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needs more stars
It fucking sucks, but there's nothing better that would actually work (outside of maybe very small, homogeneous countries)
1. That's a poorly drawn picture.
2. Why didn't you start this thread constructively by stating what you think about capitalism? Oh, because you are a moron.
It bad. Incompatible with representative democracy in the long run. Contradictory and probably impractical with anarchy.
Worse than communism, least with the commies the people can see its enforced and know their being fucked.
It's in its final stages. All jobs will be gone in 10 years due to automation. I don't even know what the economy will look like by then. It keeps me up at night.
It's great. It makes everyone richer and freer, it's the only way to distribute resources that works, it rewards success and punishes laziness, etc.
>punishes laziness
Is this why corporate CEOs tend to be fatass sack of shits?
>he unironically thinks CEOs do nothing
There's a reason a good amount of them are on coke. It's a super stressful job and they're held accountable for everything that goes wrong.
The best system that humanity has invented thus far and proven to be the one which provides true prosperity to those whom are willing to work for it. Unfortunately we (the whole world pretty much) strayed from true capitalism a long time ago - instead we have a corrupted crony form of it which is actually much more similar to socialism than capitalism.
Sup Forums is a strasserist board
I'm an idiot, but without capitalism I wouldn't own a nice house two new cars and be able to afford raising a family. It's truly the system that benefits us plebs.
>misconstruing my arguement and implying I'm a filthy communist
CEOs are fatass bastards because they don't do ENOUGH
If you are already making so much money, it seriously that hard to hire a cook to prepare you 4 wholesome meals a day and take an hour to do a workout 4 times a weak?
You cuckservatives are hilarious
>being this triggered
Nice strawman and damage control dude.
>shit I'm about to get BTFO'd I didn't think he was a Nazi shit
Run along with your tail between your legs naive
you linked it to the wrong poster user
It's probably more of a nazi board, strasserists are edgy teens who were commies, but transformed, because Trump became cool suddenly.
I imagine that you go days without leaving your parents house.
You're so intimidating.
actually I came from that side.
Tell me more about your insightful 14 year old mind user
>makes everyone richer and freer
Tell that to the billions that are starving, unemployed, dirt poor, or living in slums.
Summerfags gtfo
Your posts are such shit you aren't even worth shitposting with
>strasserists are edgy teens who were commies, but transformed, because Trump became cool suddenly.
Kekistani detected
Yet here you are shitposting. Get a job you fucking bum.
strasserism is a little too left for me
A Führerprinzip isn't an acceptable exchange for the parties ideology
They'll get richer eventually, it's just scarcity, there isn't any way to make them become richer any faster.
that's ok. it is further left than what the nadap was in the late 30's, early 40's. it's closer to what they were when they started out though.
If you're starving and unemployed in a capitalist society then that's all on you. We have never lived in a time of easier money. Apply yourself.
Does it hurt to know I have a house, savings, wife, kids, and a successfully /comfy/ career?
Meanwhile you haven't even seen your first 3D pussy yet and don't even know what college to apply to
>implying we aren't living in an age with the least starvation of any other time in history
did you think it was better for plebs in the year 1500?
It doesn't hurt because I know it's fiction. 10k is laughable, btw.
NatSoc under Schact was the spot
34-37 were great for Germany
>implying you've ever saved over $500 in your life
ugh that's a really gay post
Yet here you are STILL shit posting. I've struck a nerve. Seriously though, you should apply yourself and take advantage of capitalism. It ain't gonna be here forever!
>held accountable for everything wrong
Oh yeah that's why they get away with polluting Earth to shit, killing or harassing union workers overseas, sending jobs overseas to Pajeet and Raja and leaving native workers unemployed and struggling, lobbying the government to pass laws in their favor, being so reckless they crash the economy only to be bailed out every fucking time while common people are left stranded, and engaging in disinformation campaigns to discredit challenges to their authority and labeling any criticism of capitalism as being literally Stalin.
>not REAL capitalism
We never had 100% free markets, and probably never will.
I can accept that view, early natsoc was pure ideology(sniff), by that time they had saved their economy.
They should've just taken back the land they lost at Versailles and left it at that.
>I hate the system that gave me all of this awesome shit
>if I keep deflecting his statements, he'll let me have the last laugh
Capitalism won't last forever user, this much I can agree with you 卐
So what your saying is that capitalism only really works on paper. kek
>just wait... you'll be rich and free soon
>just wait... you'll be rich and free soon
>just wait... you'll be rich and free soon
>just wait... you'll be rich and free soon
>calling other people gay
>Capitalism won't last forever
How long did fascism last again?
>that broke the backs of my ancestors and trampled on the culture my nations to suck off the circumsized cock of (((our greatest ally)))
There should be a cap on profits and total assets in order to prevent the creation of oligarchs and plutocrats.
>Fascism failed because it lost
12 beautiful incredible heaven-on-earth years user :')
There are far, far too many instances of people screwing over others in capitalist societies for the solution to be "oh it must be their fault" and let things keep going to shit. That sort of atomization is what destroys societies.
I never said that. I'm saying that the current system has its own flaws and could be a lot better.
>pretend to be a nazi
>gloat about wealth to your countrymen
>have wife and kids and still be gay on the internet
>be all around un-folkish
Gas yourself or adopt higher values asap.
kys son
American capitalism is god tier.
>imagine being this assblasted
>but still doesn't have a house or a car or a wife or kids
Assets user
Contrary to popular belief, most people would rather not starve and live on the street.
depreciating, not an asset
lol is there a greater liability
I have a few just not in the conventional sense, they would be a worthy investment if I had a proper family but fuck marriage
the only thing that may count as an asset, I own an apartment in Manhattan though so I'm better off than most housecucks
>implying I'm even American
I would never dare be defined as such cultureless swine
Everyone lives material rich compared to default human life.
However our cultures rot out and in its place only consumerism remains.
And crony capitalism takes over politics.
Best system technology until companies get powerful enough to keep their ancient tech as the mainstream through lobbying government for regulations.
Exactly. What the fuck is an 'American'? I'm only here to enjoy survival of the fittest among the negroes and inbred WASPs
big fan of it.
>depreciating, not an asset
>>not even having the basic necessary investment to be able to acquire more wealth
>lol is there a greater liability
>>falling for the (((MGTOW))) Jew
>I have a few just not in the conventional sense, they would be a worthy investment if I had a proper family but fuck marriage
>>being a literal cuck and raising someone else's children
>the only thing that may count as an asset, I own an apartment in Manhattan though so I'm better off than most housecucks
>>becoming a bigger Jew than the Jews themselves
You will die poor, and lonely, and afraid that one day; dust will return to dust and all your worldly treasures will be ripped from you by the inevitable grip of death
what the fuck do you men by "not having the basic necessary investment"? How is a car a fucking investment? I have a chauffeur.
Top kek keep divorcing hoes and losing 50% each time
I'm having my children raised by cucks like you
You wish you lived in Jew York City, it truly is the capital of the world
>that pic
That's not really how the breakdown of most sales work. I'm all for the dignity of work and all that, but believing that the purchase of an expensive item is a contribution to society is just another example of the Just World Hypothesis.
>the capital of degeneracy and hedonism
Yes user, so jealous
>jewing yourself out of your own money
>never going to have a lasting legacy
>Not even raising your own sons
>living in the capital of unchecked degeneracy and endless hedonism
It's time to stop LARPing user