Has Ben gone too far?
Nope. He's almost approaching perfection.
I don't like how he reduces the opacity of the linework. His inking is GREAT but I don't like how he reduces the opacity of the linework. I understand he does it in an attempt to 'colorize' the outlines by letting the underpainting color come through but the problem is that the underpainting doesnt stretch all the way out to the edges so you wind up with weird grey translucent multicolor lines. This is not a hard fix.
Haha, Ben is the greatest
Based. As. Fuck.
>yfw when you honestly cant tell anymore
I had to go to the website to make sure
There has never been a more perfect thing than this.
I want to open my wallet and just dump it all over this wonderful man-god.
Ben doesn't even fear to speak out against roasties
since when is she a jew?
I hope Ben will forgive me for making this one edit. Just this once.
Ben is truly /ourguy/
o shit when did he embrace the 'zyklon' ben persona people made for him ?. i thought he was all butthurt about it but apparently he stopped worrying and learnt to love the gas.
can anyone provide me with a rudimentary gestalt
on him in the recent years?
Ben has swallowed the red pill so hard he sees the Jew in non-Jews.
>posting zyklon ben edits
has he really been redpilled on the female nature after all that divorce fiasco?
Isn't that what you just did?
we have a woman to thank for redpilling zyklon ben ?
>as he posts an edit
what could he have meant
We turned Ben Garrison into a living meme.
I find it endearing as far as the choice to do so goes
reminds me of the time when markers coloring was all the rage, back in 2009-2012, before watercolors and digital flats took over hard. The fact that ink isn't pitch black is also pretty nice, so it doesn't weight too much on the picture as a whole
I wish I still had time to sit down with my watercolors
Stop posting the edits.
Please respect the authors work.
That's the meme you dip.
I like colorized lines too, I just think the method he uses is sloppy. All he'd have to do is make the flats stretch out to the edges.
>hur dur Ben "Walking Auchwitz" Garrison is a libertarian cartoonist
Stop with the character assassination Schlomo
0/10 edit kys
Tell me again how you feel about the opacity of the linework.
Picky as fuck. He probably rushed it out.
Pretty shitty. She's not even Jewish, so the guy's a fucking dolt.
Me too man. It's weird that he became /ourguy/ unironically.
for redpilling the the bodybuilder NOT ben.
Fucking newfag a JEW was editing these to discredit an increasingly popular libertarian cartoonist and you retards ate it up.
Remember how it was only 3 years ago that Ben HATED Sup Forums.
All it took was a common hero and a common enemy and now Ben is more popular and respected than he's ever been, and Sup Forums doesn't even have to edit his comics anymore.
Who is someone you think sucks or hate, or is against us that you think Sup Forums could convert or set on the right path.
Be realistic though.
Ben was just a libertarian who couldn't take a joke. So he wasn't a difficult convert.
Who could, should or would you like to convert?
you're the newfag, he had one cartoon appear on zerohedge in 2009 and otherwise was completely unknown, the jew edits were organic trolling but the fact that some idiot on forchon claimed to have done the edits while providing no proof proves how gullible retards like you are. ben discredited himself by being a butthurt pseudolibertarian who literally allied with the ADL to try and get the troll edits to stop.
it took more than 5 years for ben to stop being an insufferable faggot
Tim from Tim and Eric. actually nevermind his career is almost over and his comedy is dead.
what is the biggest youtuber?
>kathy griffin
Jesus Ben, we all know who it is. You don't have to label every single thing.
And actually that is quite possible.
He's already halfway there.
He doesn't trust the media anymore, he makes nazi jokes, he's starting to not like his home of sweden, he's aryan, and he's pretty much part of the Filthy Frank gang (Idubbbz, MaxMoeFoe, H3H3, HowToBasic, Anything4views, JonTron).
I don't think he'll ever confess or go overboard about the jews, but I think it is possible to make him speak out against the liberals, refugees, and EU.
Will anyone know 30 years from now? 5 years from now? Ben knows what he's doing.
Whoever is doing these shops has skills... unless it's Ben himself posting the, ahem, ORIGINAL draft...
tim heidecker is a huge unfunny faggot who got alt-right hero sam hyde blacklisted from the industry
fuck him
This story won't be relevant 30 days from now. It's a blip. It's a nonevent blown up by Sup Forums and other mainstream conservatives just to get someone fired.
JIDF Detected
The Star of David made it too obvious, but the font used was perfect, the coins and nose are also great.
God damn.. Mosley was perfect.
you're an idiot. the antisemetic edits were started by this man to discredit ben.
Check his AMA on reddit T_D, also his most recent appearance on InfoWars, he answers that there. Basically it still causes his problems from time to time when normies think he's literally a nazi propagandist, but he now appreciates that there's no malice involved and that it's made him more famous / successful. Also it's made him stop self-censoring, e.g. his Soros caricatures are basically merchant.png now.
Why are you posting this shopped version?
The original is better user
You went too far! I saw the original, no SoD.
She's Irish Catholic, dumbass.
wasn't it a bunch of you lads doing all the jew memes?
who got the screen grab of the jewish fella proving he did a bunch that was hilarious
these guys and youtubers like them will be targets by the establishment to buy out and push narratives we have to be vigilant against whos a shill and protect those attacked
it'll be tricky with all the sperging, point is if you want to win the culture war you have to engage in it that means threads discussing their topics counter shilling and just out right attack and fucking with the opposition with an offensive defense
but the future media are youtubers so if your a talented cunt and articulate now is the time to start making videos about topics that will be anti globalist take advice from styx aswell if doing commentary if you turn into some kind of stereotype and rant about muh joos you can be dismissed by the establishment and they wont have to shill against you because you will have relegated yourself to a small corner of the internet
you can easily address topics of any subject matter as styx and moly have without sounding like a Hollywood stereotype
>Has Ben gone too far?
An actual Jew made the edits. Now leftists do it to give him a bad name.
so that's a thing i see recurring here it seems to be a mix of national socialists and commies posing as 1488 hardcore larpers ?
because alot of the "jew stuff" doesn't *fit* it is just too over the top