Übermensch tier:

>Übermensch tier:
>Top tier
>Mixed Race Tier:
Italians/Greek(Formerly white Muslim rape babies)
Slavs (Formerly white Mongolian rape babies)
>Nigger Tier
>Kike/Cryptokike Tier:

Other urls found in this thread:



So cucks are the top tier?

Nice m8, very nice.

>Prove me wrong.


Your Übermensch contains 2 groups greatly cucked by EU/globalism/Arabs and a welfare group that willingly voted against their own independence.

Just a heads up.

>So cucks are the top tier?

You just don't understand the big plan. You don't get the 69653573D chess.


Something you wanna tell the class, Haggis McFaggis?

>and a welfare group that willingly voted against their own independence
But they voted for the EU during Brexit. They understand God's great plan.

Italians have the highest IQs in Western Europe

Anglo reporting.

OP mad.

>Übermensch tier:


Ass the Bible says all nations will assemble for the apocalypse. America is held hostage by Satanists who worship a giant owl, they call Europeans cucks because they obey God's orders.

lmao look at all the asian countries above the highest western european IQ country

god europeans are pathetic

just admit it faggots the asians are taking over sooner or later. I mean the fucking owner of this website is a jap

BTW you're living in a country named after an Italian.

welsh forever forgotten tier?

So many butt hurt Anglo cryptokikes.
The anglo-Scottish relationship has always been a jew-gentile relationship. The Anglo is a filthy backstabber who takes credit for Scottish technology and advancements. Also all great early Americans came from Scottish heritage. The only way the anglos were able to build muh empire was by being shady ruthless backstabbers

t. chaim

This is a d&c shill thread.


Am I 1/3 fucked?


chinks belong here

>Italians have the highest IQs in Western Europe
It's because they send their Africans to UK, France, Germany.
Trump is Scottish-German and has the highest IQ.

East Asians also have the lowest levels of testosterone among the races so it evens out. Whites will remain dominant.

Ayyyyy I just got this painting for my haus.

Mexican are absolute shit dumb ass

>not Übermensch
nice try achmed

Pic related is an honorary anglo and defender of the faith.

Dark brown hair, blue eyes (or green in my case), pale white skin that goes golden brown in the sun.


Read this imbred (((anglos)))



Master Race Tier
Whites (including Slavs)

Okay but stay in your country Tier
East Asians

Subhuman Tier
South-East Asians

Poo Tier

>You know I'm proud to have that German blood, there's no question about it. Great stuff.

You might be onto something but I think that Italians are way underestimated all because of a small amount of Moorish ancestry.

>Mixed Race tier

if you've ever spent any reasonable amount of time around spics you'd know they belong in nigger tier

Atleast Irish are good fighter and athletes desu

Scots and Irish are the same race.

I live in Southern California... I know spics are as dumb as niggers but technically they are mixed race

Can I get the original of this pic if not OP is a fag

Nice try.


This page is literally twice the size. We are at least twice as innovative as the scots.


How do you put scots in ubermensch tier and then put irish in nigger tier? Theyre identical ethnically and ireland has more cultural world wide acheivements than scotland.

Archived it so they don't profit:
--> archive.is/d3m3Q

Calling Nords ubermensch is laughable.

We are all socially retarded depressed suicidal cucks.
Our men are alcoholic 'introvert' beta faggots who vote for leftist parties.
Our women cheat more than the women of any other nations and have more one night stands and divorces.


Its true, theyre all Anglo.

soo why are the beta easily influenced cucks at the top?

That's were your wrong kiddo.
Irish have r-selected traits
Scottish have k-selected traits

>just admit it faggots the asians are taking over sooner or later. I mean the fucking owner of this website is a jap
South Korea is the first country that is officially going to die out, as per UN predictions.
it's because East Asians have a worse hive mind than Germanic peoples and value status above everything else, they also have no Christian culture. They think they made it in life when they work all day long and die, look at the suicide rate in Japan.

Theres a daily mail article that says scotlands iq is like 8 points lower than england. They just get grouped in with the UK. Every high iq scot is living abroad in either america or new zealand. Same goes for Ireland cause 95% of their population live in the US, Stroya, England and Canada.

I just bought a copy and am in the process of getting it framed.

"Nine to Go" by Mort Kunstler


Theyre ethnically irish/ scottish celtic.

>That list includes scotts or anyone who was educated in England
No shit it's twice as long dumbass

Your people just suffer from over-civilization and a greater exposure to jew propaganda. Nordics have been domesticated to a degree that is downright unnatural and need to rediscover some of their old savagery and carve the blood eagle into some fucking jews.

You might want to kill yourself before Ireland goes full ethnostate

Not they aren't they are ethnically Brythonic and have their own culture language and traditions.

No you fucking ginger manlet, the entire colonizers of America and every british colony were scotch-irish. Just face it sheepfucker, youre just a loyalist potato nigger.

Welsh belong to the same l21 indo iberian group as ireland. The only difference is that it was am ice age and there was an icebridge to england and ireland.

this is fucking retarded
Ubermensch Tier
Top Tier
Latin Americans
Nigger tier
Kike Tier

repost because fuck
>Ubermensch Tier
>Top Tier
Latin Americans
>Nigger tier
>Kike Tier

Everybody of the Isles is more or less identical.

For real, even the muslims in my country are more culturally sane than the native Danes and that's saying something.

Well if you are using haplogroups then why are you differentiating between Scots and Irish or Anglos and Nords?

>ugly smoking woman
This picture is shit.

I hope that's bait


English, Italian, French are top tier

Scandinavians second

Slavs third

Germans are subhuman, fourth

People who tan aren't white

Why not just say something like;

>Übermensch tier:
Slav Tier
>Literally every other haplogroup.

Where would redskins place on here? I'm part feathernigger

Where are albanians on the lsit

Bad goy!

My advice is to take up physical training, raise your level of testosterone and confidence and encourage all your friends to do the same. At the very least if you get bothered by the sandniggers you can hit them so hard they'll wish they never left their godawful desert.

Aboriginal tier.

Why the mick hate

Yea, but every European is a mongrel of all the tribes. The Celtics were the first to the Iron age, and quickly conquered the less intelligent nords, which is why the "white" haplogroup is r1b.

Sure thing Mr most likely to die from cholesterol overdose

I'm Scottish-Anglo-German, what am I?

Cause even though Irish are "saxon", they dont have as many cultural achievements as england, probably because of their geographic misfortune.

>smegma tier


What ?

/bant/ nothing of value here

Im only messing, albanians are pretty based. I have nothing against them.

More like cuck tier

fuck you for placing Italians on the same tier as spics and muslims. Italians are with French.

It was Italians who painted the Sistine chapel. Italians who built Florence. On and on. Western Civ would be nothing without Italians.

>top tier

Niggah I'm french. These retards are the most subverted degenerates you'll find on the face of the Earth. These people have and will openly accept death rather than be racist. They'll see their own children killed by muslims long before even condemning such murders.

They are sub-human. And from what I've heard, Swedes and Germans behave the same way, which puts them in the same boat.

The only ethnicity of whites that deserve any kind of honor are the slavs for not buying into this Soros-bullshit.

Saxons are the native britons. Anglos were the germanic conquerors. People live Henry Cavill or John Oliver look very similar to other celtic saxons like Colin Farrel, because they are both the native inhabitants of Britain with dark hair.

>tfw kryptokike


Too bad we are civilized and cut out dicks, you Europeans are smegma machines

You've got mail niggah. Read that shit.


Yeah that's why their women are flocking to shitskins and why their countries are disappearing before our very eyes, right? Germanics are a soft, cuck race and deserve all the shit headed their way.

>implying Germans aren't mixed with Ashkenazim from infiltration

Into the oven, Hans.

>mixed race
>le mongolian meme
Pick one

It is true though that an Anglo today is worth 50 EU Germans

>nords are based when they push hard for immigration
>slavs are not when they push against immigration
>turks are ok

oy vey!


Youre barely even Italian anymore. Youre more turk arab than greece, and every person from italy looks like a greasy manlet shit eyed/ skinned spic.

All slavs and balts have around a quarter or more mongolian rape blood. Look at melania trumps asian eyes.

Japan in or above Uber tier please.

We've been running our empire nearly perfectly for about 2600 years now.



Daily remember that the Haplogroup N in Finland, Baltic & North Russia are Mongolian rape childs.


This is how I know you're a subversive Jew

>Angloes steal credit for discoveries
>All scotland ever contributed to the world was a ballsack-aerating kilt, the bagpipe and a small bit of oil.

If you niggers weren't part of the UK we would have freed you harder than we freed Iraq.

Honestly fuck scots. Theyre just low tier irish: their people are ugly, they eat sheep balls, their flag is gay, and theyre loyalist doormats for their british conquerors as well as the EU