>...and fails to thank those who helped her.
>The president of the most powerful country in the world punitively shittalks people on twitter.
How did we end up in this timeline, what was the fucking turning point. It's amazing.
Let it go dolan
Its surreal. The most powerful man in the world is spending his spare time telling people they smell. What did we do to deserve Trump?
We had a nigger as President.
Our nigga is back
retarded americans
can't trust the corrupt news agencies? use your own soap box.
It was her turn dammit.
>muh 3 million illegal votes
I want to believe.
It's only just begun... :D
top fucking kek
Dog bless the shitposter in chief
If only she could go 5 minutes without a coughing fit and 20 minutes without collapsing.
Why doesn't he send a special prosecutor after her?
It's real nigga
Those were her scoopz grorshhhhhh!!!!!
allo my name es fefe
and she won the popular vote. So if she is everything you are saying, then Trump is even worse.
Umm, she won, sugar plum.
4D chess that's why. He's baiting that tired old murderous hag into running in 2020
drumpf btfo
at this point we hope for a civil war in which only right wingers come out alive and rebuild the west
then he uses the evidence he has against her when it's 1v1 again and wins by default
He's the only thing standing between you and a short helicopter ride. Be grateful his wrath is limited to twitter for now.
Even I could win the popular vote if I had someone bussing voters around for me.
Take California EC and raw votes away from all candidates, Trump wins both EC and popular
Trump must have blocked a lot of the verified faggots. A lot less of them now.
man hits woman
losers can't win, scabbytits
We still have a nigger as President.
I saw the latest Hillary speech.
I fucking lost it when she said "the russians" weaponized the internet against her. Fuck her. I helped doing that, spending hours sphewing memes on twitter.
I hate her guts. She is spreading disinformation on purpose.
Why the fuck is she not in jail?
My man. My inspiration.
When Kek was rediscoverd. Because Trump's a timetraveller
lol 1000 facebook commentors
trying so hard to make it believable
yes, but this one is rich so he cool in Hulk Hogan's eyes
>He still calls her crooked hillary months after they burried the hatchet.
>What did we do to deserve Trump?
we let Sup Forums exist
Been a while since he called her Crooked Hillary. Indictment when?
I can understand bragging about the election in January, but it's May now. What is he trying to prove?
>still calls her "crooked" Hillary Clinton
>STILL not gonna prosecute her
he is relentlessly savage
y is trump president do?
Uh oh, Dems are starting to wake up to reality.
In the future, please remember to archive.
--> archive.is
This is the promise of America. We have the ability to elect ANYBODY.
2016 was one of the few times in history that we elected someone who truly represents us.
>election opponent discusses the election
>trump rebuts
He gets elected: "meh, i know we said 'lock her up' and all... but she's a withered old hag. fuck her, who gives a fuck anymore she's history"
Like fuckin herpes, she doesnt go away. Comes back every time you forget to burn like crotch rot. Perhaps it's time to rethink the "she's a good person" line he spewed out. Lock her ass up.
Jeff Sessions is kind of worthless as AG.
>tfw you drop a penny in a CNN studio
>What is he trying to prove?
that he's the worst president of all time
There'd be nothing to BTFO if she wasn't on an excuse tour across America.
As tiring as President Donnie's bantz can get sometimes, what most Americans want more than anything in the world is for Hillary and Obama to GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK.
But they won't, hence the presidential shitposting.
This is counter-semitic
And I'm black.
I don't get it... are you trying to say you are president?
She can't run in 2020 from a jail cell
I swear this is how Trump distracts the retards from preventing him from getting shit done
She goes on TV.
He describes the interview perfectly.
He gets shit for pointing out what everyone should be saying.
That's your fuckin timeline, douchebag.
Prove it
it seems even when she wins, she's still a loser, sweetie sugar snatch
>months after they burried the hatchet.
Do you actually think this? Have you not seen what she's been up to lately?
Feeling proud to be of Norwegian heritage right now. You guys have been pretty based over the last few years. (fuck Sweden)
He's gonna lock her up.
>Why the fuck is she not in jail?
Trump and Sessions are still clearing the FBI and the Justice Department of DNC loyalists. It's coming.
Yeah it's the Nelson Muntz Timeline. It's pretty good.
So much this!
I don't know if you've noticed but it's literally been what the news and democrats talk about EVERY DAY.
She's still attacking him! What the fuck, cuck?
He's just reminding those supporters who are disappointed (rightly) about Syria, Trumpcare, etc. that he is still in fact not Hillary Clinton.
Yeah but don't continue that recount or they'll find all of Hillary's voter fraud.
>burried the hatchet
lol in wat worl
what was sweetiecums reply to this?
we don't deserve this man
he's too good for us
>calls her crooked
>refuses to put her in jail
Trump should put a sock in it until he's actually going to done something.
sick logic XD XD XD lel Lel rekt dumpfypoos shit on lel XD XD
they've been trying to overturn the election since like... 6 hours after he won it lol
the fight only just began after he won
The President does not put people in jail. He left it to the FBI, they let her off for it. Too Big to Jail.
Luckily, unlike us, Americans have something called freedom of speech. So he can say whatever he likes (regardless of your feelings), and it's great.
Look nigger, it was the Democrats back in the day that "oppressed you". Go be a nigger somewhere else.
until the new director steps in, who will it really be?
Is trump trying to attack Hillary to deflect from constant scandal, or does he think she'll run again?
came late, read thread , you already learnt them
I'm glad you enjoyed my covmeme
Joe Lieberman, a Jewish democrat.
Is Hillary bashing all he has now?
>Americans have something called freedom of speech
unless you're a journalist in front of a GOP politician that doesn't like your coverage of him
Fuck off leaf. You should be more worried about your faggot leader. Neck yourself, snow nigger.
The weak should fear the strong
Obama would have gotten reelected if there were no term limits, Clinton was just an absolutely horrible candidate.
I've read recently that national security was cited as the reason for not releasing the Bill Clinton / Loretta lynch tarmac audio - could it be that the Clintons have some item of major importance to national security that they're holding the country hostage? Like maybe Bill hid a few nukes out there just waiting to be used?
fuck off nerd, we're here because of retarded hicks that's it.