks didn't even touch the Balkans thing would've been better there, right?
Daily reminder that Finnish, Baltics & Slavs are Mongolian rape childs, because they have Mongol DNA (Haplogroup N).
>Haplogroup N is found all over the
Far East (China, Korea, Japan & Mongolia)
>Haplogroup N is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly
in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%)
>, and to a lower extent also in
central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%) & Poland (4%).
>from Eupedia:
Daily reminder that Finnish, Baltics & Slavs are Mongolian rape childs, because they have Mongol DNA (Haplogroup N).
>Haplogroup N is found all over the
Far East (China, Korea, Japan & Mongolia)
>Haplogroup N is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly
in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%)
>, and to a lower extent also in
central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%) & Poland (4%).
>from Eupedia:
yes, but not aryan.
Daily reminder that Finnish, Baltics & Slavs are Mongolian rape childs, because they have Mongol DNA (Haplogroup N).
>Haplogroup N is found all over the
Far East (China, Korea, Japan & Mongolia)
>Haplogroup N is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly
in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%)
>, and to a lower extent also in
central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%) & Poland (4%).
>from Eupedia:
Daily reminder that Finnish, Baltics & Slavs are Mongolian rape childs, because they have Mongol DNA (Haplogroup N).
>Haplogroup N is found all over the
Far East (China, Korea, Japan & Mongolia)
>Haplogroup N is found chiefly in north-eastern Europe, particularly
in Finland (61%), Lapland (53%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%) and northern Russia (30%)
>, and to a lower extent also in
central Russia (15%), Belarus (10%), eastern Ukraine (9%), Sweden (7%) & Poland (4%).
>from Eupedia:
Thracians were known for being red haired and pale.
Forget white, are they even fucking human?
Slavs are Indo - Europeans which is just the contemporary and PC term for Aryan.
>baltics and slavs are mongolian rape babies
Your graph has Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia with undetectable levels of east asian admixture, shlomo
Poland saved Europe, daily reminder!
Don't be so naive. First of all "white" is a fairly recent word use to describe/distinguish/label people. I hypothesize that the usage of the word "white" to describe Europeans has its roots in nazi Germany and the colonial period before that. Colonialists deemed themselves white in appearance and rightfully so in comparison with different looking darker skinned natives most of the time. Second the nazis pretty much said the Scandinavians are the most Aryan people and let's assume aryan is synonymous with white. They thought the real Aryans all had blonde hair (idk what percentages of them had it depending on specific location, you can research that yourself) and of course we can all rightfully assume they thought the real deal also looked Germanic which simply is not true.
Today some people thus thereby are fueled by neo nazi mumbo jumbo, pseudo/quasi historical hogwash, etc. Now moving onto the "white" question. As you see from it arose from so yes then, southern europeans aren't judging by their look as northern european as northern europeans are. It's that simple. Slavs for example naturally have a different variety of hair colors. Slavs are Slavs. Slavs if they found themselves amongst darker people would likewise naturally call themselves white because it's true!
Wend (n.) Look up Wend at
member of a Slavic people of eastern Germany, 1610s (implied in Wendish), from German Wende, from Old High German Winida, related to Old English Winedas "Wends," of uncertain origin. Perhaps ultimately from Celtic *vindo- "white," or from PIE *wen-eto- "beloved," from root *wen- (1) "to desire, strive for." Related: Wendish.
Some Belarusians look like that. Dinaric type skull with mustache. A good example of a Slavic phenotype.
no they're asian mongrel mutts
probably, all it did is divide people by religion.
The algorithm this study uses is incorrect. For example, it lumps in Polish with the east slavic languages like Russian and Ukranian, when in reality, it's a west slavic language more closely related to czech and slovak
kill yourself weeb
>westerners judging anyone on "whiteness"
Take a look at your capital cities.
>siberian haplogroup is suddenly central asian
That is the evolution of languages not DNA